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Whats you definition of class?

Holden McGroin

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Traditional working class has been heavily diluted over the last couple of generations.


A lot of us who's parents or grandparents were proper blue-collar working class and did real graft, have nice clean jobs in air-conditioned offices. A lot of us are doing better / earning more than our folks were at our age or have been to uni whereas our elders might not have had such opportunity. We have come from working class backgrounds but are living more middle class lives.


The other end of the spectrum is families that were traditional working class, but have thought fuck it, why work?, and are now on their third generation of dole wallers, institutionalised in living off benefits and petty crime: Underclass.

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Upper class is establishment shirley? Old money, petty aristocracy, wealth from the land, inheritance, perhaps titled.


I'd say middle class was the most varied corpus out of all of the three.


Both my grandads were miners and worked down a mine so I've no doubt my roots are working class, but I couldnt honestly go around using the word 'corpus' and call myself working class, so I spose I'm middle class. I reckon jobwise I couldn't sensibly claim to be anything else either even though I can't fucking stand the profession or anyone in it.


I console myself in the fact I'm not as middle class as Gemmill, Meenzer or the Fish though.


This thread is starting to feel like that John Cleese/Two Ronnies skit on The Frost Report btw.

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
Upper class is establishment shirley? Old money, petty aristocracy, wealth from the land, inheritance, perhaps titled.


I'd say middle class was the most varied corpus out of all of the three.


Both my grandads were miners and worked down a mine so I've no doubt my roots are working class, but I couldnt honestly go around using the word 'corpus' and call myself working class, so I spose I'm middle class. I reckon jobwise I couldn't sensibly claim to be anything else either even though I can't fucking stand the profession or anyone in it.


I console myself in the fact I'm not as middle class as Gemmill, Meenzer or the Fish though.


This thread is starting to feel like that John Cleese/Two Ronnies skit on The Frost Report btw.

You're more than likely being sarcy, but NEVER took those two as middle class. The Fish is from near Blyth ffs. It's like being middle class from Gorton.

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Upper class is establishment shirley? Old money, petty aristocracy, wealth from the land, inheritance, perhaps titled.


I'd say middle class was the most varied corpus out of all of the three.


Both my grandads were miners and worked down a mine so I've no doubt my roots are working class, but I couldnt honestly go around using the word 'corpus' and call myself working class, so I spose I'm middle class. I reckon jobwise I couldn't sensibly claim to be anything else either even though I can't fucking stand the profession or anyone in it.


I console myself in the fact I'm not as middle class as Gemmill, Meenzer or the Fish though.


This thread is starting to feel like that John Cleese/Two Ronnies skit on The Frost Report btw.

You're more than likely being sarcy, but NEVER took those two as middle class. The Fish is from near Blyth ffs. It's like being middle class from Gorton.


Gemmill grew up in the Far East and had a nanny ffs.


I'd class Fish as standard middle class but aggressively aspirational.


Meenzer couldn't be working class because he likes cock.

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Upper class is establishment shirley? Old money, petty aristocracy, wealth from the land, inheritance, perhaps titled.


I'd say middle class was the most varied corpus out of all of the three.


Both my grandads were miners and worked down a mine so I've no doubt my roots are working class, but I couldnt honestly go around using the word 'corpus' and call myself working class, so I spose I'm middle class. I reckon jobwise I couldn't sensibly claim to be anything else either even though I can't fucking stand the profession or anyone in it.


I console myself in the fact I'm not as middle class as Gemmill, Meenzer or the Fish though.


This thread is starting to feel like that John Cleese/Two Ronnies skit on The Frost Report btw.

You're more than likely being sarcy, but NEVER took those two as middle class. The Fish is from near Blyth ffs. It's like being middle class from Gorton.


Gemmill grew up in the Far East and had a nanny ffs.


I'd class Fish as standard middle class but aggressively aspirational.


Meenzer couldn't be working class because he likes cock.


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Working class, studied at the University of life and have grafted for everything I've got, never been a snide at work, have always had a decent atitude at work and just get on with it and its paid off as I've a canny enough, (money wise) job. Wife had to pack in work through health issues and am feeling the pinch and they'll be no holiday this year which is fucking me off no end and has sent the missus into a state of depression!!

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im actually middle class. i have a blackberry.

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:


Dont you 'WORK' (bit of a hint there) in Maccy D's?


aye but i have thousands of pounds worth of material possessions at my disposal. including my blackberry.

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
Upper class is establishment shirley? Old money, petty aristocracy, wealth from the land, inheritance, perhaps titled.


I'd say middle class was the most varied corpus out of all of the three.


Both my grandads were miners and worked down a mine so I've no doubt my roots are working class, but I couldnt honestly go around using the word 'corpus' and call myself working class, so I spose I'm middle class. I reckon jobwise I couldn't sensibly claim to be anything else either even though I can't fucking stand the profession or anyone in it.


I console myself in the fact I'm not as middle class as Gemmill, Meenzer or the Fish though.


This thread is starting to feel like that John Cleese/Two Ronnies skit on The Frost Report btw.

You're more than likely being sarcy, but NEVER took those two as middle class. The Fish is from near Blyth ffs. It's like being middle class from Gorton.


Gemmill grew up in the Far East and had a nanny ffs.


I'd class Fish as standard middle class but aggressively aspirational.

Meenzer couldn't be working class because he likes cock.

I used to think all bufties as Begbie calls them, were middle class till I saw Pete Burns on Big Brother.


HMHM "never been a snide at work" unlike 50% of people. I can look myself in the mirror and say I've never rimmed one gaffa ever.

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Upper class is establishment shirley? Old money, petty aristocracy, wealth from the land, inheritance, perhaps titled.


I'd say middle class was the most varied corpus out of all of the three.


Both my grandads were miners and worked down a mine so I've no doubt my roots are working class, but I couldnt honestly go around using the word 'corpus' and call myself working class, so I spose I'm middle class. I reckon jobwise I couldn't sensibly claim to be anything else either even though I can't fucking stand the profession or anyone in it.


I console myself in the fact I'm not as middle class as Gemmill, Meenzer or the Fish though.


This thread is starting to feel like that John Cleese/Two Ronnies skit on The Frost Report btw.

yep, that would be the key for me.


I don't know if you can really compare the increased standard of living of previous generations, people who will never work a day in their lives live better than my grandparents did back then. There's a school pic of my granddad somewhere and most of them don't even have any shoes on ffs

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Basically class doesn't define a person as much as it used to.


I can tell by posting styles class on here.



Stevie - working class as is LM


Renton and Gemma - Middle class.


Kitman is tricky cause moving to Nz has middle class written over it although I had him down as working class.

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Manc-Mag - Upper

Gemmil - Middle

Alex - Lower


Me- not even in the points system


Just noticed your edit. I wouldnt worry about the points system, I'd worry more about how you pick teeth up with eight broken fingers.

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Class is pretty much an irrelevent term nowadays, its more accurate to describe most people earning say 25k+ as middle income if you ask me. I'm in that bracket as are most of the people I know but they are all mostly from very ordinary backgrounds. Like my mate who let slip in our very low-rent local Labour Club whilst sat playing 3 card brag and drinking Carlsberg that him and his missus had joined a fuckin wine club, the poncey fuckin twat :icon_lol:


Is he a doctor, lawyer or accountant?....no, he installs stair lifts for a living. But his wifes sister married a very middle class bloke who along with his posho mates all went to public school and in one case enjoys and actually fuckin plays hockey rather than football and who asked when we were watching a game on tv once how long a football game lasts for :icon_lol:

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Class is pretty much an irrelevent term nowadays, its more accurate to describe most people earning say 25k+ as middle income if you ask me.


Only 10% earn 45k plus. Not saying you're wrong in broad terms but a shit load of people would fall into your bracket and those with kids etc I'd say weren't exactly well off.


I mentioned budgeting in the VAT thread and not really having to budget to a great degree isn't a bad definition of being middle class based on income imo.

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Upper class is establishment shirley? Old money, petty aristocracy, wealth from the land, inheritance, perhaps titled.


I'd say middle class was the most varied corpus out of all of the three.


Both my grandads were miners and worked down a mine so I've no doubt my roots are working class, but I couldnt honestly go around using the word 'corpus' and call myself working class, so I spose I'm middle class. I reckon jobwise I couldn't sensibly claim to be anything else either even though I can't fucking stand the profession or anyone in it.


I console myself in the fact I'm not as middle class as Gemmill, Meenzer or the Fish though.


This thread is starting to feel like that John Cleese/Two Ronnies skit on The Frost Report btw.

You're more than likely being sarcy, but NEVER took those two as middle class. The Fish is from near Blyth ffs. It's like being middle class from Gorton.


Gemmill grew up in the Far East and had a nanny ffs.


I'd class Fish as standard middle class but aggressively aspirational.

Meenzer couldn't be working class because he likes cock.

I used to think all bufties as Begbie calls them, were middle class till I saw Pete Burns on Big Brother.


HMHM "never been a snide at work" unlike 50% of people. I can look myself in the mirror and say I've never rimmed one gaffa ever.

I'm a kind of Leading hand on my shift. Basically I sort the job out, tell the lads what we're doing, what I want them to do and have to deal with the dayshift lunatics sometimes referred to as 'staff' or 'managers' and also outside contractors. There's five shifts, and three of us are fine, but one is an old man who hates everyone and slags everyone off, the other is a lad who would sell his granny, his soul and still ask if it was enough, to get on. He cries to the Head of production, writes e-mails and is nice as ninepence on a handover then puts every tiny thing he can in a handover book to justify why he had a shit shift. We could all do the same, it would be very easy if we were all snides, but we're not. I really don't know how the cunt can look at himself in the mirror, it's truly pathetic and these types are the fucking bane of a working life. Who wants to be looked on as a snide? I just don't get that mentality and never will, needless to say the lad is universally loathed even by the lads he works with on shift.

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