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New Year


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He died didn't he?

Unless he's about 90-100 I'd guess so.

Yeah he did. Used to sit in front of me in the East stand corner right on the end seat next to the stairs. Disappeared early 00's. The amount of Bovril he'd gan through was ridiculous, all of which was donated by generous fellow Geordies wandering up to their seats. He'll be sat next to Sir Bobby chewing the fat.

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I love NY day and night at my local so I always save myself for that. Far, far better than NYE night. about nine years since I was last out on NYE, the days of walking around Walker and Walkergate with a carry oot and going to parties are long, long gone! :icon_lol:



I remember one year we were in between hooses in West Denton of aal places and we were outside what was Presto's as the bell turned to 12, fuck knows how we planned that. No one knew the words to Auld Lang Syne, so we ended up singing Howay the lads Howay, for 2 minutes pissed in the freezing cold.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

Der der der,

Dah dah dah dah.....

Ha'way the lads, Ha'way the lads

Ha-ha'way the lads, Ha'way!!


(And before you all start, I couldn't give a fuck if the Mackems put 'haway' and we've got 'howay' in the tunnel, I once had a hat with 'ha'way' on it from the club shop wich used to be a portacabin when the Milburn stand was the West stand so I'm taking historical precedence here, and be honest, do you say 'ha' as in happy or 'ho' as in Merry Christmas, HO-HO-HO?)




What shop? The proper shop the supporters club shop opposite The Travellers Rest, I had a scarf that said HOWay The Lads, and if you think about it, you say the How in Howay, like you'd say say "how's that like?" The way mackems say it is more like "heyway", just ring CT up he'll show ye.

about 1989, I'm sure it was still there when the Milburn was built, it used to sell tickets and doubled up as Magpie travel with fat Stan with the beard the main 'steward' on the bus, (auld Stevie used to go in them days do a song and come round with his cap for some spending money and to try and bum some tabs off people). Anyway, we tend to pronounce it (phonetically) 'HA-where the lads' where the mackems who try to be Geordies phonetically say HA-wey the lads. I seriously don't know anyone who says, (in real life), HO as in hoe.

I remember it well, used to be opposite the back of the Milburn just next to the top gate. It was basically about 2 portakabins together.

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I love NY day and night at my local so I always save myself for that. Far, far better than NYE night. about nine years since I was last out on NYE, the days of walking around Walker and Walkergate with a carry oot and going to parties are long, long gone! :icon_lol:



I remember one year we were in between hooses in West Denton of aal places and we were outside what was Presto's as the bell turned to 12, fuck knows how we planned that. No one knew the words to Auld Lang Syne, so we ended up singing Howay the lads Howay, for 2 minutes pissed in the freezing cold.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

Der der der,

Dah dah dah dah.....

Ha'way the lads, Ha'way the lads

Ha-ha'way the lads, Ha'way!!


(And before you all start, I couldn't give a fuck if the Mackems put 'haway' and we've got 'howay' in the tunnel, I once had a hat with 'ha'way' on it from the club shop wich used to be a portacabin when the Milburn stand was the West stand so I'm taking historical precedence here, and be honest, do you say 'ha' as in happy or 'ho' as in Merry Christmas, HO-HO-HO?)




What shop? The proper shop the supporters club shop opposite The Travellers Rest, I had a scarf that said HOWay The Lads, and if you think about it, you say the How in Howay, like you'd say say "how's that like?" The way mackems say it is more like "heyway", just ring CT up he'll show ye.

about 1989, I'm sure it was still there when the Milburn was built, it used to sell tickets and doubled up as Magpie travel with fat Stan with the beard the main 'steward' on the bus, (auld Stevie used to go in them days do a song and come round with his cap for some spending money and to try and bum some tabs off people). Anyway, we tend to pronounce it (phonetically) 'HA-where the lads' where the mackems who try to be Geordies phonetically say HA-wey the lads. I seriously don't know anyone who says, (in real life), HO as in hoe.

I remember it well, used to be opposite the back of the Milburn just next to the top gate. It was basically about 2 portakabins together.

Thats the one!

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
Owld Stevie used to go to aways with Armstrong Galley, the pick was at Bainbridges Dock. He used to turn up with nowt and everyone used to give him sandwiches, drink, yee name it for nowt. Hopefully I can be the new owld Stevie in 40 years when am strugglin on me bit pension.


Yeah he's living the dream, no doubt.



He's deed man.

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I think Tecato was probably thinking you were referencing your father rather than a relatively famous Newcastle fan.


There was a class photo of him, I'm guessing it was 93/94 and there's this young lad next to him covered in acne wearing a NUFC jacked and Stevie just looks so pissed off :icon_lol:

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What's Tree Travel HMHM, I'm not as old as you old cunts ye naa. 1992 I was only 14.

Tree Travel was Armstrong Galley's unofficial nickname! :icon_lol:


I had to sign up with them, got me supporters book with the rules and regs, (they were very proud of having no troublemakers on their buses, from season to season they would have 'proof' that nobody got nicked from their buses). You had to book up at their shop in the Haymarket, near the 'Farmers', there was usually old dears selling stuff in there, and Freddie Fletcher sharp got them shut when he got his feet under the table. I used to go in there quite often when I was in toon as a kid but only went to the one game with them, the Everton 4-0, Tony Cottee game. I took my cousin with me, (he was an Irish Liverpool fan who was visiting us with his Mam, my Auntie), and he couldn't believe our support that day, about 7,000 absolutely crammed on the terrace with others in the seats above, plus there was some right pissed cunts acting themselves on our way to Goodison when we got off the bus, a Morris Minor got overturned as well as hot dog van and wor young'un was openmouthed and the noise we made was unreal at the match itself, I thought he'd be converted to a Newcastle fan but as gobsmacked as he was by our support, trophies meant more to him. His loss.

Edited by Howmanheyman
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Owld Stevie used to go to aways with Armstrong Galley, the pick was at Bainbridges Dock. He used to turn up with nowt and everyone used to give him sandwiches, drink, yee name it for nowt. Hopefully I can be the new owld Stevie in 40 years when am strugglin on me bit pension.


Yeah he was living the dream, no doubt.



He's deed man.


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Workin' ya bunch of lazy dogs. Well, graft really. Someone has to keep the wheels of commerce turning, you bunch of workshy bastads. What is it, eh? Take games to work day? Dress down Friday ?? Eh? Eh? Blowin' your party tooter things where the inflated ribbon comes oot with a fluffy bit on the end, to show your fellow colleagues how 'party party' you are? You make me sick! No wonder the country is in such a fuckin' mess. Get out! Get out, the lot of yas and take a good hard look in the mirror. You should be ashamed. I fear for this great land of ours, I really do. No, I don't want your apologies. And I especially don't want your thanks for keeping the world moving. Ach, away with you all. Be gone. Yes, and a happy new year to you aswell Mrs Smithwick. Okay, just one more blow...seeing as it's New Year's eve.

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Going to a fancy dress house party, before starting a 13hour shift at 7am tomorrow.


I know I'm a boring bastard but I'd much prefer to just go to his house party dressed in my own clothes. Fancy dress stopped being fun about 6 years ago for me

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Going to a fancy dress house party, before starting a 13hour shift at 7am tomorrow.


I know I'm a boring bastard but I'd much prefer to just go to his house party dressed in my own clothes. Fancy dress stopped being fun about 6 years ago for me


I hate fancy dress :icon_lol:

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Just checked into the park lane hotel for the night then dinner at tamarind later. Just me and the mrs. She's pregnant and off the booze so having a chilled pampering night just the two of us


Strange hotel that. When I stopped there everyone was dressed in black. It was a tad surreal. Had a trendy nigh club underneath where Ridley Scott and a few celebs were celebrating something?


The breakfast was crap so maybe an early morning trip to McDonalds might be a good idea. :icon_lol:


it was a last minute mystery hotel, not first choice but close to everything. It's a nightmare getting south on nye cos they shut all the bridges. We can see the fireworks from our room though which is nice as the mrs is too big to

be tackling the crowds

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No chance of a baby sitter, so once kids are in bed, a meal, wine, etc.


No fancy dress, but I'll be getting Mrs. Fist into the rubber dress and gimp mask later.

You're just gonna hang from the banister with an orange in your mouth, aren't ye? That's the way to roll big man.

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In a bit of a pickle.


We were invited with the kids to our lass best mates a few weeks ago for the night but she's had a rough couple of weeks so we thought she may have cancelled but she hasn't. Now my best mate has invited us and a few others down to his for the night.


I think the compromise will be for me to go down to his for a few hours then head over and meet our lass and co later on, going to be a pain in the arse getting taxis though.


It's always tricky when you have 2 things to go to. Probs end up getting wasted and fall asleep at yer mates.


Don't believe this shit like, my mates rang and he's ill with the flu and her mates rang and cancelled, choosing to go to her mothers instead......happy new year you cunts


I think they're trying to tell me something. :icon_lol:

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I hate New Year. Awful night ruined by part time drinkers and all bars, pubs and clubs charging exorbitant amounts for their services. Mates seem to have decided similar and consequently I'm not doing anything. I may possibly head to see a few members of my closer family and have a few drinks but that's it.


Christ, I'm 23 :icon_lol:

Edited by Ketsbaia
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I hate New Year. Awful night ruined by part time drinkers and all bars, pubs and clubs charging exorbitant amounts for their services. Mates seem to have decided similar and consequently I'm not doing anything. I may possibly head to see a few members of my closer family and have a few drinks but that's it.


Christ, I'm 23 :icon_lol:


Come around mine and pipe me off if you want, should fill up a few minutes of your night :icon_lol:

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I hate New Year. Awful night ruined by part time drinkers and all bars, pubs and clubs charging exorbitant amounts for their services. Mates seem to have decided similar and consequently I'm not doing anything. I may possibly head to see a few members of my closer family and have a few drinks but that's it.


Christ, I'm 23 :icon_lol:


Come around mine and pipe me off if you want, should fill up a few minutes of your night :icon_lol:


Like the aforementioned bars, pubs and clubs my rates go up on NYE too :icon_lol:

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I hate New Year. Awful night ruined by part time drinkers and all bars, pubs and clubs charging exorbitant amounts for their services. Mates seem to have decided similar and consequently I'm not doing anything. I may possibly head to see a few members of my closer family and have a few drinks but that's it.


Christ, I'm 23 :icon_lol:


Come around mine and pipe me off if you want, should fill up a few minutes of your night :icon_lol:


Like the aforementioned bars, pubs and clubs my rates go up on NYE too :icon_lol:


And for that reason.....I'm out

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