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Christmas break-up


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Tesco tomorrow morning to finish the presents off and then off to the pub.

You want to be there at 6 am, I reckon. Tesco will be horrendous tomorrow. I went on NYE once and it took me over an hour to get out the car park.

tbf 3 point turns were never your strong point.

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Tesco tomorrow morning to finish the presents off and then off to the pub.

You want to be there at 6 am, I reckon. Tesco will be horrendous tomorrow. I went on NYE once and it took me over an hour to get out the car park.

tbf 3 point turns were never your strong point.

:D Fuck you, long boy.

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I went at half 6 wednesday morning. More staff there than customers. Spent 285 quid and I'm not even hosting or cooking christmas dinner. :D

In Acorn road with your Rudolf jumper on buying your Pimms like? :rolleyes:

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I went at half 6 wednesday morning. More staff there than customers. Spent 285 quid and I'm not even hosting or cooking christmas dinner. :D

In Acorn road with your Rudolf jumper on buying your Pimms like? :rolleyes:

Like a tall Giles Brandreth. :rolleyes:

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End of this year was hectic but its a long story. The new head of department is a total bitch and am now reporting to her. The rumour has it she was fucking the last head of department's boss and had him ousted/fired. She took over our department in May, merged it with a US one and appointed loads of muppets into jobs that they dont really understand. My boss resigned, i got her job for no extra pay and no re-grading and now i report to this slag. Anyway, requested holiday 3 weeks ago, she didnt reply, nor to a reminder start of last week so had to call her to sort it. She eventually sent the approval and then 2 days later tried to put a meeting in the diary for Jan 3rd, when she had just approved me being off until the 4th. :D Fun and games because obviously most people in these circumstances would suck it up. I declined the first invite with a curt message about a family engagement and the follow up (!!) to that explaining to me that it was an important meeting with the head of the business division. Its probably worth mentioning i work weekends when needed and burn the midnight oil on a regular basis and have just had a very successful year. Anyway, i thought fuck her because her boss, the one she was allegedly fucking, reports to the head of R&D who has just been thanked for his service and asked to step aside, so viewing the long term political game, i give my boss 6 to 9 months in the job before it goes west for her. Stressful end to a mad year where i've been challenged to step up and take loads of extra work on but without reward. That may come but these things are never sure.


One interesting thing about the work is that there is a connection to Newcastle and Sir Bobby, even if its a bit indirect. I'm working on a PARP inhibitor to treat triple negative breast cancer. Ruth Plummer from Newcastle university, who was Sir Bobby's Oncologist and involved in the charity is the world's leading expert on PARP inhibition and they were first developed at Newcastle university. Ours will be the first to launch next year.


First christmas not spent with my folks but first one with wor lass and the little un. Going over to her parents tomorrow, we're having foie gras and oysters, then a Capon or Chapon. Its a chicken but one which some frenchman thought would be funny to castrate surgically to make it fatter and bigger and juicier. Christ :rolleyes:

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First one on yer own with the bairn and the missus is the best. Enjoy bro. :D


Seconded. Despite the fact the bairn doesn't really have a bloody clue what is going on, the magic of Christmas is completely re-ignited when you've got little ones.


I finished work this morning and went straight to finish my shopping. Came home, did a load of wrapping and organising then had a couple of hours kip. Off now til New Years Eve nightshift so tomorrow will be lovely and chilled, Christmassy films, bit of last minute wrapping, maybe some home-made baking and then off to church tomorrow night with my lovely nieces before coming back and putting the baba to bed in his new jarmas ready for Santa to come.

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First one on yer own with the bairn and the missus is the best. Enjoy bro. :D


Seconded. Despite the fact the bairns haven't got a bloody clue what is going on, the magic of Christmas is completely re-ignited when you've got bairns.


I finished work this morning and went straight to finish my shopping. Came home, did a load of wrapping and organising then had a couple of hours kip. Off now til New Years Eve nightshift so tomorrow will be lovely and chilled, Christmassy films, bit of last minute wrapping, maybe some home-made baking and then off to church tomorrow night with my lovely nieces before coming back and putting the baba to bed in his new jarmas ready for Santa to come.



Just you wait til there up a bit and you've got to start hiding bikes, pool tables, etc etc all over the house and knowing you cant "play santa til their fast asleep. Its a whole new ball game!


Used to get to about 11pm in our cul de sac and you would suddenly see all the parents in sheds and garages humping all sorts of presents into their houses.

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I'm working on a PARP inhibitor


Jonny Fartpants will be pleased.


I get that the subject matter is intensley laudible like so absolutely no disrespect to the work being done, but the thought of a load of six figure salaried suited execs and leading academics at a PARP meeting is just priceless. Dunno how Chez keeps a straight face. Puts me in mind of Le Courbussier et Papin.


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One interesting thing about the work is that there is a connection to Newcastle and Sir Bobby, even if its a bit indirect. I'm working on a PARP inhibitor to treat triple negative breast cancer. Ruth Plummer from Newcastle university, who was Sir Bobby's Oncologist and involved in the charity is the world's leading expert on PARP inhibition and they were first developed at Newcastle university. Ours will be the first to launch next year.


I worked at Newcastle University Cancer Research Unit a decade ago. Is it now the NICR, located at the Paul Gorman building? Looks very impressive from the outside (near the North Terrace pub). Some of the cleverest people I have ever met worked there, it's something Newcastle can be proud of.

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I'm working on a PARP inhibitor


Jonny Fartpants will be pleased.


I get that the subject matter is intensley laudible like so absolutely no disrespect to the work being done, but the thought of a load of six figure salaried suited execs and leading academics at a PARP meeting is just priceless. Dunno how Chez keeps a straight face. Puts me in mind of Le Courbussier

:D Not falling apart at the merest hint of a fart gag is an important skill to have in the job tbf.

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Just back from Tesco. One fucking check out girl and the self service was all they had on. I was only looking a copy of Home Alone. I did feel a bit weird buying it at 2am.


The looks you get when you go into a supermarket at half 2 in the morning and buy a microwave cottage pie, a Playstation Move and a bottle of Pepsi is something to be treasured.

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Just back from Tesco. One fucking check out girl and the self service was all they had on. I was only looking a copy of Home Alone. I did feel a bit weird buying it at 2am.


The looks you get when you go into a supermarket at half 2 in the morning and buy a microwave cottage pie, a Playstation Move and a bottle of Pepsi is something to be treasured.

Not as bad as moisturising lotion, tissues and a Hannah Montana calendar. They fucking hate that. :D

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The first time my brother bought condoms he went to the supermarket. Whilst there, his flatmate rang him and asked if he could pick up an ingredient for the meal he was making. So my brother picked up his condoms, picked up the ingredient, and went to the checkout...





...with a pack of condoms and a cucumber. :D

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The first time my brother bought condoms he went to the supermarket. Whilst there, his flatmate rang him and asked if he could pick up an ingredient for the meal he was making. So my brother picked up his condoms, picked up the ingredient, and went to the checkout...





...with a pack of condoms and a cucumber. :rolleyes:


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Just back from Tesco. One fucking check out girl and the self service was all they had on. I was only looking a copy of Home Alone. I did feel a bit weird buying it at 2am.


The looks you get when you go into a supermarket at half 2 in the morning and buy a microwave cottage pie, a Playstation Move and a bottle of Pepsi is something to be treasured.

Not as bad as moisturising lotion, tissues and a Hannah Montana calendar. They fucking hate that. :icon_lol:




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Just back from Tesco. One fucking check out girl and the self service was all they had on. I was only looking a copy of Home Alone. I did feel a bit weird buying it at 2am.


The looks you get when you go into a supermarket at half 2 in the morning and buy a microwave cottage pie, a Playstation Move and a bottle of Pepsi is something to be treasured.

Not as bad as moisturising lotion, tissues and a Hannah Montana calendar. They fucking hate that. :rolleyes:


:D I bought a game in Tesco the other week and the wife went "oh, is this a present?" And I just went "nar" Her face was saying "what a right sad twat" If I was her, I wouldn't be judging like, not with the tattoos she had.

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