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Christmas break-up


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I broke up yesterday, and am enjoying life as a free man until 4th of Jan.


Got home last night and wrapped for 2 hours, and have done another 2 hours this morning whilst listening to a bit of Radio 2 - Chris Evans knows how to do a Christmas breakfast show. I'm the rock and roll Santa.


Later today, I'll be delivering presents at relative's houses, then back home to queue up some Christmas type movies and start the wait for Santa a day early.


What are all of you plebs up to?

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club

When I read the title I thought it was about someone getting divorced at Christmas.


I've been ill lately but done loads of my christmas shopping in London at Bluewater (makes the Metro Centre look like the Jorvik Centre, Jarrow), they have this mint shop down there like wish we had one like it here. It's like Gap, but it's Jap called UniQlo, they only have them in the south, done loads of me christmas shoppin there. All me London family presents are bought and just a few more to buy for up here.


Anyway break up for christmas at 1, should've been yesterday but was too ill to work, feel a bit better today, so gonna nash in to town and get the final bits and pieces.


Roll on 1pm :D After various family pishin about, gonna get smashed for the Citeh game, load of us going out and will see some people I haven't seen for years, then being a good old day tripper to Spurs on the 28th first train out last train home, me sisters birthday and forgot to get her a pressie so I'll have to drop something off there.

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
:D The viking centre! Although the people shopping there and the smell are straight out of Jorvik.

The Viking Centre :rolleyes: that's it. Where's the Jorvik Centre then? bbbbbbbbb

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I'm working till midday tomorrow, but there's likely to be not much on between now and then.


Was originally going to work between Christmas and New Year's, but turns out I had a few more days holiday left than I realised, so I'm off until January 6th. :D


Off to the fella's family in deepest Lincolnshire from tomorrow night to the 28th then Newcastle from January 2nd-5th, and much sitting around in my pants inbetween times. Expect lunchtime drunkenness.

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i'm still at work ya bastards. was supposed to drive up yesterday but had to do a day extra in the office. fucking ridiculous really as i'm sat in a fucking ghost town of a newsroom. got to drive to me mother's tonight in stanhope than on to ponteland to see the wife's parents then back down via derbyshire where me old fella lives this year - all in the space of 5 days with a pregnant wife and the threat of more snow on the roads.


i love this time of year but all the schleping about in the car is a nightmare. i'm quite looking forward to when the bairn's here and we've got an excuse for everyone to come down here so we're not the ones missioning it about every year.


i'm well looking forward to man city on boxing day. it feesl like forever since i had a day out at the match on boxing day. loving it.

Edited by Dr Gloom
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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
Oh aye and UniQlo is great. It's one of the few places on Oxford Street I can stand to go into because people seem not to know what it is.

There's one on Regent Street too, but I went to the one in Bluewater, I used to love Gap, but the stuff in there is like modified Gap, really good prices as well some good brands, I absolutely love it, wish we had one in the Toon. Aye clothes shop Gemmill.


It's that shit museum in York.

That's right.

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Finish at 4 ish today, go back to the flat and wrap, then get some bits and bobs together visit westfield with my lottery winnings from this years pool ( about 200 notes) and get some stuff for meself. fuck going out with work for a few beers.


the rest of the hols will involve seeing the family, going to guilford on xmas day to see my sister. boxing day will be football. new years should be good.

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quite stylish stuff.








looks like something a shoreditch twat would wear.


speaking of which, this hipster piss take is quite funny for those that haven't seen it. are there many of these skinny jean and low cut vest wearing numpties in newcastle these days?


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I don't finished til' dinnertime tomorrow. To be fair, I've not done nothing for 2 weeks.


Got everything in for christmas just need to find a 'Boba Fett' helmet for my son. The tart ordered one from the internet but it's not turned up so going to have to make a last minute dash up town tomorrow to find one. Anyone have any idea where I might be able to get one? I've not actually seen Star Wars so don't know what it is I'm looking for really.

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I don't finished til' dinnertime tomorrow. To be fair, I've not done nothing for 2 weeks.


Got everything in for christmas just need to find a 'Boba Fett' helmet for my son. The tart ordered one from the internet but it's not turned up so going to have to make a last minute dash up town tomorrow to find one. Anyone have any idea where I might be able to get one? I've not actually seen Star Wars so don't know what it is I'm looking for really.


There's a shop in North Shields town centre in the shopping centre bit that seems to specialise in models from movies and that. Think it's called Moving Image Toys - might be worth giving them a call to see if they've got owt.

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I don't finished til' dinnertime tomorrow. To be fair, I've not done nothing for 2 weeks.


Got everything in for christmas just need to find a 'Boba Fett' helmet for my son. The tart ordered one from the internet but it's not turned up so going to have to make a last minute dash up town tomorrow to find one. Anyone have any idea where I might be able to get one? I've not actually seen Star Wars so don't know what it is I'm looking for really.


There's a shop in North Shields town centre in the shopping centre bit that seems to specialise in models from movies and that. Think it's called Moving Image Toys - might be worth giving them a call to see if they've got owt.

Champion. Cheers mate. I work near to Shields so I'll have a dive down after work.

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I finished on Tuesday - was supposed to be going out tonight to meet up with some ex-colleagues but a couple have cried off due to illness which means the whole things postponed until the new year.


Don't go back to the 4th.

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i'm still at work ya bastards. was supposed to drive up yesterday but had to do a day extra in the office. fucking ridiculous really as i'm sat in a fucking ghost town of a newsroom. got to drive to me mother's tonight in stanhope than on to ponteland to see the wife's parents then back down via derbyshire where me old fella lives this year - all in the space of 5 days with a pregnant wife and the threat of more snow on the roads.


i love this time of year but all the schleping about in the car is a nightmare. i'm quite looking forward to when the bairn's here and we've got an excuse for everyone to come down here so we're not the ones missioning it about every year.


i'm well looking forward to man city on boxing day. it feesl like forever since i had a day out at the match on boxing day. loving it.

You bastards killed Jesus anyway :D

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Anyone who wore those tank tops to school (not the golfing ones) got asked whether their nan had died before she'd finished knitting the sleeves. To a man, mercilessly and on a daily basis. Until they got the fucking message.

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
:D Val Doonican would wear that fucker. On the plus side, it's cheap.

It's got that 1986 Top of The Pops feel to it that much is true that top, but am telling you this now Uniqlo is the dogs bollocks, it'll be rammed when they open a shop up here.

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