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So when are we going to start.....


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I answered you, and you answered me. Lets leave it at that. I understand what you mean, but I can't be arsed to discuss it at length all the time. I don't agree, I have other things to do, and I don't really care if a small number of people - who post on here - don't agree with me. Your opinions are based on your experience, maybe first hand maybe not, and so are mine.

Well that's partly true. When somebody takes the time to reasonably counter your argument you will engage with them before ceasing, but if someone falls into the habit of taunting or replying to your taunts you'll happily go on for days. The length of the conversation isn't the problem, it's the depth.


I'm confident time will prove me right, but I suppose you will say the same.

You see, it's things like this that is frustrating, it's based on nothing but supposition and your infamous ethereal experience. If you were only to cite examples where you've experienced these threats. I'm far too "scientific" in approach to be confident of anything other than the figures just don't add up, but I'm happy enough to say I don't know and would be quite embarrassed to brusquely dismiss other's weighty arguments as naieve or namby pambyism, nor would I dismiss them as casual racism, howl at the moon right wing lunacy if they were backed up by something with gravitas.


Certain posters have a real problem though, who need to grow up, particularly people who make comments about others' daughters, they would not say such things to their faces ie Dotbum. He also calls police "pigs" like an overgrown student, but he would be the first to shout for their help if he needed them. I see he still won't withdraw his remarks, which are over and above message board banter.


fwiw I think to dumb went a little far by bringing your daughter in to it, but you have to understand that any remarks made behind the anonymity of a message board must be dismissed as the fleeting annoyance they are. I would try and refrain from getting wound up by what names people call you, especially at your age :D


Dave, I appreciate the time you have taken, but I really think you should be also looking at some of those who are supporting your views, so far only 2 people have actually taken the trouble to reply to the opening post.


It's highly ironic that some of them are saying I should reply to you, when they have added nothing whatsoever to this thread, in spite of their self proclaimed intelligence.




I've met types like Dotbum before. In real life they are cowardly cunts, only such a person would make such remarks about a young girl behind a keyboard. He wouldn't repeat them to my face and he knows it.


I might reply to you OK, when I'm in the mood but just right now I can't be bothered. It's Friday night and I'm sorry to say life extends beyond spending all evening chatting in cyberspace.


:lol: "Dave, thanks for replying, but it's not enough. You need to take responsibility for those who haven't replied. Oh and by the way I don't think I'll bother actually engaging in the debate that I'm demanding everybody involve themselves in. I mean it's good that you replied and that, but truth be told I can only deal in Sun headlines and rhetoric. Once somebody introduces logic into the matter, I need armbands to stay afloat, and well....why bother when I can just shout about people that haven't yet responded. You should know by now that my interest in intelligent discussion of these matters is non-existent. Did I mention I don't like Dotbum. Or Cyberspace."



Spot on, he will no doubt have a go at me for not expressing my views on the matter now ;)


I think the internet terminology amongst the kids these day is







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Where the fuck was I when this thread was happening? ;)


How many times has the Lemonade ball been drawn for his replies in this thread :lol:


My theory is that his daughter, now of legal age, is getting a good seeing to by one of those asylum seeking types.

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Basically 0:17 is Leazes opening his front door back from the pub. The rest speaks for istelf.


:lol: "I Am So Happy To Finally Be Back Home" indeed.


1:25 Leazes points at the Muslim hordes over running Perfidious Albion.


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Leazes man you fucking unmitigated retard! :lol:


In case anyone is ever in two minds about assembling a sensible argument in response to Leazes, this thread is proof positive of why you should just never ever bother. And why nobody did. Except Dave, but at least that served to prove the point and I hope that's some consolation at least. Apart from that it got the disdain it deserved. Plus some cracking youtube.


This should actually be stickied as a permanent warning to all.

Like I said last night I'm quite new to these boards and thought I'd try and respond to the original article. I think it was put on to draw a discussion, but also to let people belittle anyone elses view on related subjects. I've got lost in what's going on but it's fucking hilarious to an 'outsider' witnessing this gang rape, if you will.


I take it there's so much water under the bridge with you's it's burst its banks? Was it the Rigsby youtube? ;)


Pretty much, marra. You'll have nee bother getting up to speed though. ;)


Oh and welcome to the board btw. Always good to see a new poster with plenty to offer.

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club

There's nee point man LM. It's like England going to the WC. Nothing will ever change in what's happening and what people say about it on here.

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