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Newcastle United 3-1 Liverpool

Christmas Tree

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Watched the match in the boozer.


Barton man of the match (already my player of the season from Sept)


Tiote, will give Barton a close run for player of the season.


Carrol, had a poor game by his standards but provided and scored a cracker which is even starting to make me a believer.


Jonas. Fuck off and die you spinelees shite wanker.


Campbell (2nd fastest player in the prem.... copyright Alex ;) )


Ranger, massive improvement on the tart that is Shola.


I would go with Routledge on the wing, Barton in the middle, Nolan up off Carrol and Ferguson instead of Jonas.



Overall delighted with the result (which I thought we'd get), Pleased with Ashleys celebrations as it shows we mean something.


Europe here we come.



Don't see any benefit in playing Routledge rather than Jonas.I don't think either have sufficient end product, but Jonas' link up with Jose is brilliant at times and I don't think you'd get the same from Routledge and Simpson. I also think playing Barton on the right means that when Jonas goes a-scampering, Barton, Nolan and Tiote can become a very stoic midfield 3. Obviously I'd much prefer to have a productive winger on either flank, a mobile combative midfield which scores goals and a full head of hair, but we don't have those options.


I'd say the only changes I'd make to the team that took the field today would be Colo and Wilo in the middle instead of Sol "turning circle of a tectonic plate" Campbell and Steven "I'm a lercal hero, no honest, now where's my flash contract" Taylor


Brilliant once a season and thats about it. Its always the same with Jonas, no end product. Add to that the fucker is probably the most scaredest footballer I have ever seen when it comes to getting a foot in. Disgrace to the shirt tbh.

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Watched the match in the boozer.


Barton man of the match (already my player of the season from Sept)


Tiote, will give Barton a close run for player of the season.


Carrol, had a poor game by his standards but provided and scored a cracker which is even starting to make me a believer.


Jonas. Fuck off and die you spinelees shite wanker.


Campbell (2nd fastest player in the prem.... copyright Alex ;) )


Ranger, massive improvement on the tart that is Shola.


I would go with Routledge on the wing, Barton in the middle, Nolan up off Carrol and Ferguson instead of Jonas.



Overall delighted with the result (which I thought we'd get), Pleased with Ashleys celebrations as it shows we mean something.


Europe here we come.



Don't see any benefit in playing Routledge rather than Jonas.I don't think either have sufficient end product, but Jonas' link up with Jose is brilliant at times and I don't think you'd get the same from Routledge and Simpson. I also think playing Barton on the right means that when Jonas goes a-scampering, Barton, Nolan and Tiote can become a very stoic midfield 3. Obviously I'd much prefer to have a productive winger on either flank, a mobile combative midfield which scores goals and a full head of hair, but we don't have those options.


I'd say the only changes I'd make to the team that took the field today would be Colo and Wilo in the middle instead of Sol "turning circle of a tectonic plate" Campbell and Steven "I'm a lercal hero, no honest, now where's my flash contract" Taylor


Brilliant once a season and thats about it. Its always the same with Jonas, no end product. Add to that the fucker is probably the most scaredest footballer I have ever seen when it comes to getting a foot in. Disgrace to the shirt tbh.


That bit

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christmas tree you're a fucking moron, no offence.



Which bit you spineless Burger Flipper.


Typical taxi man. Well done, you can drive a car ;)


You slag me about my job, i'd be surprised if you have more than 4 gcse's.


relating to your post, in general, you've been on the wind up all week.

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So, having swore blind Fat Cunt was getting nee more cash, my mate turned up from Lahndan with a pair of tickets.


He's a Dipoers suopoter btw, so I was in a quandary.



Anyway, I went to the game.



We were fucking awesome.




Stevie, were you in the Percy just before kick off?

If not, some poor fucker is your doppelgänger.



Oops , pissed as a rat

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Carrol, had a poor game by his standards


;) You are the loud man in the pub who everyone hates cos he doesn't know what he's on about, aren't you?



Fuck me Carroll was awesome imo. Won loads in the air and was all over the pitch. He was laying balls off on the wing and busting a gut to get into the centre to get on the end of the cross. Great strike for the last as well.

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Carrol, had a poor game by his standards


;) You are the loud man in the pub who everyone hates cos he doesn't know what he's on about, aren't you?



Fuck me Carroll was awesome imo. Won loads in the air and was all over the pitch. He was laying balls off on the wing and busting a gut to get into the centre to get on the end of the cross. Great strike for the last as well.


Won EVERYTHING in the air as well. Even stuff where it looked like he had too much ground to make up on the centre half, all of a sudden he was there.


Honestly, I remember CT saying something on here a while back along the lines of "I announced to the entire pub that x would happen just before it did", and I could just picture it. He turns round, makes his announcement, and turns back to the telly and everybody in the pub looks at one another rolling their eyes, shaking their heads and mouthing "fucking wanker". :D

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Barton definitely says something about "Chrissy" into the camera after scoring. The bit in the interview is class:


"What do you think about the new manager"


"He's only been here two days"


"He's won a game though"


"*confused look* I s'pose so."



Needs to be careful though. The fans can afford not to move on to an extent, the players can't.

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
Watched the match in the boozer.


Barton man of the match (already my player of the season from Sept)


Tiote, will give Barton a close run for player of the season.


Carrol, had a poor game by his standards but provided and scored a cracker which is even starting to make me a believer.


Jonas. Fuck off and die you spinelees shite wanker.


Campbell (2nd fastest player in the prem.... copyright Alex :D )


Ranger, massive improvement on the tart that is Shola.

I would go with Routledge on the wing, Barton in the middle, Nolan up off Carrol and Ferguson instead of Jonas.



Overall delighted with the result (which I thought we'd get), Pleased with Ashleys celebrations as it shows we mean something.


Europe here we come.

Honestly you are a mug. I believe in my heart no one can be a bigger wank than you in person, you must be better than your crack on here. I tell you how clueless you are, you raise one good point, but mention fuck all about Shola. You have no idea, fuckin get back in your taxi listening to the 3 legends you clueless cunt.



Aye, we know who the clueless cunt is once again. ;)

Well at least I can use the excuse that I was drunk. What's your excuse every day?

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club

The one good thing about Barton is he's really honest, Nolan's more diplomatic. "I suppose so yeah" ;) you can guarantee he laid in to Ashley when he met the players this week. Barton was absolutely magnificent yesterday though really drove us on, and I really believe he's best on the right hand side of midfield because he's got such quality in contrast to what comes in from the left.


These people who say Reina's not just a good keeper but the best in the league, we were on about this before the game and my prophetic words came true, they're all tools he's pish. The third goal was his fault he didn't actually do anything, makes me laugh when idiots claim he's a better keeper than Given.


Agree regarding Carroll absolutely tremendous, loved that turn in the second half when he took 3 of them out of the game laid a lovely ball to Jonas who fucked it up again, we really should take anywhere near £5m for Jonas. Would be interesting to see how many assists he's had at the club, not many for a winger I'd guess. Sweet victory for the toon, and the third one was worth busting my nose, beating them at any time is only second to beating the mackems, so quiet as well their "support". Scruffy tramps, they'd steal the skid marks off your y fronts as the saying goes.

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Carrol, had a poor game by his standards


;) You are the loud man in the pub who everyone hates cos he doesn't know what he's on about, aren't you?



Fuck me Carroll was awesome imo. Won loads in the air and was all over the pitch. He was laying balls off on the wing and busting a gut to get into the centre to get on the end of the cross. Great strike for the last as well.


With respect to the piece placed in bold.


Looks a lot like Shearer [99 - 01/02, 02/03], when the said striker had to refine his game as a means of offsetting the effect [he was no longer that big man who could take on a defender, drop his shoulder into and beat a man with a combination of power & quick burst of speed] of previous injures.


Carroll's all-round play [at a young age] is a testament to Hughton's ability as a coach.

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
Carrol, had a poor game by his standards


;) You are the loud man in the pub who everyone hates cos he doesn't know what he's on about, aren't you?



Fuck me Carroll was awesome imo. Won loads in the air and was all over the pitch. He was laying balls off on the wing and busting a gut to get into the centre to get on the end of the cross. Great strike for the last as well.


With respect to the piece placed in bold.


Looks a lot like Shearer [99 - 01/02, 02/03], when the said striker had to refine his game as a means of offsetting the effect [he was no longer that big man who could take on a defender, drop his shoulder into and beat a man with a combination of power & quick burst of speed] of previous injures.

Carroll's all-round play [at a young age] is a testament to Hughton's ability as a coach.

He's the most improved player I've seen over a short space of time. Not having a go at Sima but I remember that game we played Portsmouth in our relegation season, Carroll came on and had a shocker, I mind Sima saying he'll never be a footballer as long as he had a hole in his arse, and many agreed but I'm delighted he's starting to prove his critics wrong big time. He just needs to stay off the drink, be a good lad and we have the most unbelievable asset on our hands.

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The progress he's made over the last year is ridiculous. And at a club where we're used to taking promising young players and getting them nowhere, it's great to see. Let's hope that whatever's been put in place to achieve that didn't leave the club with Hughton.

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
Thought Barton, tiote, Carroll were all class... Nolan put in a good shift as well as did Simpson. Enrique and jonas need to learn how to cross!

I'm his biggest fan but he wasn't up to his normal level yesterday. The referee was a joker too wasn't he, see that one in the first half I can't remember who it was for them but they dived on the edge of the box, most blatant dive you'll see. He didn't give a free kick so surely you have to book him??? There was loads of dipper biased decisions yesterday I thought. I read an article years ago that suggest 25% of referees were Liverpool fans, and when you saw that pic of the ref celebrating when Liverpool scored in front of the Kop you can believe it. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sport/football/...ship/633889.stm

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