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Newcastle United 3-1 Liverpool

Christmas Tree

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Newcastle United supporters have named Alan Pardew the club’s best ever manager just days after the former Southampton boss took up the St James’s Park hotseat.

Pardew, who is marginally less boring than predecessor Chris Hughton, saw his side defeat Liverpool 3-1 on Saturday and beat Bobby Robson and Kevin Keegan to be named the greatest boss to manage the Geordies in an online poll.

When he was appointed last Thursday Pardew’s managerial credentials were called into question in some quarters, but a few choice words ahead of Saturday’s televised match have won over skeptical fans.

“We’re told he popped his head round the dressing room door and called Andy Carroll’s pint a poof,” said Newcastle Supporters’ Association chief Kevin Coates.

“You could see Andy was fired up and he hit the Toon’s third like a rocket. That’s brilliant management.”

It is understood that Pardew is living in Kevin Nolan’s garage with Andy Carroll, two boxer dogs and the entire staff of Newcastle city centre stripclub Blue Velvet while he finds new digs.

And his new landlord and room-mate were on target for the Magpies as they beat a Liverpool side that looked pissed, even compared to tight-shorted Newcastle defender Sol Campbell.

Some Newcastle fans have already taken to the streets to protest at the length of Pardew’s contract.

“Five-and-a-half years just isn’t enough,” said Steve James, from Benwell in Newcastle. His furious banner read ‘Par-DUE A NEW DEAL’.

Steve added: “Pardew should be given a job for life after that result. There is no way he should ever leave the club, unless we lose at Birmingham on Saturday in which case he will be the worst manager we have ever had and should be sacked immediately.”

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Newcastle United supporters have named Alan Pardew the club’s best ever manager just days after the former Southampton boss took up the St James’s Park hotseat.

Pardew, who is marginally less boring than predecessor Chris Hughton, saw his side defeat Liverpool 3-1 on Saturday and beat Bobby Robson and Kevin Keegan to be named the greatest boss to manage the Geordies in an online poll.

When he was appointed last Thursday Pardew’s managerial credentials were called into question in some quarters, but a few choice words ahead of Saturday’s televised match have won over skeptical fans.

“We’re told he popped his head round the dressing room door and called Andy Carroll’s pint a poof,” said Newcastle Supporters’ Association chief Kevin Coates.

“You could see Andy was fired up and he hit the Toon’s third like a rocket. That’s brilliant management.”

It is understood that Pardew is living in Kevin Nolan’s garage with Andy Carroll, two boxer dogs and the entire staff of Newcastle city centre stripclub Blue Velvet while he finds new digs.

And his new landlord and room-mate were on target for the Magpies as they beat a Liverpool side that looked pissed, even compared to tight-shorted Newcastle defender Sol Campbell.

Some Newcastle fans have already taken to the streets to protest at the length of Pardew’s contract.

“Five-and-a-half years just isn’t enough,” said Steve James, from Benwell in Newcastle. His furious banner read ‘Par-DUE A NEW DEAL’.

Steve added: “Pardew should be given a job for life after that result. There is no way he should ever leave the club, unless we lose at Birmingham on Saturday in which case he will be the worst manager we have ever had and should be sacked immediately.”


Rob's going to start a thread on it. 100% record and all that.

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Newcastle United supporters have named Alan Pardew the club’s best ever manager just days after the former Southampton boss took up the St James’s Park hotseat.

Pardew, who is marginally less boring than predecessor Chris Hughton, saw his side defeat Liverpool 3-1 on Saturday and beat Bobby Robson and Kevin Keegan to be named the greatest boss to manage the Geordies in an online poll.

When he was appointed last Thursday Pardew’s managerial credentials were called into question in some quarters, but a few choice words ahead of Saturday’s televised match have won over skeptical fans.

“We’re told he popped his head round the dressing room door and called Andy Carroll’s pint a poof,” said Newcastle Supporters’ Association chief Kevin Coates.

“You could see Andy was fired up and he hit the Toon’s third like a rocket. That’s brilliant management.”

It is understood that Pardew is living in Kevin Nolan’s garage with Andy Carroll, two boxer dogs and the entire staff of Newcastle city centre stripclub Blue Velvet while he finds new digs.

And his new landlord and room-mate were on target for the Magpies as they beat a Liverpool side that looked pissed, even compared to tight-shorted Newcastle defender Sol Campbell.

Some Newcastle fans have already taken to the streets to protest at the length of Pardew’s contract.

“Five-and-a-half years just isn’t enough,” said Steve James, from Benwell in Newcastle. His furious banner read ‘Par-DUE A NEW DEAL’.

Steve added: “Pardew should be given a job for life after that result. There is no way he should ever leave the club, unless we lose at Birmingham on Saturday in which case he will be the worst manager we have ever had and should be sacked immediately.”


Hope that didn't take them too long.

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I watched it on a stream of Fox where they kept calling him Par-doo - I was waiting for Warren Barton to correct them but he said nowt and I'm sure once or twice just followed their lead and pronounced it that way.

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Couldn't have asked for more from the players (well apart from Shola!) they came out fired up and gave it everything, whoever/whatever they were playing for.


As everyone has said Barton was outstanding and as everyone bar one has said Carroll was awsome, he's gettign to that stage now where you'll see some defenders will pretty much give up competting with him in the air and back off to try and get it back after he knocks it down or holds it up.


The difference Barton makes is phenominal and for all the criticisms aimed at Nolan in his time here (plenty by me as well) he is one of the most intelligent and sharpest players we have in the box, he knows where to be at the right time and finishes very calmly when chances come.


We need Colo straight back into the team at the back and somebody in for Shola as he's gone right back to his lazy, couldn't give a fuck type performances.


As for the dippers, take out Gerrard, Torres looking lost and they are a midtable team in every resepct, though strangely the ref seemed under the impression they are top 4 as he gave them every fucking decision possible, at times just inventing freekicks out of thin air.

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Be interesting to see how they perform without the Hughton affect?


To be fair as much as i think the player do respect and admire Hughton (as they should) and everything he did, football is a fickle game and everyone moves on very quickly rightly or wrongly. If Pardew starts well and doesn't ruffle any feathers early on they'll be fine IMO, just keep that team spirit and unity and chanell it as they did against Liverpool.


Obviously a shocking start and Pardew getting at players would have kicked it all off, but i don't see big problems myself.

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Someone should make a .gif of Barton giving the instructions at the freekick for the Nolan goal. How Liverpool didn't notice that 1. Barton was obviously making heading gestures and 2. It was going to go in Carroll's direction. Not that I'm complaining, like!

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They knew what he was doing, Carroll was man marked. They just couldnt handle him


I dont think its any surprise to any team that all free kicks are going to go to Carroll at the back post these days


Not quite though, because of Carroll it gives Barton the other surprise option. The freekick after that i just fancied something different would happen so i was watching and Sol went to the oppositte side of the box to Carroll and whilst Barton seemed focussed on Carroll i watched the odd surupticious glance at Sol and that's where the ball went and it nearly worked as they were all watching Carroll.


Its getting like Shearer back in the day when he caused such panic that too many defenders were drawn to him leaving others free to take advantage, and as you said, if it does g to Carroll and he's marked it doesn't stop him!

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I bet you a bottle of Glenlivet that we don't get into Europe because of the final league position this season



Dont drink whisky but make it Baileys or a very good red wine and you've got a bet.


edit I'll pay up on the glenlivet if I lose.

Edited by Christmas Tree
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I'm waiting for people to edit the gif so when he pulls his hands away it's something else


Might have to give it a go later! Who could he change into, mind?

Well, David Moyes, Cigar Guy, Monty Python Spanish Inquisition guy, Chris Hughton?

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