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Newcastle United 3-1 Liverpool

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I bet you a bottle of Glenlivet that we don't get into Europe because of the final league position this season



Dont drink whisky but make it Baileys or a very good red wine and you've got a bet.


edit I'll pay up on the glenlivet if I lose.


;) Baileys


but yeah, Glenlivet for a decent bottle of wine or a Baileys. Done.

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I'm waiting for people to edit the gif so when he pulls his hands away it's something else


Might have to give it a go later! Who could he change into, mind?


A surprised looking Benitez. ;)

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Following an on-field flare up between Newcastle's Joey Barton and Fernando Torres that saw Steven Taylor act as peacemaker, press claims emerged on Sunday that the Magpies number 7 could face disciplinary action.


Live TV coverage and subsequent replays pictured Barton gesturing towards the Spanish striker and an FA spokesman was quoted as saying on Sunday:


"Essentially what will happen for an incident like that is that the FA will wait for the referee’s report and if the referee includes something about the incident and that he had seen it but it hadn’t warranted a caution then he may not get sanctioned at all.

"The disciplinary people will sit down and if they need to get video evidence they will do. If there is other video evidence suggesting that he did break the rules then there is a chance that an investigation might take place.”


So in other words, exactly the same situation that would arise for any incident during any Premier League game, whether it concerned Joey Barton or not.



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Canny article from Mike Walters at The Mirror


The Fat Controller celebrated like a high-roller who had hit the jackpot in a Mayfair casino.


Next to him in the rogues’ gallery, a former casino director basked in the reflective glory of a fine win at the end of a traumatic week.


As a double act, they looked like those old codgers Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show, the private box critics who always have the last word.


To call them Dumb and Dumber would infringe the intellectual rights of Walt Disney’s circus elephant Dumbo, so we shall refer to them only as Smug and Smugger.


Down on the shop-floor, Alan Pardew made a ­triumphant start but wisely kept a low profile without pausing to milk the acclaim.


As a work of art, Pardew’s first game in charge was nearer a Rolf Harris sketch than a Rembrandt ­masterpiece, but Newcastle’s latest fall guy had the good grace to acknowledge he provided only a lick of paint where his predecessor Chris Hughton had supplied all the important brush strokes.


And as the Geordie ­brotherhood spilled into their Tyneside watering holes to declare Christmas officially open among lasses in unfeasibly minimalist dresses, they toasted three points with the air of a guilty pleasure.


Foot soldiers from the Toon’s militant tendency had gone through the motions of a protest against the Fat Controller’s regime outside the main entrance, and during the match their reminders of his corpulence, London roots and parentage reverberated around St James’s Park.


Also appearing on the FC’s train set on Saturday were Liverpool, and their ­contribution to the latest soap opera ablutions on Tyneside we can dismiss in a trice. They were ­hopeless.


A great club built on the wisdom of Shankly, Paisley and Dalglish could manage only mundane, mid-table plodding. Newcastle were there for the taking yet the Kop, in boxing terms, barely laid a glove on them – otherwise known as an Audley.


But if the Toon was primed for rebellion, they soon decided mutiny can wait. Pardew’s reign began with glad tidings of comfort and joy – and who better to deliver them, at this time of year, than a striker named Carroll?


While Newcastle’s third home win of the season was driven by the excellent Joey Barton, Cheik Tiote and Kevin Nolan in midfield, England striker Andy Carroll was a monster who could not be tamed.


Nolan and Barton’s goals both stemmed from the Geordie wild child’s aerial supremacy, and Carroll’s final flourish from 25 yards in stoppage time was the work of a forward on top of his game.


Pardew described his first three points as “gold dust,” but the real bullion was wearing a No.9 shirt and winning his private battle of ponytails with Sotiris Kyrgiakos.


The new manager handled his trial by touchstone with commendable tact, slipping quietly into the dugout before kick-off with no showboating, and he made a dignified exit when the battle was won.


Pardew has always been blessed with a smooth line in diplomacy or, as they say in these parts, if patter was watter he’d be droonded. (Translation: Verily, he has the gift of the gab).


“I wasn’t in a position to milk the applause,” he acknowledged. “My tenure here has only just begun and although it was a great victory, I played only a very small part.


“It was vital I didn’t ­interfere too much and I think I got the balance right. These players were doing well already and I just wanted to introduce three or four things into their game.


“My meeting with the players on Friday went far better than I had dared to imagine. A big part of that was down to Kevin Nolan – he’s a great captain and I can understand why other managers rate him so highly.”


Barton, who decorated his performance with a crude gesture at Fernando Torres, marvelled at the “insane” league in which Newcastle can lose at home to ­Blackburn, Blackpool and Stoke, but hit Villa for six, the Mackems for five and win at Arsenal.


And he unfurled a ­breathtaking series of cliches about Hughton’s brutal sacking last week: ships in the night, the king is dead, long live the king, we’ll take this club forward.


But whatever the players thought about Hughton’s crass treatment from the Fat Controller, they are ­undeniably behind Pardew now. Barton added: “It’s not Alan’s fault that Chris got sacked. We sat down with Alan and told him none of us would say anything behind his back that we wouldn’t say to his face.”


Nolan added: “Alan can take credit. This club does not just belong in the Premier League, it belongs in ­European Cups and we believe we will get there.”



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