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Guest alex
  McFaul said:
  Barton7 said:
This guy honestly makes a good living off talking about football ?!?! :icon_lol::blush::rolleyes::) :)

Honestly it's beyond belief, I can accept it when a bloke like Collymore gets a job talking about footy because he was an ex-player despite the fact he's a heed the baal but blokes that have never played the game and know nowt it's incredible how they get where they are, Adrian Chiles is in that category for me the mug.

Aye, turns out that he's Northern Irish, and knows people in Belfast who have been professional footballers, who have criticised Keegan. The only Northern Irish I can think of who he managed was Keith Gillespie, plus one at Man City, Kevin Horlock was he Irish? Anyway the kid lives in America now, podcasts on his site fuck knows how but he talks to all the top stars. Sounds like he should be in the UVF. Shaun Custis he interviewed last week, he was saying Bent is STILL shaggin Bruce's daughter, and the daughter knew he was leaving before Bruce did.

Sounds like bollocks tbh. Fair enough if you don't rate KK and give your reasons (even if it is 'never won fuck all') but the bit in bold sounds like weapons-grade bs to me.

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  alex said:
  McFaul said:
  Barton7 said:
This guy honestly makes a good living off talking about football ?!?! :icon_lol::blush::rolleyes::) :)

Honestly it's beyond belief, I can accept it when a bloke like Collymore gets a job talking about footy because he was an ex-player despite the fact he's a heed the baal but blokes that have never played the game and know nowt it's incredible how they get where they are, Adrian Chiles is in that category for me the mug.

Aye, turns out that he's Northern Irish, and knows people in Belfast who have been professional footballers, who have criticised Keegan. The only Northern Irish I can think of who he managed was Keith Gillespie, plus one at Man City, Kevin Horlock was he Irish? Anyway the kid lives in America now, podcasts on his site fuck knows how but he talks to all the top stars. Sounds like he should be in the UVF. Shaun Custis he interviewed last week, he was saying Bent is STILL shaggin Bruce's daughter, and the daughter knew he was leaving before Bruce did.

Sounds like bollocks tbh. Fair enough if you don't rate KK and give your reasons (even if it is 'never won fuck all') but the bit in bold sounds like weapons-grade bs to me.

@Leazeslad I grew up in Belfast, went to many matches in England, i am friends with players who played for Keegan, i trust their opinions

about 6 hours ago via web in reply to Leazeslad


There ye are. I tell you what confirms the mug he's a mug as if it needs confirming. His name is Philip Brown.


Seriously though he's saying he knows some Northern Irishman who played for Keegan and is slating him. He said it's not Gillespie, there's only Horlock and Tommy Wright, and Wright wouldn't slag him. Is there anyone else?

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  Ayatollah Hermione said:
Probably looking for podcast hits.

He's certainly got the contacts though if you see his podcasts. I couldn't just ring up Giuseppe Rossi, and go "areet Pepe, Stevie - Toontastic here, ye got 10 minutes".

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Sounds like he knows he's been caught spouting shit so he's making stuff up to give his gash points more weight tbh.

Even if it's true and some mystery NI player who played for KK is slating him he's in the extremely small minority of players who have bad words about the man.

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  McFaul said:
  Ayatollah Hermione said:
Probably looking for podcast hits.

He's certainly got the contacts though if you see his podcasts. I couldn't just ring up Giuseppe Rossi, and go "areet Pepe, Stevie - Toontastic here, ye got 10 minutes".


Could just be looking for a fight. Is it a lass?

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I always get the impression with Shaun Custis that he's a bit embarrassed to give NUFC any time for fear of looking daft in front of his peers down in 'that London'. Needs to grow some fucking balls. Mcnally, I remember this bloke joining the Chronicle years ago and was described, (in his own words) as a Sunderland fan brought up in Seaburn or Seaham, (can't remeber which one) who also supported Celtic as he was born in Glasgow. Alan Oliver was a mackem and was given his first ever NUFC game as Gibson couldn't make it, he had to go down to the South coast to cover our game late on friday night and moaned his tits off that he had to follow 'them Maggy bastards'.


As for this prick on twitter, I haven't got a clue about twitter but feel like joining just to put this daft cunt right who reckons KK was just a chequebook manager. I'm not surprised he's Irish it pains me to say.

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  Ayatollah Hermione said:
  McFaul said:
  Ayatollah Hermione said:
Probably looking for podcast hits.

He's certainly got the contacts though if you see his podcasts. I couldn't just ring up Giuseppe Rossi, and go "areet Pepe, Stevie - Toontastic here, ye got 10 minutes".


Could just be looking for a fight. Is it a lass?

Most lasses have more knowledge about football than this mug [/Keys] He's called Phil Brown, not taking the piss, the kids name is Phil Brown.

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  Howmanheyman said:
I always get the impression with Shaun Custis that he's a bit embarrassed to give NUFC any time for fear of looking daft in front of his peers down in 'that London'. Needs to grow some fucking balls. Mcnally, I remember this bloke joining the Chronicle years ago and was described, (in his own words) as a Sunderland fan brought up in Seaburn or Seaham, (can't remeber which one) who also supported Celtic as he was born in Glasgow. Alan Oliver was a mackem and was given his first ever NUFC game as Gibson couldn't make it, he had to go down to the South coast to cover our game late on friday night and moaned his tits off that he had to follow 'them Maggy bastards'.


As for this prick on twitter, I haven't got a clue about twitter but feel like joining just to put this daft cunt right who reckons KK was just a chequebook manager. I'm not surprised he's Irish it pains me to say.

You shouldn't get annoyed by people on the internet, but I was reading it thinking he really believes this, and I think he does, I've read loads of people in the media say the same. Fucking Fergie spent £15m before he even won anything at Man Utd when hardly any club in the world were spending that. Think about what Keegan spent to get us up and you can't include Andy Cole. Beresford 650k Venison 250k Bracewell can't remember but it was coppers, Killer 100k, Sllars 600k Lee 650k that's less than £3m quid. As I said to that total tool, Derby spent about £15m from 1990 to 1992, and couldn't do fuck all didn't go up till 96 iirc. God there's some arseholes on the net.


Also I didn't know McNally was a mackem but I knew he was Celtic I was talking to him the other day n he said if Celtic played NUFC in competitive game he'd want us to get stuffed, and compared NE football fans unfavourably with Merseyside and Glasgow. The fact cunt. Bird's a good lad, but the rest of the NE media are tools too, best one being a Sunderland fan Bill Bradshaw, absolute gentleman, always spoke to me with loads of respect and I was 17 when I knew him.

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  Gejon said:
Things like that wind me up far too much :icon_lol:


Keep giving him shit Stevie.

I'm would link this thread to his twitter but my right copy and paste button isn't working.


Northern Irish Man Utd fan. To be fair though he gets some decent names talking to him on his podcast thing.

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  McFaul said:
  Howmanheyman said:
I always get the impression with Shaun Custis that he's a bit embarrassed to give NUFC any time for fear of looking daft in front of his peers down in 'that London'. Needs to grow some fucking balls. Mcnally, I remember this bloke joining the Chronicle years ago and was described, (in his own words) as a Sunderland fan brought up in Seaburn or Seaham, (can't remeber which one) who also supported Celtic as he was born in Glasgow. Alan Oliver was a mackem and was given his first ever NUFC game as Gibson couldn't make it, he had to go down to the South coast to cover our game late on friday night and moaned his tits off that he had to follow 'them Maggy bastards'.


As for this prick on twitter, I haven't got a clue about twitter but feel like joining just to put this daft cunt right who reckons KK was just a chequebook manager. I'm not surprised he's Irish it pains me to say.

You shouldn't get annoyed by people on the internet, but I was reading it thinking he really believes this, and I think he does, I've read loads of people in the media say the same. Fucking Fergie spent £15m before he even won anything at Man Utd when hardly any club in the world were spending that. Think about what Keegan spent to get us up and you can't include Andy Cole. Beresford 650k Venison 250k Bracewell can't remember but it was coppers, Killer 100k, Sllars 600k Lee 650k that's less than £3m quid. As I said to that total tool, Derby spent about £15m from 1990 to 1992, and couldn't do fuck all didn't go up till 96 iirc. God there's some arseholes on the net.


Also I didn't know McNally was a mackem but I knew he was Celtic I was talking to him the other day n he said if Celtic played NUFC in competitive game he'd want us to get stuffed, and compared NE football fans unfavourably with Merseyside and Glasgow. The fact cunt. Bird's a good lad, but the rest of the NE media are tools too, best one being a Sunderland fan Bill Bradshaw, absolute gentleman, always spoke to me with loads of respect and I was 17 when I knew him.

Well he was the man on 'The Roker beat' so he either got the job he wanted or spun a yarn about supporting them. He claimed to have Celtic leanings but nailed his colours to the Mackem mast.

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There's a lass on twitter @Hmm_Milligan just 50 followers (eight times less than @paulwyn42nufc) she's the geordie lass on the Apprentice which starts next week I think. She'll have 70,000 followers in 6 weeks time, decent looking lass as well. Get her added.

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  Barney said:
I think ManCity had a young N.I. player called Terry Cook.

Aye started at Man United as well, I mind his debut for Man Utd, he looked a world beater.

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  Holden McGroin said:
Jeff Whitley was one.

Aye he had a brother as well who played for them not sure if KK was there then though. Both total shite.

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  McFaul said:
  Holden McGroin said:
Jeff Whitley was one.

Aye he had a brother as well who played for them not sure if KK was there then though. Both total shite.




Jeff definitely played under KK. He might even have sold him as well - which might a reason to hate him.

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