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How tall are you and what weight are you, Sugartits?

Guest WDP

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CT plainly had a dump shortly before the weigh in. Shifting the residue of the double cheeseburger probably accounted for 3 lb. SHAME ON YOU CT, it's tantamount to cheating !


In reality he's gone up a lb since the last weigh in.......CT, you must stop filling your body with the loathsome detritus of junk food if you're to achieve snake hippedness.....I prescribe a week's diet of bothing but prune juice and onions to get you bakc on the straight and narrow. You might want to take a week off work.




Talking of snakehips....... What happened to him?

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Your recommended intake is 2500calories for a reason. Just make it healthier food. You will neverstick to 1100 calories for 10 weeks


It's worked for me before, with some room for extra at weekends, thanks for the advice though.

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Just put myself on 1100 calories a day after near 18 months of not giving a fuck.


I seem to put on close to a pound for each month of ngaf. Should only take me 10 weeks to get it off again.


A pretty good deal really.


Jesus dude. You going for the heroin chic look?

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6', 80 kg.


I eat the same food almost every day, with the odd exception.


4 Shredded wheat + milk

3 poached eggs, 1/2 tin of baked beans, several mushrooms, 4 pieces of wholemeal toast with cottage cheese (no butter).

Pasta with broccoli and chickpeas. Portion is probably around 500 calories.

Chicken breast, potatoes, rice and mixed veg. Portion probably around 1k calories.


I'm thinking of trying to split this into smaller meals. There must be something wrong with the diet, or my internal organs, judging by my stool. It's like giving birth to triplets at times. I wouldn't mind spending a long time on the toilet if it were possible to read, but the physical exertion involved makes that impossible. My face must look like one of those weightlifters doing the olympic press



Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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6', 80 kg.


I eat the same food almost every day, with the odd exception.


4 Shredded wheat + milk

3 poached eggs, 1/2 tin of baked beans, several mushrooms, 4 pieces of wholemeal toast with cottage cheese (no butter).

Pasta with broccoli and chickpeas. Portion is probably around 500 calories.

Chicken breast, potatoes, rice and mixed veg. Portion probably around 1k calories.


I'm thinking of trying to split this into smaller meals. There must be something wrong with the diet, or my internal organs, judging by my stool. It's like giving birth to triplets at times. I wouldn't mind spending a long time on the toilet if it were possible to read, but the physical exertion involved makes that impossible. My face must look like one of those weightlifters doing the olympic press






You're getting plenty of fibre there, have you been tested for food intolarances? Wheat and lactose allergies can play havoc with your bowels

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Had 4 shits today. The first and last ones were reasonably pleasant by my standards, but the two in between were struggles comparable to the civil war in Syria. I think it's because today I got up early (9am), for the first time in a while. I work lates and have been getting into a habit of having my first meal at noon and last meal at midnight, can't be good for my digestion. I'm getting up earlier now to start eating and won't have anything past 9pm.

I was in Paris for 5 days recently and I ate quite a bit less, my stool in France was exemplary. Had a shit in the underground bogs by the Eiffel Tower which was absolutely superb, only needed one wipe and I was done, in and out within 10 minutes. Had another good one in the Louvre, nice toilets in there. The sheer thrill and exhileration of having a shit that only takes 5-10 minutes is something I cannot find the words to express. It's like this in my head:


Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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5-10 minutes per stool ?! I take it there's no reading or daydreaming involved ?


I think cumulatively in a week I can top and tail all my motions in no more than 10 minutes .


Do you wear a Steve Foster headband in there ?


I'm including wiping in the time. Often that takes longer than the actual process of defecation. Can you imagine how jealous I am of someone like you who just hops on and off the toilet in a sort of merry dance, whilst I am lingering on the bowl, pondering my sorry existence? You see stats telling us in an average lifespan someone will spend 2 years on the toilet--with me, if I live to about 75, it'll be decades. Hopefully by then we'll have the technology where you just shit on a robot and it cleans it up for you.

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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I feel your pain, I feel your shame Kevin. Without wishing to mock but when you contextualize it, beong able to lightly jaunt to the kermit like a carefree Mr Claypole makes me thank my lucky stars, it really does . The frustrations of your motion delay are palpable my friend. May your God go with you.

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Down to 2 shits today, and they were quite brief. I think the switch period with eating earlier resulted in an avalanche of poos yesterday. Let's hope it'll stick this way, I'm not eating anything past 9pm now.


I wonder if you're a bit dehydrated as a result of your lifestyle? Roughage + plenty of hydration should equal softer stools and easier motions. Curious that things briefly changed for the better in Paris, what was different?

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Now 13-3 that's a loss of 1 stone 5 pounds since January :)


Be nice to get into the 12 stone somethings in the next week or two and the 11's just in time for the summer and my mankini.


Get your body fat measured. I bet it's still around 25-30 per cent.


Sure, you'll lose weight on your yo yo crash diets. But once you're down to the hallowed 11 or 12 stone mark and you still have moobs and love handles, you'll soon return to a steady diet of lager and pies. Until the next January rolls around when the cycle starts all over again, ignoring the advice of the people that can help you change yourself for the better and in the long term along the way.


Honestly, the best you can hope for going on what you've posted here is to be in what I class as skinny fat. You'll lose weight but your body composition will remain dreadful. If you're happy with that then fair enough.

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