Dr Gloom 23599 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 The problems is, a lot of you "young uns" are eating way to much, but LUCKILY, burning it off in the gym. When the gym sessions stop, as they will at some point, the over eating will catch up. Other way round for me, my gym sessions started precisely because of the overeating. I'm sure that's true of a lot of people who weren't particularly active as kids - there comes a point where your metabolism doesn't do what it used to (and it's not as if I was ever stick-thin in the first place). Fortunately, exercising a bit and eating a bit more healthily aren't the hardest things in the world once you start to see the results and get the motivation that brings - it doesn't mean having to become a soulless GymBot. My point really (and I appreciate what you're saying). If we take the Gemmil example, (and dont take this personally Gemmil). Nearly every night he's cooking some delicious Jamie Oliver offering. While not the worst food in the world, those meals if combined with a normal breakfast lunch and a few treats , will produce a serious amount of calories. Because he is blasting the gym daily, the extra calories are being burned off and he should be keeping the weight off. By his own admission he has usually dwindled from the gym by March and it is at this point the calories will suddenly start to turn to fat. By bashing the gym it is allowing him to "cheat" the system. Add into this the fact that when your younger, you are naturally more energetic and your metabolism works better. When you are older, you are basically fucked. I appreciate they're are exceptions to the rule. sorry like mate but that is just a load of old bollocks. you're using age as an excuse not to excercise. i'm not saying it doesn't get more difficult as you get older but age alone isn't an excuse to not stay active. injury or illness is one thing, but i know plenty of guys in their 50s in my gym that are as fit as a fiddle. a healthy diet plus regular excercise will change the way you look and feel for the better. a healthy diet alone can also do this but to a lesser extent. but tbh, from what i've read on this thread, i'm not convinced you are doing either. i excercise because it makes me feel good and it helps improve body composition. also because i like to eat and our bodies need to be fueled well. i eat a lot of calories but it's all stuff with a good nutritional value, unlike the crap you put into your body. when you are active, you need good range of healthy fats, non-refined carbs and lean protein to give you energy and to help the body recover and muscle mass to build. it sounds like you've got into a path of starving yourself during the week then binge eating junk and boozing at the weekend. while this may result in a calorie deficit and dropping some weight, you're basically going to end up with a 'skinny fat' body composition - in other words, you're muscle mass will drop and you're body will cling on to its fat. so while you will drop pounds and feel good when you attend your weight watchers meetings, you'll still feel embarrassed about taking your shirt off at the beach. i've offered this advice before because but i feel it will fall on deaf ears again. only trying to help you stop wasting your time. Lets remember, your path was admittedly littered with lots of failed attempts. It may be I have to go down the same trodden path. I appreciate there are blokes in their 50's who are super fit and bash the gym but everything has a scale to it. If we take a fitness and healthy eating scale of 1 - 10, with 1 being an utter slob who eats takeaways most nights and does zero exercise, I think most who read your remarks over the months would place you at a 10. I would place myself at about 2.5. I dont want to get to 10, but would be quite happy to get to 5 This being the case, your regime wouldnt suit me, however I do concede that I need to do more to hit my goal and I am looking at ways of putting some sort of weekly plan in place that I can achieve and stick to. nah, not really, at least not anymore. when i was cutting before my wedding i got obsessively into it and i'd say i was a 10 for a period of about 6 months and got into the shape of my life. now i'm probably an 8 or 9 during the week (i still allow myself the odd glass of wine and piece of chocholate after dinner durign the week) then a 5 or 6 at the weekend, when i'll go out to eat and have a few drinks. but i've found a balance of healthy eating and excercise during the week and letting myself go a bit at the weekend. but even then. i'm still making sure the calories i'm getting are nuritious and i'm not starving myself. it works for me; i've got more body fat now than i did a year or two back but i feel good about myself because i've found a sustainable way of living and have lost the love handles for good. I'm sensing a beautiful coming together. The hardened, bitter DG can teach CT about balanced diets and nutrition while the bountiful, optimistic CT changes the entire outlook of DG, showing that, he too, can love again. louie, i think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Dieting for weddings and calorie counting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Gloom 23599 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Dieting for weddings and calorie counting who wants to be a fatty when you've got 100 people looking at your arse for half an hour? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 I am looking at ways of putting some sort of weekly plan in place that I can achieve and stick to. Looking at ways. Just running a feasibility study on the whole thing at the minute. It's hungry, energy sapping work though. Could do with a takeaway to get me through. Supportive Cernt There's taking the piss out of someone as they make themselves a target and then taking the piss out of someone because it makes you feel better about yourself. Always important to make the distinction imo You've been hanging about with Parky too much. Not enough mate tbh. Actually, these topics have had a very positive effect since its got me thinking about training and sorting out my fitness. Am going to (hopefully) be doing the Gotland Run with my brother which is 5 days at sea on a mental racing yacht in the baltic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Dieting for weddings and calorie counting who wants to be a fatty when you've got 100 people looking at your arse for half an hour? So you were fat before the wedding crash-diet? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45119 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 When you doing that Chez? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
manc-mag 1 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Chez, apropos of nothing in this thread but I can't look at that photo of you with HBA and not hear Roland Rat. That bit where he goes:"Eeeeeeehhhrrrrrrrrrr ratfaaans!" Well you look for all the world like you're saying that bit in italics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 When you doing that Chez? First week of July. Its starting in the city centre this year, 12 hours to get out to Sandhamm on the edge of the archipelago and then about 350 miles to Gotland and back again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Chez, apropos of nothing in this thread but I can't look at that photo of you with HBA and not hear Roland Rat. That bit where he goes:"Eeeeeeehhhrrrrrrrrrr ratfaaans!" Well you look for all the world like you're saying that bit in italics. It was more just a noise really but you've got the inane tone down to a tee. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49834 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 I am looking at ways of putting some sort of weekly plan in place that I can achieve and stick to. Looking at ways. Just running a feasibility study on the whole thing at the minute. It's hungry, energy sapping work though. Could do with a takeaway to get me through. Supportive Cernt There's taking the piss out of someone as they make themselves a target and then taking the piss out of someone because it makes you feel better about yourself. Always important to make the distinction imo You've been hanging about with Parky too much. Not enough mate tbh. Actually, these topics have had a very positive effect since its got me thinking about training and sorting out my fitness. Am going to (hopefully) be doing the Gotland Run with my brother which is 5 days at sea on a mental racing yacht in the baltic. Good luck with it! The kid next to me at work has challenged me to a fastest mile thing. He ran the Paris marathon last year. So I'm gonna be making a show of myself on the treadmill at lunchtime in a vain attempt to beat him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Gloom 23599 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Dieting for weddings and calorie counting who wants to be a fatty when you've got 100 people looking at your arse for half an hour? So you were fat before the wedding crash-diet? no, it wasn't a crash diet. it was a professionally designed training plan combined with a calorie deficit diet based on sensible nutrition. i've never been really fat but i hit a point in my late 20s when i started to get love handles, yeah. suddenly i couldn't get away with eating and drinking what i wanted and keeping fat off so i joined a gym. i spent a good year or two wasting my time and money and not getting results i wanted so i used my wedding as a target to get in shape; i did my research, got a lot of helpful advice online (that i didn't ignore!) and worked out what really works. i wasted a couple of years before that, which is why i'm trying to help CT - and anyone else that's interested - in getting in shape. in my experience, crash diets don't work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23617 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Funny thing is, I thought Dan was a fan of the old hemp. How the hell you can do that and not succumb to the munchies, and end up looking like a furry freak brother, is beyond me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Imo, and citing this thread as evidence, CT genuinely isn't interested in what you or anyone else has to say on the matter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Gloom 23599 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Funny thing is, I thought Dan was a fan of the old hemp. How the hell you can do that and not succumb to the munchies, and end up looking like a furry freak brother, is beyond me. pretty much knocked it on the head now, sadly. the mrs (a classic reformed smoker) won't let me come anywhere near her if i've been smoking these days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Funny thing is, I thought Dan was a fan of the old hemp. How the hell you can do that and not succumb to the munchies, and end up looking like a furry freak brother, is beyond me. Everything in moderation Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23617 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Funny thing is, I thought Dan was a fan of the old hemp. How the hell you can do that and not succumb to the munchies, and end up looking like a furry freak brother, is beyond me. Everything in moderation You're one of life's fortunates who can even do excess in moderation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meenzer 16416 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Funny thing is, I thought Dan was a fan of the old hemp. How the hell you can do that and not succumb to the munchies, and end up looking like a furry freak brother, is beyond me. Everything in moderation You're one of life's fortunates who can even do excess in moderation. Careful though. You can get away with it while you're a young 'un, but one day you'll give it up and then where will you be, eh? Eh? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 I am looking at ways of putting some sort of weekly plan in place that I can achieve and stick to. Looking at ways. Just running a feasibility study on the whole thing at the minute. It's hungry, energy sapping work though. Could do with a takeaway to get me through. Supportive Cernt There's taking the piss out of someone as they make themselves a target and then taking the piss out of someone because it makes you feel better about yourself. Always important to make the distinction imo Better yet if you can combine the two for maximum efficiency, though. It's like doing cardio and weights in the same session. Well CT seems to take it on the chins so its fine in this case. Very Good Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 The problems is, a lot of you "young uns" are eating way to much, but LUCKILY, burning it off in the gym. When the gym sessions stop, as they will at some point, the over eating will catch up. Other way round for me, my gym sessions started precisely because of the overeating. I'm sure that's true of a lot of people who weren't particularly active as kids - there comes a point where your metabolism doesn't do what it used to (and it's not as if I was ever stick-thin in the first place). Fortunately, exercising a bit and eating a bit more healthily aren't the hardest things in the world once you start to see the results and get the motivation that brings - it doesn't mean having to become a soulless GymBot. My point really (and I appreciate what you're saying). If we take the Gemmil example, (and dont take this personally Gemmil). Nearly every night he's cooking some delicious Jamie Oliver offering. While not the worst food in the world, those meals if combined with a normal breakfast lunch and a few treats , will produce a serious amount of calories. Because he is blasting the gym daily, the extra calories are being burned off and he should be keeping the weight off. By his own admission he has usually dwindled from the gym by March and it is at this point the calories will suddenly start to turn to fat. By bashing the gym it is allowing him to "cheat" the system. Add into this the fact that when your younger, you are naturally more energetic and your metabolism works better. When you are older, you are basically fucked. I appreciate they're are exceptions to the rule. sorry like mate but that is just a load of old bollocks. you're using age as an excuse not to excercise. i'm not saying it doesn't get more difficult as you get older but age alone isn't an excuse to not stay active. injury or illness is one thing, but i know plenty of guys in their 50s in my gym that are as fit as a fiddle. a healthy diet plus regular excercise will change the way you look and feel for the better. a healthy diet alone can also do this but to a lesser extent. but tbh, from what i've read on this thread, i'm not convinced you are doing either. i excercise because it makes me feel good and it helps improve body composition. also because i like to eat and our bodies need to be fueled well. i eat a lot of calories but it's all stuff with a good nutritional value, unlike the crap you put into your body. when you are active, you need good range of healthy fats, non-refined carbs and lean protein to give you energy and to help the body recover and muscle mass to build. it sounds like you've got into a path of starving yourself during the week then binge eating junk and boozing at the weekend. while this may result in a calorie deficit and dropping some weight, you're basically going to end up with a 'skinny fat' body composition - in other words, you're muscle mass will drop and you're body will cling on to its fat. so while you will drop pounds and feel good when you attend your weight watchers meetings, you'll still feel embarrassed about taking your shirt off at the beach. i've offered this advice before because but i feel it will fall on deaf ears again. only trying to help you stop wasting your time. Lets remember, your path was admittedly littered with lots of failed attempts. It may be I have to go down the same trodden path. I appreciate there are blokes in their 50's who are super fit and bash the gym but everything has a scale to it. If we take a fitness and healthy eating scale of 1 - 10, with 1 being an utter slob who eats takeaways most nights and does zero exercise, I think most who read your remarks over the months would place you at a 10. I would place myself at about 2.5. I dont want to get to 10, but would be quite happy to get to 5 This being the case, your regime wouldnt suit me, however I do concede that I need to do more to hit my goal and I am looking at ways of putting some sort of weekly plan in place that I can achieve and stick to. nah, not really, at least not anymore. when i was cutting before my wedding i got obsessively into it and i'd say i was a 10 for a period of about 6 months and got into the shape of my life. now i'm probably an 8 or 9 during the week (i still allow myself the odd glass of wine and piece of chocholate after dinner durign the week) then a 5 or 6 at the weekend, when i'll go out to eat and have a few drinks. but i've found a balance of healthy eating and excercise during the week and letting myself go a bit at the weekend. but even then. i'm still making sure the calories i'm getting are nuritious and i'm not starving myself. it works for me; i've got more body fat now than i did a year or two back but i feel good about myself because i've found a sustainable way of living and have lost the love handles for good. I'm sensing a beautiful coming together. The hardened, bitter DG can teach CT about balanced diets and nutrition while the bountiful, optimistic CT changes the entire outlook of DG, showing that, he too, can love again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45119 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 When you doing that Chez? First week of July. Its starting in the city centre this year, 12 hours to get out to Sandhamm on the edge of the archipelago and then about 350 miles to Gotland and back again. I take it you're a sailor then? no innuendo meant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christmas Tree 5103 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Imo, and citing this thread as evidence, CT genuinely isn't interested in what you or anyone else has to say on the matter Funny, but not true. I thought the scale thing summed it up lovely. I think Dr G would find it depressing passing on his tips to someone who doesnt want to go the full hog (mind at play ) Gemmils advice was to read an ebook on a lap top that was 380 pages long. The irony of this is that the advice that has been the most useful was indeed your own with regard to that pasta sauce. No while I appreciate its not rocket science to a lot on here, to me, actually starting to cook properly myself and not rely on the wife has made a massive step in the right direct to eating a much healthier balanced diet. Only this week Ive bought myself a couple of recipe books to try and make healthier versions of things I would normally rely on from a takeaway. What I now need to do is add "some" regular exercise routine and avoid going to the match (Just about to beast the readmill and then take the dog for a lovely long walk. I have also identified one of my downfalls as staying up far too late which leadeth to temptation of the fridge. I am going to attempt to knock that on the head next week. As Chez says, these threads start the ball rolling. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49834 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 I scanned some healthy recipes for you too, you forgetful prick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 When you doing that Chez? First week of July. Its starting in the city centre this year, 12 hours to get out to Sandhamm on the edge of the archipelago and then about 350 miles to Gotland and back again. I take it you're a sailor then? no innuendo meant Used to be, my brother was 6-metre (classic class) world champion in 2007. An honour he won for Sweden. He's ok at it i suppose. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45119 Posted March 4, 2011 Share Posted March 4, 2011 Excellent, in safe hands then? I've only done a wee bit of open sea sailing, but it was fantastic . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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