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How tall are you and what weight are you, Sugartits?

Guest WDP

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Any exercises you don't want to do, just tell him you're allergic to them. That's what I tell this gimp who sometimes comes to the gym with me and tries to get me to do stuff that he does in rugby training. "Can't do that one, I'm allergic".

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Any exercises you don't want to do, just tell him you're allergic to them. That's what I tell this gimp who sometimes comes to the gym with me and tries to get me to do stuff that he does in rugby training. "Can't do that one, I'm allergic".


no pain. no gain

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I have a craving, an intense desire to pump iron now; a good sign for the future. I have to hold back, because I only trained 2 days ago and if I keep up this sort of regime, my muscles will grow too large for my body to support them, or worse still, they'll explode. Can already feel my strength improving after a couple sessions deadlifting/squats/bent-over row/pullups/incline press/pressups/flys/etc. Not maxing out yet, just getting the form right before I pile the weight on. You better watch out Gemmill: I'm going to get so ripped, your ginger hair will turn white at the sight of me as I bear down upon you, ready to smash your back doors in Richard Keys style.

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fuck me i'm ruined. still, at least i'm going to feel less guilty about going for a few beers later.


i've only just discovered stretching. i've been training for years without bothering. i always thought it weas a better idea to fit an extra 5 or 10 minutes training than to bother with a proper cool down but my trainer has got me into it. proper stretching too, not the half arsed stuff i used to do. it's well worth it. you feel like you're walking on a cloud when you head back to work after hitting the gym.

Edited by Dr Gloom
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Double session for the Gemmilator today, cos my boss is off. Weights, cardio and a 4pm finish. I'll probably break the steering wheel off on the way home and go hurtling into the billy mill roundabout.



I feel good about this routine, mind you I was out last night and had a glass of wine and a few vodkas and fell proper ropey this morning. :(

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Yep, probably not for everyone. Glad you enjoyed it though-stick with it.


I did it a couple of times this week, just when I thought I had burnt out on Monday we had a bit of Welcome to the Jungle followed by Eye of the Tiger. I was like a man possessed(in leotard).

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My mam's got a Concept 2 that she never uses, ant. When I get a bigger place, I'm gonna nick it off her.


Great them like. Do some tabata rowing on it if you get it, look it up on google. Haven't done it as part of my plan for a while but my fitness rocketed when I used to do it regularly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First session at Weight Watchers last night and their (lying) scales had me down as 14-7, even though my own have me at a much healthier 14-2 :lol:


Anyway, being beginners we had to have the full monty (which was unfortunately a briefing and not an all day breakfast).


Im allowed 39 points a day with a weekly bonus of 49 points to use as I like. Not too bad really until you consider a pint of lager is 6 points. :up:


So today I have so far had....


Alpen 4 points


M&S Vile Indian soup 4 points


A Banana Free


Going to have a garlic mushroom salad for tea which should be nowt, leaving room for about 4 pints watching the match at the pub. :)

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First session at Weight Watchers last night and their (lying) scales had me down as 14-7, even though my own have me at a much healthier 14-2 :lol:


Anyway, being beginners we had to have the full monty (which was unfortunately a briefing and not an all day breakfast).


Im allowed 39 points a day with a weekly bonus of 49 points to use as I like. Not too bad really until you consider a pint of lager is 6 points. :up:


So today I have so far had....


Alpen 4 points


M&S Vile Indian soup 4 points


A Banana Free


Going to have a garlic mushroom salad for tea which should be nowt, leaving room for about 4 pints watching the match at the pub. :)


mate, seriously, you're never going to cut fat going about it like that. good luck with it like but i just don't see it happening for you, sorry.


cutting fat and keeping it off requires a complete rethink of your nutrition, combined with a proper training plan. fad diets like weight watchers don't cut it i'm afraid.


don't mean to sound patronising like so don't take it that way. this is free advice from someone that found it very hard to cut fat for years. i tried a million different diets and forms of training until i found out what works.

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First session at Weight Watchers last night and their (lying) scales had me down as 14-7, even though my own have me at a much healthier 14-2 :lol:


Anyway, being beginners we had to have the full monty (which was unfortunately a briefing and not an all day breakfast).


Im allowed 39 points a day with a weekly bonus of 49 points to use as I like. Not too bad really until you consider a pint of lager is 6 points. :up:


So today I have so far had....


Alpen 4 points


M&S Vile Indian soup 4 points


A Banana Free


Going to have a garlic mushroom salad for tea which should be nowt, leaving room for about 4 pints watching the match at the pub. :)


Doesn't exactly sound balanced that diet like.

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