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How tall are you and what weight are you, Sugartits?

Guest WDP

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I feel like I've hit something of a wall in terms of weight loss. :lol: I suppose that's good as you're not supposed to lose it too quickly but I think I'm building quite a bit of muscle and don't want to turn into one of those rank bodybuilder type lasses. ;) I'm still reasonably heavy like.

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I've got an apple and an actimel and a Tuna sandwich... I think my best bet is to hold off til 22:00, then have one or the other, then 01:00 have the sarny...


I miss the days where, in this situation, I'd have one of the provolone, parma ham and pesto ciabatta ;)

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In that phase where I can feel myself getting fitter without any weight actually dropping off. Which is fine, just need to keep motivated.

Oi, Meeeeeenzer, fancy a Mexican this week coming?

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In that phase where I can feel myself getting fitter without any weight actually dropping off. Which is fine, just need to keep motivated.

Oi, Meeeeeenzer, fancy a Mexican this week coming?

Aye, that'll help us both. ;) I may have to pass until/unless our #MEATEASY encounter.


Mmmmmmm, #MEATEASY.

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I've got an apple and an actimel and a Tuna sandwich... I think my best bet is to hold off til 22:00, then have one or the other, then 01:00 have the sarny...


I miss the days where, in this situation, I'd have one of the provolone, parma ham and pesto ciabatta ;)


Otherwise known as a cheese and ham sarnie to the non-homs

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You definitely need more fibre - especially insoluble fibre which helps to keep your bowel healthy. Bran, wholemeal bread, brown rice plus plenty fruit and veg. If you keep straining like that when you need a shit you're going to end up with piles. Plus, you shouldn't be shitting 3 times a day so it could be a chronic constipation that you've got. Drink plenty fluids too (not fizzy)


I have about 5 pieces of wholemeal bread per day, and have been eating more veg recently. I'm not straining all the time, usually there is a good flow, then I have to strain to get the last few stragglers out if that makes sense. I was exaggerating a bit for comic effect, but it is a problem. I'll take your advice and eat some bran every day + more veg and hydration. I do eat rice often, but it's white rice. I've never had piles which is nice, I don't fancy it.

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club

FOR FUCK SAKE. Still 6ft2 (and a half) what the fuck 15st10lbs, I knew I was getting me derby back, living in the gym now fuck it, lazy fat bastard.

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FOR FUCK SAKE. Still 6ft2 (and a half) what the fuck 15st10lbs, I knew I was getting me derby back, living in the gym now fuck it, lazy fat bastard.

;) Weren't you a stone lighter than that AFTER Christmas?


14st 8 for me. Still 6ft 3. Just left the gym in a mess again too. The gym, not me.

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
FOR FUCK SAKE. Still 6ft2 (and a half) what the fuck 15st10lbs, I knew I was getting me derby back, living in the gym now fuck it, lazy fat bastard.

;) Weren't you a stone lighter than that AFTER Christmas?


14st 8 for me. Still 6ft 3. Just left the gym in a mess again too. The gym, not me.

By the time we went back to work think I was about 15 3. This is a joke though. In three weeks I'll be 14 7, I can do it just as easily as putting it on.

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i'm off for a session of circuits and boxing with my trainer. i get nervous about these sessions - almost died after the last one. i never push myself quite as stupidly as hard when training alone.


Just done this.

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
FOR FUCK SAKE. Still 6ft2 (and a half) what the fuck 15st10lbs, I knew I was getting me derby back, living in the gym now fuck it, lazy fat bastard.

:lol: Weren't you a stone lighter than that AFTER Christmas?


14st 8 for me. Still 6ft 3. Just left the gym in a mess again too. The gym, not me.

By the time we went back to work think I was about 15 3. This is a joke though. In three weeks I'll be 14 7, I can do it just as easily as putting it on.

Well had a session in the gym tonight, fuck me last 30 mins and looked like Brian Clough in his final days at Forest, it's supposed to make you look good, back in the flow now though, and got weighed off a proper weigh machine and the festive damage isn't too bad :huh: 97.5kgs which is 15st 4 so no where near as bad as the fat on my belly and face are suggesting.

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A lass from work went to Slimming World last night and has come in this morning full of excitement. I quote: "I can eat basically as much as I want, more than I eat now, and I don't have to do any exercise but it'll probably be easier if I do a little bit, and it must be working because everyone had lost loads last night" then she went into some sort of a description that seemed to involve eating numerous chocolate bars a day. :angry:


Can't wait to see how it pans out.


She's not going to the meetings anymore (a week later :lol: ) because she's spent her money on an iPhone, had a bacon sandwich for breakfast this morning and is now scoffing a Micro Pizza (blergh) and McCoy's steak crisps for lunch. :huh:

Edited by Jill
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