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How tall are you and what weight are you, Sugartits?

Guest WDP

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You exercising, Fishy?


If so, it is probably just turning fat to muscle(which is heavier, I'm sure you know). It'll be difficult to see any progress, especially over a short time-period.


When I had weight on me years back, the first place I lost it was my face, so it was a drastic change. take a few measurements maybe(get your head out of the gutter, you tramps)-waist, chest etc.

Yeah I'm caning the Gym. Gone from never going, to going 3-4 times a week. Generally just go for a little over an hour. Jog there, do 20 minutes on the rowing machine, 10 minutes doing free-weights and then 15 minutes on the cross trainer another 5 minutes free-weights and then walk home. First time I went after Xmas I threw up on the way home :lol:


is that workout designed by a personal trainer or gym instructor? if so, i'd recommend a rethink.


what are your goals? fat loss or muscle gain? or a bit of both?

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You exercising, Fishy?


If so, it is probably just turning fat to muscle(which is heavier, I'm sure you know). It'll be difficult to see any progress, especially over a short time-period.


When I had weight on me years back, the first place I lost it was my face, so it was a drastic change. take a few measurements maybe(get your head out of the gutter, you tramps)-waist, chest etc.

Yeah I'm caning the Gym. Gone from never going, to going 3-4 times a week. Generally just go for a little over an hour. Jog there, do 20 minutes on the rowing machine, 10 minutes doing free-weights and then 15 minutes on the cross trainer another 5 minutes free-weights and then walk home. First time I went after Xmas I threw up on the way home :lol:


is that workout designed by a personal trainer or gym instructor? if so, i'd recommend a rethink.


what are your goals? fat loss or muscle gain? or a bit of both?

I wouldn't say it was designed. Just the routine I've fallen into.


I'm not really looking to lose weight, just tone up a bit.

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You exercising, Fishy?


If so, it is probably just turning fat to muscle(which is heavier, I'm sure you know). It'll be difficult to see any progress, especially over a short time-period.


When I had weight on me years back, the first place I lost it was my face, so it was a drastic change. take a few measurements maybe(get your head out of the gutter, you tramps)-waist, chest etc.

Yeah I'm caning the Gym. Gone from never going, to going 3-4 times a week. Generally just go for a little over an hour. Jog there, do 20 minutes on the rowing machine, 10 minutes doing free-weights and then 15 minutes on the cross trainer another 5 minutes free-weights and then walk home. First time I went after Xmas I threw up on the way home :lol:


is that workout designed by a personal trainer or gym instructor? if so, i'd recommend a rethink.


what are your goals? fat loss or muscle gain? or a bit of both?

I wouldn't say it was designed. Just the routine I've fallen into.


I'm not really looking to lose weight, just tone up a bit.


the best way tone up existing muscle is basically by cutting fat (not weight). i'd recommend a split session. for cardio, i do two sessions of high intensity interval training per week of around 45 mins each. (spinning/ treadmill/cross trainer/boxing...whatever works for you basically)


plus two or three sessions a week of weight training, using free weights and performing compound excercises that work every muscle group in the body - you only really need to 6 excercises in one hour long session - deadlifts, squats, pull ups, bench press, shoulder press and bent over row. those 6 will hit every major muscle group in the body. maybe throw in a rotational core exercise for good measure


i found it much more efficient to split training sessions into cardio and resistance. you'll have more energy to lift heavier weights if you don't burn out using all your energy doing cardio in the same session. and lifting weights is key. if you do endless cardio you'll burn muscle mass.


the other key thing is nurition. don't starve yourself or you won't see results. make sure you eat lots of lean protein like chicken and fish and get your carbs from plenty of fresh fruits and veg instead of starchy man made carbs like bread and pasta. eat small portions but frequently. basically listen to your body. feed it when it's hungry and stop eating as soon as it's full. if you eat a large portion in one sitting, your body will only burn what it needs and store the rest as fat. snack throughout the day on small handfuls of nuts and dried fruit. neck a protein shake and a banana post workout.


i pretty much guarantee if you follow that training plan and remember to eat sensibly for six weeks, you'll see massive changes.


PS - sorry if it sounds like i'm preaching. it's just that i did loads of reading up on this before i started training years ago and like to share my experience because i spent years prior to that in the gym without ever getting the results i wanted.

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the best way tone up existing muscle is basically by cutting fat (not weight). i'd recommend a split session. for cardio, i do two sessions of high intensity interval training per week of around 45 mins each. (spinning/ treadmill/cross trainer/boxing...whatever works for you basically)


plus two or three sessions a week of weight training, using free weights and performing compound excercises that work every muscle group in the body - you only really need to 6 excercises in one hour long session - deadlifts, squats, pull ups, bench press, shoulder press and bent over row. those 6 will hit every major muscle group in the body. maybe throw in a rotational core exercise for good measure


i found it much more efficient to split training sessions into cardio and resistance. you'll have more energy to lift heavier weights if you don't burn out using all your energy doing cardio in the same session. and lifting weights is key. if you do endless cardio you'll burn muscle mass.


the other key thing is nurition. don't starve yourself or you won't see results. make sure you eat lots of lean protein like chicken and fish and get your carbs from plenty of fresh fruits and veg instead of starchy man made carbs like bread and pasta. eat small portions but frequently. basically listen to your body. feed it when it's hungry and stop eating as soon as it's full. if you eat a large portion in one sitting, your body will only burn what it needs and store the rest as fat. snack throughout the day on small handfuls of nuts and dried fruit. neck a protein shake and a banana post workout.


i pretty much guarantee if you follow that training plan and remember to eat sensibly for six weeks, you'll see massive changes.


PS - sorry if it sounds like i'm preaching. it's just that i did loads of reading up on this before i started training years ago and like to share my experience because i spent years prior to that in the gym without ever getting the results i wanted.


Cheers :lol:


(I fucking HATE cardio btw, much rather stick to free-weights :blush: )

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