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How tall are you and what weight are you, Sugartits?

Guest WDP

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You've been itching to post a topless selfie for years man you big fruit :lol:

At least I admit I'm vain, you try to make out you're above all that and really you're some kind of true, rugged Geordie that isn't obsessed with his appearance. The selfie suggests otherwise.


Not that I'm criticising the selfie - it's an impressive cut, like I said, but it does leave you open to ridicule. Just ask Stevie.


My advice: just embrace what you really are - a modern man that cares about how he looks; a moisturising metrosexual no different to me.

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Last time I got down to 12% now Im up to about 15% but before I went from 18-20% down to 12% to Im keen to see how I do this time. I think anyone who says they don't care how they look is bullshitting. As well as being the best shape I've been in for years, it does wonders for confidence. Weights also increases testosterone and with that, "bothering the wife" :lol: As well as wanted to lose weight I also became quite interested in the subject and since have done a shit load of reading (on training but mostly on nutrition) and in that time my wife also passed her level 3 and is now a qualified personal trainer. Makes it easier when we do meals etc.

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At least I admit I'm vain, you try to make out you're above all that and really you're some kind of true, rugged Geordie that isn't obsessed with his appearance. The selfie suggests otherwise.


Not that I'm criticising the selfie - it's an impressive cut, like I said, but it does leave you open to ridicule. Just ask Stevie.


My advice: just embrace what you really are - a modern man that cares about how he looks; a moisturising metrosexual no different to me.

I'm far from a rugged geordie. I've also never moisturised in my life!

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Managed to get the old 32 inch jeans on today. :)


Wouldn't want to go for a sit down meal in them but they fasten with a bit of room. Two weeks away I think.


Filling charity bags left right and centre and hoping for new clothes for my up coming birthday and Xmas.

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interesting experiment that seems to blow a hole in the myth of the low fat diet and back up the theory that it's the type of the calorie you consume rather than the number that is key in shifting fat - all calories aren't created equal.


excuse the source, i got it from twitter.



Edited by Dr Gloom
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read the piece, it never claimed to be scientific. but there's an inconvenient truth in that article for the packaged food industry. if you want to lose fat, the so-called low fat and low calorie ready meals are the last things you want to be eating.

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6ft2 and 15st3 heaviest I've been for ages, disappointing. I'll be down to 14 and a half in no time though, I can do it when I put my mind to it. The thing is I've been a big cunt most of my life, and when I'm down to 14ish everyone says I'm too skinny, can't win.

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6ft2 and 15st3 heaviest I've been for ages, disappointing. I'll be down to 14 and a half in no time though, I can do it when I put my mind to it. The thing is I've been a big cunt most of my life, and when I'm down to 14ish everyone says I'm too skinny, can't win.

Have you stopped all the big rides?

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I've given up the pop again and feel great for it. It's definitely one of these hidden evils that everyone seems to forget about.


there is literally no point in drinking calories if you're trying to shift fat - booze aside obviously, needs must and all that.


a lot of people don't realise this because it's deemed a healthy product, but even fresh orange juice is bad for this.


make sense when you think about it. eating one orange is absolutely fine - it's full of fibre and vitamins, but one glass of fresh orange juice has about 6 oranges in it - that's a lot of sugar, and you get none of the fibre benefits you would from eating the fruit itself.


i love fresh juice but i keep it to small doses now, and as a treat at the weekend. i get my fruit fix by eating the whole fruit and drinking less juice.

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Fruit juice is a treat now? Okay.........

If you're serious about losing fat it should be, yeah. It's no good for your teeth either, no different to fizzy drinks like coke on that score too

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I drink mainly water, coffee, whisky and wine so I'm not that obsessed - I don't practice what I preach all the time and I do drink empty calories.


But this is a fat loss thread. I'm just offering advice. You seem to be more obsessed with what I write on the subject than I am about staying healthy.


The point is that it's a common misconception that fresh juice is a healthy alternative to coke or Pepsi. Sure there's no chemicals so it's a better option in that sense, but in terms of sugar it's just as bad plus there's no fibre. It's empty calories. Way better to eat the whole fruit.

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Aye that's the same as most fruit or veg. Real stuff is good (over boiling veg aside) if you blend it you will lose some of the vit/min. I never drink bottled juices as they fill them with crap mostly. I'll have a freshly squeezed one now and again but it is like drinking a glass of sugar. Like anything, it's fine in moderation.


I was talking about that article though, I eat around 100g of fat a day. That's 900 cals. You need good fats in your diet. Having 0 fat is worse than 0 carbs. Though for health you shouldn't have 0 Carbs of Fat or Protein. Some people chase the zero carbs without fully knowing about ketosis.


For the most part, most people are fine with moderation on anything and a sensible approach. But, some like me it's a hobby that becomes as natural a way of life as the bloke who goes to the pub after work 5 days a week.



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