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How tall are you and what weight are you, Sugartits?

Guest WDP

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14 - 6 this morning which I think is the heaviest I've ever been.


Been to Asda and bought loads of healthy stuff. (again) :D


You need to rethink your lifestyle not buy a few packets of reduced calorie wotsits. The first step isto cleanse your body of all toxins. This means no booze and a 24 hour fast.

If you're serious about improving your health and digestion you'll do this. Time to stop making excuses,


Hate to say I told you so CT, but I told you so. Weight watchers is never going to work. Still happy to give you advice and a training plan offered many pages ago...

3 days of HIIT and 3 days of full body a week should sort him. \o/


Yup. You could even throw in a few beers and junk meals CT is addicted to if you did that much training.

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"Pure Gym" are opening up in our office. £20 a month, 24hr gym space. Going to make night shifts vastly more interesting. Pop down there and do 45 minutes and grab a shower on the hour I get as a break.


Sounds good. Any kind of 24h gym around here would be ideal really, I often get the urge to go for a run or whatever late at night and they're all closed by 9-ish.

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"Pure Gym" are opening up in our office. £20 a month, 24hr gym space. Going to make night shifts vastly more interesting. Pop down there and do 45 minutes and grab a shower on the hour I get as a break.


Sounds good. Any kind of 24h gym around here would be ideal really, I often get the urge to go for a run or whatever late at night and they're all closed by 9-ish.

I'm also thinking it'd be useful for a few of my more nocturnal mates who spend the witching hours scribbling notes or wrestling one language into another.


And there's a lass or two I know, who'd like the price.

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Haven't been able to go to the gym for nearly a month now. (Since I done my back in)


I've got the all clear to go back next week. So I'm really looking forward to it.

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I've started doing these Nike + treadmill workouts. Basically some gimp called Jay Blahnik is in your ear dishing out the instructions and getting you to whack the incline and the speed up at various intervals. Lasts about 35 minutes and I am fucking wrecked when I get off the treadmill.


Did a 45 minute version of this today. Fuckaroo'd.

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Anyone ever tried body pump classes? Quite a good craic actually. I missed my boxing class today so went along not expecting it to be up to much - it's a short class lifting light weights to music with loads of reps. totally different to the way I usually train but I'm feeling a nice burn in the muscles tonight and I've had a massive appetite ever since the class finished, which is always a good sign of some hard work put in.

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I hate the idea of classes. I'm sure they're great exercise but the people who run them are always evil and I hate being shouted at. :lol: I much prefer just to do my own thing, I'm pretty motivated without being yelled at.


Currently: 9 st 3. Lost 1lb this week despite eating more and moving less in preparation for the GNR.

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There's a body pump at our work gym, which is packed with fanny but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Probably the only one I would do is Spinning cos it's meant to be really good for you cardio wise. I still can't quite bring myself to do it though.

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There's a body pump at our work gym, which is packed with fanny but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Probably the only one I would do is Spinning cos it's meant to be really good for you cardio wise. I still can't quite bring myself to do it though.


spinning is class, as long as you can get past the cheesy euro trance and spandex clad instructors shouting at you. You can burn 800+ calories in 45 mins if you push it. Rpm spin classes are best - interval based, instead of long slow climbs

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My lass has just started going and she's terrified of the instructors. The one last night absolutely chinned them, and there's one bloke goes round the room turning up the resistance on people's bikes.


My concern is that the first time I go i won't be able to finish.

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If they turned the resistance up on my bike, I'd just use the sheer power of my calves and break through it. I'd probably do it so powerfully, I'd be able to ride the exercise bike home.

:lol: the pedals would be completely stationary, you'd have your eyes squeezed shut, and your face would be bright red. After 30 seconds your rectum would prolapse and you'd leave the class looking like you'd grown a shitty tail.


Or something like that.

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My lass has just started going and she's terrified of the instructors. The one last night absolutely chinned them, and there's one bloke goes round the room turning up the resistance on people's bikes.


My concern is that the first time I go i won't be able to finish.


Nearly happened to me that on my first visit.


Had been on the drink the night before and it nearly killed me. I've rode a bike most of my life so didn't think I'd find it to hard but fuck me, its a killer, thought I was going to die after about 15 minutes and the sweat that was coming out of me was horrendous, dripping like a fucked fridge.


Couldn't get off though when this old fella to the left of me was like fucking Lance Armstrong on E, would have looked a right dick. I think I may have been turning up the resistance too much though as when it finished my wheel just stopped.


frightened to go back tbh

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I love spinning and boot camp classes. Just back from a week away and feeling portly, so might do both tomorrow if I wake up in time.


Gemmill, get the spinng done. First time I did it I went back to the office like a giddy idiot it had drained so much out of me. As the others have said, you can always pull back the resistance on the bikes if you're struggling. You'd get used to it after a couple of classes. Anyone ive introduced it to has been delighted with it.


That running/trainer thing you're doingsounds great. I feel I get way more done when I'm being pushed and motivated by someone.

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My lass has just started going and she's terrified of the instructors. The one last night absolutely chinned them, and there's one bloke goes round the room turning up the resistance on people's bikes.


My concern is that the first time I go i won't be able to finish.


Nearly happened to me that on my first visit.


Had been on the drink the night before and it nearly killed me. I've rode a bike most of my life so didn't think I'd find it to hard but fuck me, its a killer, thought I was going to die after about 15 minutes and the sweat that was coming out of me was horrendous, dripping like a fucked fridge.


Couldn't get off though when this old fella to the left of me was like fucking Lance Armstrong on E, would have looked a right dick. I think I may have been turning up the resistance too much though as when it finished my wheel just stopped.


frightened to go back tbh


Spannered last night, and I nearly died laughing at the Lance Armstrong on E line. Fucking face was a mess of tears. :razz:


Barney, I'm scared! The class is mostly birds and I'll look seriously bent if I can't do it.

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