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How tall are you and what weight are you, Sugartits?

Guest WDP

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
6ft 1 15 st (ish) and theres less chance of it going down than my lass

Where you from Geeforce?

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
6ft 1 15 st (ish) and theres less chance of it going down than my lass

Where you from Geeforce?

Darlington mate.

ah whey

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Gym chinned again today. I'm starting to have a look at where Team GB are a bit light for 2012.

Aye, cos I've heard we're after a 5ft 3inch, ginger fatty in the butterfly. ;)


A reckon you'd look lush in one of them tight suits and on another positive note, neeone would see your hair colour with it being covered by a swimming hat. :lol:

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5ft 3? Ginger? No no no.

Just fat then? I don't think they do swimming in weight classes, maybe they'll have an opening in the dressage.


And to think, you could've been the next Eric the Eel.

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i'm off for a session of circuits and boxing with my trainer. i get nervous about these sessions - almost died after the last one. i never push myself quite as stupidly as hard when training alone.

Edited by Dr Gloom
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Everything's going well: I'm eating reasonably well, but could make some improvements; I've been training - not maxing out yet - maintaining good form and slowly building up till I can pile the weight on.


Here's the thing: it's my stool; this is the major problem.*


*Do not read on if you are eating or are of an unstable disposition; I am about to go into great detail about my stool in an attempt to identify and solve any problems inherent in my daily routine.


I shit at least 3 times a day at the moment, usually 3 shits between 6am and 2pm, and we're talking 10-15 minute (sometimes longer) shits that I have to power out with great difficulty (I've already had three shits today, and I've got a feeling I will be making some more trips to the toilet before too long). Once in position, I take my top off, grab behind my ankles and clench my teeth, squeezing with all my might in an attempt to plough these fuckers out. I don't know if this is normal for people who train hard and have a large intake of food daily. The crap itself is of a decent consistency, like clay, or a fairly solid dough that is still warm. Most of my time is spent wiping my arse, as although my crap is quite solid, it is messy and I often have to go back for seconds: there always seems to be more. I think perhaps I am not eating enough fibre; maybe a bowl of bran before I go to bed would help things. My other theory is that my food intake is so gigantic for someone of my size (6', around 78kg), that my sphincter is not capable of dealing with the amount of shite I am producing. When I stand upright my buttocks naturally clench together, I have quite a tight arse and my body is not genetically designed to be shitting this much, perhaps. I apologise for making such a crude post, but I am tired of spending 45 minutes shitting every day. Even though I am producing a lot of shit, I feel my time could be spent doing more productive things if this wasn't the case.

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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Everything's going well: I'm eating reasonably well, but could make some improvements; I've been training - not maxing out yet - maintaining good form and slowly building up till I can pile the weight on.


Here's the thing: it's my stool; this is the major problem.*


*Do not read on if you are eating or are of an unstable disposition; I am about to go into great detail about my stool in an attempt to identify and solve any problems inherent in my daily routine.


I shit at least 3 times a day at the moment, usually 3 shits between 6am and 2pm, and we're talking 10-15 minute (sometimes longer) shits that I have to power out with great difficulty (I've already had three shits today, and I've got a feeling I will be making some more trips to the toilet before too long). Once in position, I take my top off, grab behind my ankles and clench my teeth, squeezing with all my might in an attempt to plough these fuckers out. I don't know if this is normal for people who train hard and have a large intake of food daily. The crap itself is of a decent consistency, like clay, or a fairly solid dough that is still warm. Most of my time is spent wiping my arse, as although my crap is quite solid, it is messy and I often have to go back for seconds: there always seems to be more. I think perhaps I am not eating enough fibre; maybe a bowl of bran before I go to bed would help things. My other theory is that my food intake is so gigantic for someone of my size (6', around 78kg), that my sphincter is not capable of dealing with the amount of shite I am producing. When I stand upright my buttocks naturally clench together, I have quite a tight arse and my body is not genetically designed to be shitting this much, perhaps. I apologise for making such a crude post, but I am tired of spending 45 minutes shitting every day. Even though I am producing a lot of shit, I feel my time could be spent doing more productive things if this wasn't the case.



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Everything's going well: I'm eating reasonably well, but could make some improvements; I've been training - not maxing out yet - maintaining good form and slowly building up till I can pile the weight on.


Here's the thing: it's my stool; this is the major problem.*


*Do not read on if you are eating or are of an unstable disposition; I am about to go into great detail about my stool in an attempt to identify and solve any problems inherent in my daily routine.


I shit at least 3 times a day at the moment, usually 3 shits between 6am and 2pm, and we're talking 10-15 minute (sometimes longer) shits that I have to power out with great difficulty (I've already had three shits today, and I've got a feeling I will be making some more trips to the toilet before too long). Once in position, I take my top off, grab behind my ankles and clench my teeth, squeezing with all my might in an attempt to plough these fuckers out. I don't know if this is normal for people who train hard and have a large intake of food daily. The crap itself is of a decent consistency, like clay, or a fairly solid dough that is still warm. Most of my time is spent wiping my arse, as although my crap is quite solid, it is messy and I often have to go back for seconds: there always seems to be more. I think perhaps I am not eating enough fibre; maybe a bowl of bran before I go to bed would help things. My other theory is that my food intake is so gigantic for someone of my size (6', around 78kg), that my sphincter is not capable of dealing with the amount of shite I am producing. When I stand upright my buttocks naturally clench together, I have quite a tight arse and my body is not genetically designed to be shitting this much, perhaps. I apologise for making such a crude post, but I am tired of spending 45 minutes shitting every day. Even though I am producing a lot of shit, I feel my time could be spent doing more productive things if this wasn't the case.





have a bowl of muesli every day for breakfast and plenty of fresh fruit and veg. if that doesn't help, consult your GP

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Everything's going well: I'm eating reasonably well, but could make some improvements; I've been training - not maxing out yet - maintaining good form and slowly building up till I can pile the weight on.


Here's the thing: it's my stool; this is the major problem.*


*Do not read on if you are eating or are of an unstable disposition; I am about to go into great detail about my stool in an attempt to identify and solve any problems inherent in my daily routine.


I shit at least 3 times a day at the moment, usually 3 shits between 6am and 2pm, and we're talking 10-15 minute (sometimes longer) shits that I have to power out with great difficulty (I've already had three shits today, and I've got a feeling I will be making some more trips to the toilet before too long). Once in position, I take my top off, grab behind my ankles and clench my teeth, squeezing with all my might in an attempt to plough these fuckers out. I don't know if this is normal for people who train hard and have a large intake of food daily. The crap itself is of a decent consistency, like clay, or a fairly solid dough that is still warm. Most of my time is spent wiping my arse, as although my crap is quite solid, it is messy and I often have to go back for seconds: there always seems to be more. I think perhaps I am not eating enough fibre; maybe a bowl of bran before I go to bed would help things. My other theory is that my food intake is so gigantic for someone of my size (6', around 78kg), that my sphincter is not capable of dealing with the amount of shite I am producing. When I stand upright my buttocks naturally clench together, I have quite a tight arse and my body is not genetically designed to be shitting this much, perhaps. I apologise for making such a crude post, but I am tired of spending 45 minutes shitting every day. Even though I am producing a lot of shit, I feel my time could be spent doing more productive things if this wasn't the case.

Stick a golf umbrella up your arse closed and then open it out. Should do the trick mate

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Followed your advice and did a 45 minute HIIT session today. Eegads I'm feeling it. Chowed down on a chicken and pepper salad when I got back (chicken with chilli flakes rubbed in for the flavour).


that was 3 hours ago or so and I'm absolutely clammering for food. However I've another 11hours at work and don't fancy eating my pacvked tea now because I know I'll be hungry again later on, given the only food here is a snack machine, I'm torn.

Edited by The Fish
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Followed your advice and did a 45 minute HIIT session today. Eegads I'm feeling it. Chowed down on a chicken and pepper salad when I got back (chicken with chilli flakes rubbed in for the flavour).


that was 3 hours ago or so and I'm absolutely clammering for food. However I've another 11hours at work and don't fancy eating my pacvked tea now because I know I'll be hungry again later on, given the only food here is a snack machine, I'm torn.



snack on something if you're hungry mate. just make it some natural yoghurt with some fresh fruit or something or some raw nuts and dried druit rather than going for crisps or a mars bar from the vending machine. i always have stuff like that in tupperware boxes in my desk for snacking in between meals. eating often is really important, just make sure it's the right stuff. and keep up the good work ;)

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Everything's going well: I'm eating reasonably well, but could make some improvements; I've been training - not maxing out yet - maintaining good form and slowly building up till I can pile the weight on.


Here's the thing: it's my stool; this is the major problem.*


*Do not read on if you are eating or are of an unstable disposition; I am about to go into great detail about my stool in an attempt to identify and solve any problems inherent in my daily routine.


I shit at least 3 times a day at the moment, usually 3 shits between 6am and 2pm, and we're talking 10-15 minute (sometimes longer) shits that I have to power out with great difficulty (I've already had three shits today, and I've got a feeling I will be making some more trips to the toilet before too long). Once in position, I take my top off, grab behind my ankles and clench my teeth, squeezing with all my might in an attempt to plough these fuckers out. I don't know if this is normal for people who train hard and have a large intake of food daily. The crap itself is of a decent consistency, like clay, or a fairly solid dough that is still warm. Most of my time is spent wiping my arse, as although my crap is quite solid, it is messy and I often have to go back for seconds: there always seems to be more. I think perhaps I am not eating enough fibre; maybe a bowl of bran before I go to bed would help things. My other theory is that my food intake is so gigantic for someone of my size (6', around 78kg), that my sphincter is not capable of dealing with the amount of shite I am producing. When I stand upright my buttocks naturally clench together, I have quite a tight arse and my body is not genetically designed to be shitting this much, perhaps. I apologise for making such a crude post, but I am tired of spending 45 minutes shitting every day. Even though I am producing a lot of shit, I feel my time could be spent doing more productive things if this wasn't the case.


You definitely need more fibre - especially insoluble fibre which helps to keep your bowel healthy. Bran, wholemeal bread, brown rice plus plenty fruit and veg. If you keep straining like that when you need a shit you're going to end up with piles. Plus, you shouldn't be shitting 3 times a day so it could be a chronic constipation that you've got. Drink plenty fluids too (not fizzy)

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