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How tall are you and what weight are you, Sugartits?

Guest WDP

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i suppose it's useful if you're trying to work out if someone that clearly doesn't look after their body is either clinically obese or simply over weight. it isn't an accurate tool to measure fat loss and improved body composition.


No it isn't, but that's not what it's designed for.

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And yet along with weight loss, it's what lots of misguided dieters look to for signs of progress.


You are coming from a different point to the likes of CT though. He is (by his own admission) overweight. His methods are a bit scatty as we well know but he is using the right targets. Getting the callipers out is for different people with different goals. The idea that you're trying to sell that body weight is irrelevant and it's all about composition is wrong.

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You are coming from a different point to the likes of CT though. He is (by his own admission) overweight. His methods are a bit scatty as we well know but he is using the right targets. Getting the callipers out is for different people with different goals. The idea that you're trying to sell that body weight is irrelevant and it's all about composition is wrong.


It's not irrelevant but its certainly not the mot accurate way of measuring fat loss.

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It's not irrelevant but its certainly not the mot accurate way of measuring fat loss.


Give it up Gloom, either you're not listening to Luke or you're not understanding him. For most people, BMI is an easily measurable highly relevant metric. Most people aren't like you.

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Give it up Gloom, either you're not listening to Luke or you're not understanding him. For most people, BMI is an easily measurable highly relevant metric. Most people aren't like you.


What's to give up? i've made a valid point. according to BMI, i'm overweight. That's blatantly bollocks as I've got a very healthy body fat percentage. BMI doesn't account for the fact that muscle weighs more than fat. it's a flawed



There are plenty of other people on here like me, that take a keen interest in their health, getting in shape and improving their appearance. my advice to them is don't bother with BMI.


i'll concede that it could be useful for the fatties of this world that want to measure whether crash dieting is helping them move from clinically obese to just over-weight. but for those who are serious about getting in shape and want to chart their progress, it's the wrong tool.

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What's to give up? i've made a valid point. according to BMI, i'm overweight. That's blatantly bollocks as I've got a very healthy body fat percentage. BMI doesn't account for the fact that muscle weighs more than fat. it's a flawed



There are plenty of other people on here like me, that take a keen interest in their health, getting in shape and improving their appearance. my advice to them is don't bother with BMI.


i'll concede that it could be useful for the fatties of this world that want to measure whether crash dieting is helping them move from clinically obese to just over-weight. but for those who are serious about getting in shape and want to chart their progress, it's the wrong tool.


Give up arguing with healthcare professionals man. You still don't get it. BMI is a useful screening tool for 95% of the population. It's not useful for body builders or health fanatics like yourself. Why is this concept so hard for you to grasp?

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Give up arguing with healthcare professionals man. You still don't get it. BMI is a useful screening tool for 95% of the population. It's not useful for body builders or health fanatics like yourself. Why is this concept so hard for you to grasp?


it's not that hard to grasp - read my post fuckwit. i conceded that while BMI might be useful for analysing fatties with zero lean muscle mass, it's not useful for people like me and several others on here who actually want to track the results of the training. off the top of my head i would include gemmill, JawD, gejon, ant, alreetlike etc. there are plenty of others others who do take an interest in these issues and post in this thread too. i get that you have no interest in any of this but to say BMI isn't flawed is simply wrong.

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it's not that hard to grasp - read my post fuckwit. i conceded that while BMI might be useful for analysing fatties with zero lean muscle mass, it's not useful for people like me and several others on here who actually want to track the results of the training. off the top of my head i would include gemmill, JawD, gejon, ant, alreetlike etc. there are plenty of others others who do take an interest in these issues and post in this thread too. i get that you have no interest in any of this but to say BMI isn't flawed is simply wrong.


It's not flawed for the population its intended for our the use its intended for though, this is the point you are constantly missing. Do you think the posters of this thread are remotely representative of the general population? :lol:


There's a real whiff of vanity and superiority about you on this thread as well BTW.

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It's not flawed for the population its intended for our the use its intended for though, this is the point you are constantly missing. Do you think the posters of this thread are remotely representative of the general population? :lol:


There's a real whiff of vanity and superiority about you on this thread as well BTW.


i'm not missing that point though am I :lol: are you even reading my posts? i'm making the case for the majority of people that use this thread, not the nation's obese majority.


i'd argue what we have here is more a case of you displaying an inferiority complex than me trying to be superior. my approach to fitness and nutrition irritates you; i get that, you've made it clear already.


but to be honest, this thread has evolved into a platform for people that are interested in sharing ideas about training and nutrition. you don't have any time for it - that's fine - but it's a hobby of mine; i like exchanging ideas and sharing things that have worked for me and things that haven't in an attempt to help people not make mistakes that i have made in the past. getting concerned about bmi was a mistake i made in the past and the same might apply to others.

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BMI is bollocks like, but I see its use for someone who wakes up one day and thinks "am I obese?".


On another note, Im down to 12st 13lb and around 13-14% BF. Prob best shape Ive been in now bar none. Not too bad for a 40/41yr old.

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BMI is bollocks like, but I see its use for someone who wakes up one day and thinks "am I obese?".


On another note, Im down to 12st 13lb and around 13-14% BF. Prob best shape Ive been in now bar none. Not too bad for a 40/41yr old.


good work! 13% is where you really start to notice the big improvements

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i'm not missing that point though am I :lol: are you even reading my posts? i'm making the case for the majority of people that use this thread, not the nation's obese majority.


i'd argue what we have here is more a case of you displaying an inferiority complex than me trying to be superior. my approach to fitness and nutrition irritates you; i get that, you've made it clear already.


but to be honest, this thread has evolved into a platform for people that are interested in sharing ideas about training and nutrition. you don't have any time for it - that's fine - but it's a hobby of mine; i like exchanging ideas and sharing things that have worked for me and things that haven't in an attempt to help people not make mistakes that i have made in the past. getting concerned about bmi was a mistake i made in the past and the same might apply to others.


Being in the normal BMI range is a perfectly reasonable target for most people, it's not useful for gym obsessives like you. I'm fairly interested in what most people have to say in this thread, and obviously amused by CT's contributions, but you alone come across as different. You give the impression of being vain, obsessed, condescending, but most of all boring with your constant tales of how you've 'beasted' yourself in the gym with kettle bells.

Do I feel inferior to you (someone I've never met) based on your posts in this thread? :lol: Aye, right. I'm not the jealous or envious type in any case, but believe me, you would be way down the list of people to be jealous or feel inferior of.


Anyway, whatever, good luck in persuading the medical profession that BMI is flawed and they should be getting the callipers out instead.

Edited by Renton
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Being in the normal BMI range is a perfectly reasonable target for most people, it's not useful for gym obsessives like you. I'm fairly interested in what most people have to say in this thread, and obviously amused by CT's contributions, but you alone come across as different. You give the impression of being vain, obsessed, condescending, but most of all boring with your constant tales of how you've 'beasted' yourself in the gym with kettle bells.

Do I feel inferior to you (someone I've never met) based on your posts in this thread? :lol: Aye, right. I'm not the jealous or envious type in any case, but believe me, you would be way down the list of people to be jealous or feel inferior of.


Anyway, whatever, good luck in persuading the medical profession that BMI is flawed and they should be getting the callipers out instead.


when did i try to do that man? :lol:


are you basing this on the fact that luke happens to be a doctor and he was telling me what BMI was originally designed to do?


for the last time, i was just making a very valid point that BMI isn't going to be much use for most people that post in this thread, CT being the obvious exception, as generally people here seem to be in reasonable to good shape and are simply looking at ways to get fitter.


if you find me so irritating or boring, i can only advise you do yourself a favour and put me on ignore. or at least try to breathe when you read my posts in this thread and carry on. i'm not about to change. as long there is a debate going on fitness, and people are engaged, i'm likely to chip in because it's something i'm interested in. this is the last time i'm replying to you on the matter though you massive dullard.

Edited by Dr Gloom
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when did i try to do that man? :lol:


are you basing this on the fact that luke happens to be a doctor and he was telling me what BMI was originally designed to do?


for the last time, i was just making a very valid point that BMI isn't going to be much use for most people that post in this thread, CT being the obvious exception, as generally people here seem to be in reasonable to good shape and are simply looking at ways to get fitter.


if you find me so irritating or boring, i can only advise you do yourself a favour and put me on ignore. or at least try to breathe when you read my posts in this thread and carry on. i'm not about to change. as long there is a debate going on fitness, and people are engaged, i'm likely to chip in because it's something i'm interested in. this is the last time i'm replying to you on the matter though you massive dullard.


BMI will be a useful measure for many people on this board and this thread, not just CT and other 'fatties' as you put it ffs. Check the title of the thread, its not supposed to be reserved for gym monkeys. And BTW, the majority of people this country aren't obese which you claimed earlier either. That's the kind of condescending air of superiority you give which I was getting at.


Other than that, peace. ;)

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BMI is simply a ratio of your height to your weight calculated to give an easily understandable scale, effectively saying if you are Xcm tall you should be about Ykg heavy. The 'about' bit is the key. As it's such a simple calculation it is inevitably not going to tell you everything about a person's body, but it gives you an idea, and crucially, perspective.


I saw an article today in one of those women's scandal mags about Kelly Brook putting on weight, having a 'belly' (complete with a photo of her in a bikini, sitting and leaning over, fully accentuating her supposed belly in the way the Mens Health covers do the opposite). Often held up as an example of a "curvier woman of a fuller weight, who eats what she wants" etc, even with the extra weight (if the article is correct) she still only has a BMI of 23.


(doubtless Dan will decry her as a fat bitch who needs to make friends with Annie etc ;) )


There is nothing wrong with people wanting to do a bit better than being approximately the right weight for their height (I do too tbh) but it you are then you're doing okay and shouldn't be made to feel like you're some sort of failure. Making Kelly Brook out to be fat (or even at the heavier end of normal) is the sort of thing that pushes people towards eating disorders, some of whom starve themselves down to BMIs of single figures.


Likewise, dismissing it as a load of bollocks or advising people to ignore it if you're overweight can lead to those with in the late twenties into thirties of the scale being falsely reassured, carrying on with their unhealthy lifestyles and dropping dead of a heart attack in their late forties.

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At the end of the day there's sexy cunts and there's fat cunts. I've been both, but now I'm neither. I tell you my secret to weight loss. CT take notice, calorie counting and proper hard graft. Every single day since I started 5 or 6 weeks ago, I've set myself a limit of 1800 calories, I've went over that when I've been on the piss like, this week I've had 8 pints but......in my gym there's a cross trainer, I don't care how accurate the reading is, I don't come off it till it says 1000 calories, normally takes 70 minutes. It's hardly rocket science but it's honestly working, I don't feel too tired and I'm looking far more slender. Obviously many people probably can't be arsed with at least an hour in the gym a day, but strites it works. Losing weight takes years off you as well, there's nee way I look 35, 30 max, don't care what no one says.

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Yeah, well done Stevie. I don't have the patience for long form cardio either like but it will definitely get results.


Couldn't agree more about improved fitness increasing your sex drive and making you look younger too.


I mentioned a mate of mine a few pages back who cut about 10% body fat on the alchemist programme - takes years off him, mainly because it took so much fat off his face.

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