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How tall are you and what weight are you, Sugartits?

Guest WDP

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I'm about 14.5 now. I was around 14 before I went under the knife and am back to running this week, which I'm made up about.


Look at the fat kid getting all excited cos he's lost a bit of weight btw. :lol: Ooo oooo let's see everyone's weight!


did they cut your brain out ?


Are you 5 years old?


I dunno his age but he's keeping quiet about his weight.


Must be a proper podge.

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did they cut your brain out ?


Are you 5 years old?


I dunno his age but he's keeping quiet about his weight.


Must be a proper podge.

I've always imagined LM to look like Bergerac.

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About 5ft7 I think, not saying my weight but lost a stone in the past few months and could do with shedding at least another.


According to my records:

4-Nov-10 - 12st 6lbs 6oz

11-Nov-10 - 12st 2lbs 3oz



15-Mar-12 - 9st 1lb 10oz

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About 5ft7 I think, not saying my weight but lost a stone in the past few months and could do with shedding at least another.


According to my records:

4-Nov-10 - 12st 6lbs 6oz

11-Nov-10 - 12st 2lbs 3oz



15-Mar-12 - 9st 1lb 10oz


Thats brilliant jill.


Bet you feel a world healthier!

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I feel loads better. For a few months it was going to be a slippery slope into becoming a right fat mess so I'm pleased I decided to do something about it. Would've been all too easy to stay in denial about my clothes becoming tighter.


No secrets or quick fixes here though. Cut down drinking from about 6 nights a week to 1 or 2 days over the weekend, eat a healthy balanced diet with snacks (fruit) spaced out through the day to avoid getting too hungry, eat whatever I want 1 day a week (Saturday), say no to all the biscuits etc going round the office, gym/running 3-4 times a week and walk wherever possible. Straightforward but just takes a bit of willpower and dedication. I actually enjoyed it because it's good to see the results of your efforts.


Now I find myself slightly smug when I hear everyone else in the office moan that they're not losing while shovelling cake into their mouths.

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Jill proving losing weight, or putting it on, isn't The Krypton Factor.


I've put about four pounds on this last few weeks which coincided with me being out of work. Not too worried about losing it.

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Jill proving losing weight, or putting it on, isn't The Krypton Factor.


I've put about four pounds on this last few weeks which coincided with me being out of work. Not too worried about losing it.


Proving its all about very very strong will power, as are most things of this nature, Fatty ;)

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11.6 I think. I'll weigh myself tonight, just for you CT.


I'm think the fact that I don't really *do* things like crisps and fizzy drinks means I've never hit 12st in me life. Managed to not put on too much weight at uni as I played plenty of hockey and walked a fair bit.


Although it hasn't been a conscious decision, I rarely eat red meat so I think that's helped keep off the pounds too. Definitely working in a veggie restaurant kitchen for a year meant my diet was fairly decent!


Just weighed myself and I come in at 10.9!


Don't think I've been under 11 stone since I was 17. :glare: Methinks I really need to get to the gym and put on a bit of weight.

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Haven't weighed myself recently but I reckon I'm probably about 10 1/2 stone now. I don't have a picking of fat on me but I've been doing a lot of gym work over the last 3 months to give the knees a rest from running

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Jill proving losing weight, or putting it on, isn't The Krypton Factor.


I've put about four pounds on this last few weeks which coincided with me being out of work. Not too worried about losing it.


Proving its all about very very strong will power, as are most things of this nature, Fatty ;)

:no: CT loses 4lb in as many months and now he's got a Will of Iron

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Jill proving losing weight, or putting it on, isn't The Krypton Factor.


I've put about four pounds on this last few weeks which coincided with me being out of work. Not too worried about losing it.


Proving its all about very very strong will power, as are most things of this nature, Fatty ;)

:no: CT loses 4lb in as many months and now he's got a Will of Iron


A few pints of cider and he'll be polishing off a tub of choccy ice cream at 3 in the morning, sobbing softly to himself

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Jill proving losing weight, or putting it on, isn't The Krypton Factor.


I've put about four pounds on this last few weeks which coincided with me being out of work. Not too worried about losing it.


Proving its all about very very strong will power, as are most things of this nature, Fatty

CT loses 4lb in as many months and now he's got a Will of Iron


My point fatso is that Jills achievement is fantastic.


While I'm sure he didn't mean it, HMHM's comment belittles her achievement IMO.

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My point fatso is that Jills achievement is fantastic.


While I'm sure he didn't mean it, HMHM's comment belittles her achievement IMO.


May I respectfully suggest you lay off the fatso/fatty comments? I find such fattist comments hurtful, not everyone has abs of steel like yourself you know !

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My point fatso is that Jills achievement is fantastic.


While I'm sure he didn't mean it, HMHM's comment belittles her achievement IMO.


May I respectfully suggest you lay off the fatso/fatty comments? I find such fattist comments hurtful, not everyone has moobs of rancid butter like yourself you know !









fatty :)

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My point fatso is that Jills achievement is fantastic.


While I'm sure he didn't mean it, HMHM's comment belittles her achievement IMO.


May I respectfully suggest you lay off the fatso/fatty comments? I find such fattist comments hurtful, not everyone has moobs of rancid butter like yourself you know !



fatty :)


* Shrieks with rage and throws deep fried peanut butter and jam sandwich at screen *

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May I respectfully suggest you lay off the fatso/fatty comments? I find such fattist comments hurtful, not everyone has moobs of rancid butter like yourself you know !



fatty :)


* Shrieks with rage and throws deep fried peanut butter and jam sandwich at screen *

*....then, full of self-loathing and crying big snotty tears, proceeds to lick it off...

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I'd hunt you down and make you pay for those remarks MF. If I could ever support my considerable weight on my legs that is. The fridge is a cruel mistress, the biscuit jar is a bitch.

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I thought we were both having a pop a the Boldon Bunter like, but hey ho, we'll sort it out over a pasty or ten.



Like men, not calorie-counting queens. ;)


:lol: I got carried away


For some reason at the moment CT reminds me of Richard Simmons



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My point fatso is that Jills achievement is fantastic. While I'm sure he didn't mean it, HMHM's comment belittles her achievement IMO.


I don't get how you think those comments belittled Jill, intentional or not. (Obviously not in this case).


She mentioned what she did to lose her weight and then at the end said she kinda felt smug when she saw people moaning about not losing weight whilst stuffing chocolate cakes in their faces. So I basically said it wasn't hard to work out how to do it which is the point she made. I certainly didn't belittle her.


Since I've been out of work I've put a few pounds on, I haven't changed my excercise, have probably let my hair down a little bit more during the week but the main factor is not spending 12 hours on the go like I did in my last job. I probably didn't realise just how much this would've helped when I was losing the weight. I should be starting my new job next week so I'm sure that'll help get me back to where I was at. I'd got down to about 11 stone 1-3 pounds. Now I'm 11 stone 4-7. I'm 5"9.


Anyway, well done For losing 4 pounds, CT! (Wacky's glue bag tits jibe was a bit strong, funny, but a bit strong!) :D

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