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Newcastle United 1-2 Blackburn Rovers

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:D at the 56 year old man having a pop (apropos of nothing) at me for not being at the match. Fifty six years old man.


Well. You do have a bit of a gob like :dunno: So what stops you going ?


Nowt. And I rarely post at all on football or anything else tbh. I would if I still went, but I don't.


I won't state the obvious then, and be accused of hijacking the thread.


Needless to say, if you choose not to go to games and have the capability to go quite easily because you live in the area and have the money, your opinion counts for jack shit.

Fair enough. The fact you're as thick as mince is what renders your opinion worthless.


As evidenced by the fact that you think someone that doesn't live in the area and also doesn't go to games has a more worthy opinion.


no. That is correct. You are wrong. Most people who go to games and live in the area would agree with me, that makes their opinion more worthy as seen from the 1st perspective. You have no excuse for not going, so why do you think your opinion is worthy ?


You give me no choice, I have to ask.


1. When did you go to games ?


2. When did you stop ?


3. What attracted you to games when you went ?


4. Why have you stopped ?


I'm not claiming my opinion is as valid as someone who attends the matches. In fact I've argued the exact opposite on multiple occasions in the past - that the opinion of those that attend the match bears more weight than those that don't. I'm not even arguing that my opinion is worthy - once again you're pointlessly countering arguments that have never been made.


I was making two points to you, and as we're going down the route of numbering things in posts, I'll do you that service. My points were as follows:


1. I don't care what you think of my opinion because I think you're a moron.


2. You seem to imply that the decision not to go to the match is what undervalues my opinion. That if you take two people, neither of whom go to the match, one chooses not to (me), and one can't for logistical reasons (let's say you), that your opinion carries greater weight because you don't make the decision not to go. Is that really what you believe? Because it only serves to support my belief that you're stupid.


As for your "You give me no choice. I have to ask." speech, what makes you think that I have to explain myself to you? Because I have no intention of doing so.


my basic point is that you know fuck all about the football club and as such are pretty thick yourself. Not just in footballing terms but your grasp of football economics, and for an accountant that's quite damning. Or maybe not. Like most accountants, you think running a football club is the same as running a high street store.


Why don't you go to games when you live in the city and can clearly afford to go ? If you don't want to, the tell us you aren't really so committed to the club as you make out, and therefore don't have such a depth of understanding of the club ?






Leazes man lay off the fucking sauce. You can't fault the logic of any of what Gemmill's said and if anyone lives in the real world, he does-he's never used the high street store analogy to the best of my knowledge and belief.


This is getting typical of any of your 'wrong side of midnight' posts tbh.


If Gemmil thinks I'm incorrect about something, let him post or link it and show it, which he appears to think is the case.


In the meantime, I'll point out that he may think I know fuck all but I'll point out I go to games, which he admits he doesn't.


There is nowt worse than listening to some know it all cunt who lives in the city and doesn't go to games trying to tell someone who does where the club, manager or players are all going wrong.


Edit. I'll point out that his comment "and one can't for logistical reasons" doesn't apply to me, because when when it was difficult for me to go to games "for logistical reasons" I managed to do it. As I said, if he thinks i know fuck all about the club - which is what he insinuates - then let him show us what he disagrees with and back it up. If he can't, which he can't, there's only one moron.


I asked him a few straightforward questions. He declined. To me, the reason for this is blindingly obvious.




There's just nowhere to start responding to that post because it bares no resemblance to anything that's ever been said.


I don't think anyone would question your knowledge of the club (I'd be happy to bet it's more extensive than most) and I know for a fact Gemmill hasn't done that. That's no substitute for a basic grasp of logic though. IYAM it's all just to do with you constantly needing to have someone to 'prove wrong' (or prove yourself right (or whatever)), for whatever reason that might be. It boils down to the same thing every time and as everyone knows all too well, there's a bunch of kids on another message board who'd be kopping for this instead if you could only get on there.


Seriously, take it easy. I know it's not the 'real world' on here but calling someone a 'know it all cunt' on the basis of stuff you've made up reflects a lot worse on you than it does on them.


and calling someone a moron is what exactly ?


It's established he isn't so knowledgeable about the club and isn't a committed supporter by choice .


If he is referring to some of my political views, which are different to his, that is even more moronic, and accentuated by the fact he is associating them with football ?



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Right, Leazes. I don't know why I'm even bothering to do this, because talking to you is a bit like talking to someone in a coma. You turn up every day, hoping for some flicker, some sign that they're picking up on what you're saying, some hint that the brain is not dead. The main difference obviously is that people talking to coma victims sometimes get a response to what they're actually saying.


So there's only really one reason to do this: because you make it so fucking easy. And I know I don't do myself any favours by doing this....but it really is easy. So, let's have a look at what the drunk man had to say last night.


my basic point is that you know fuck all about the football club and as such are pretty thick yourself. Not just in footballing terms but your grasp of football economics, and for an accountant that's quite damning. Or maybe not. Like most accountants, you think running a football club is the same as running a high street store.


Knowing nothing about NUFC = pretty thick. Right. I keep making the point that I have no respect for your opinion because I think you're a stupid man, and you just keep piling up the evidence.


As for the other bit about football economics and what "most accountants" think about them, you aren't actually arguing with my view of football economics, you're arguing with the invisible foe that you've created both on here and on Newcastle Online. I have a very simple view of running a business, which involves not making massive unsustainable losses, not getting yourself into unsustainable debt, etc. The basic shit that keeps them afloat. It's why I'm a qualified accountant and you're a massive spastic.


Why don't you go to games when you live in the city and can clearly afford to go ? If you don't want to, the tell us you aren't really so committed to the club as you make out, and therefore don't have such a depth of understanding of the club ?


I go if and when I want to. Ten years ago I might have bristled at this post. But I'm 34 years old, and I appreciate that my decision to go to the match is mine alone (we're talking about a football match here), and that your opinion of my commitment to the club is an irrelevance. So say what you like, just understand that I don't care.


If Gemmil thinks I'm incorrect about something, let him post or link it and show it, which he appears to think is the case.


I mean really, what are you on about. I'd ask you to re-read my post but it's pointless. I made two points.


1. You're stupid.


2. Your logic around which opinion carries more weight is mental. Let me spell this out for you before you just click into full on retard mode:


I agree with you that people that go to the match have a more worthwhile opinion on players/tactics/the match itself. Have you got that this time? Where I don't agree with you is that you seem to argue that if two people don't go to the match, but one actually chooses not to go then their opinion is worth less than that of the person who can't go. That's mental.


As for linking to posts where you're incorrect about something, I'd be as old as you by the time I finished.


In the meantime, I'll point out that he may think I know fuck all but I'll point out I go to games, which he admits he doesn't.


Ok. Now I think you're a stupid man who goes to football matches.


There is nowt worse than listening to some know it all cunt who lives in the city and doesn't go to games trying to tell someone who does where the club, manager or players are all going wrong.


Jesus, I've explained this to you before as well. I rarely post on football matters on here. I flit about the place making daft jokes most of the time, I very rarely start threads on football matters because I don't feel qualified to do so these days because of my non-attendance.


So again, what the fucking fuck are you on about? Coma chat.


Edit. I'll point out that his comment "and one can't for logistical reasons" doesn't apply to me, because when when it was difficult for me to go to games "for logistical reasons" I managed to do it. As I said, if he thinks i know fuck all about the club - which is what he insinuates - then let him show us what he disagrees with and back it up. If he can't, which he can't, there's only one moron.


Let's clear this one up. I think you have more knowledge about the football club than me. I'm being absolutely genuine here, and it would be foolish for me to try to claim otherwise. You're older than me, you've been to games that I haven't, your knowledge of the history of the club trumps mine, etc.


But I'm worried that just saying this won't be enough. That you'll be back to calling me a "know it all cunt" in no time. Christ knows that fuck all else that anyone says to you sinks in when it doesn't serve your basic need (as Sammy mentioned) to constantly prove someone wrong. So I'm going to give you something to remind you that you know more about the football club than me. Stick it in your avatar or your signature to remind yourself.




This signifies two things:


1. Your greater knowledge of the club. Bravo.


2. The fact that your greater knowledge of the club is a bit like Obafemi Martins' pace - a fucking waste of time because of how stupid you are


I asked him a few straightforward questions. He declined. To me, the reason for this is blindingly obvious.


Yes, it's because I don't need to explain myself to you. Was that the same reason you came up with?


If I got your lass pregnant, I'd have some explaining to do. To you specifically. If I don't go to a football match, I don't have to explain anything to anyone. Is this sinking in?


Anyway, I'm acutely aware that I've just wasted my time. That you'll turn up in an hour or two, a day older (56 going on 7), slightly hungover, a few brain cells lighter, and no more capable of intelligent thought in sobriety than you were in your drunken stupor last night. Welcome to another day of stupidity. The floor is yours.


ohhhh....how stinging :dunno:


Tell me Gemmill, why did you continue to support the football club to back Souness with the unlimited funds you kept saying they ought to do, if you are an accountant and have such a firm grasp of building "unsustainable debts" ?


I [yes me] told you what would happen if he kept wasting money and they kept on giving him more and more ?


At the end of the day, to the present, you are by choice not supporting the football club. So in my eyes that makes you nothing more than an armchair supporter with absolutely zero opinion and even less idea or judgement and a complete idiot for attempting to tell people who do support the club anything at all.


Anyway. I don't want to drag this on and on and on so I'll leave it. I know you won't accept this being a stupid arse.

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Fuck, I forgot to predict that your reply would mention Souness. :pullhair: You fucking idiot.


which accountant said to back him with unlimited funds to "build his team" ?


Who's the idiot :)


Anyway. Some of us have work to do

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Fuck, I forgot to predict that your reply would mention Souness. :pullhair: You fucking idiot.


which accountant said to back him with unlimited funds to "build his team" ?


No idea but it wasn't me. Was it your imaginary foe?

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Fuck, I forgot to predict that your reply would mention Souness. :pullhair: You fucking idiot.


which accountant said to back him with unlimited funds to "build his team" ?


Who's the idiot :)


Anyway. Some of us have work to do


It might have been you. Haven't you been outed as a Souness fan, until he annoyed Bellamy that is?

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Fuck, I forgot to predict that your reply would mention Souness. :pullhair: You fucking idiot.


which accountant said to back him with unlimited funds to "build his team" ?


Who's the idiot :icon_lol:


Anyway. Some of us have work to do



And which chairman did just that? Who's the idiot? :)

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Fuck, I forgot to predict that your reply would mention Souness. :pullhair: You fucking idiot.


which accountant said to back him with unlimited funds to "build his team" ?


Who's the idiot :icon_lol:


Anyway. Some of us have work to do



And which chairman did just that? Who's the idiot? :)

His logic on this point is staggering. He insists that the chairman's job is to back his manager, then tries to score points by asking who it was that said the chairman should back his manager. Then laughs like the fucking joker at how clever he thinks he's been.

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Tuesday, 9 November 2010


Stoke v Birmingham, 19:45 (1)

Tottenham v Sunderland, 20:00 (1)


Wednesday, 10 November 2010


Aston Villa v Blackpool, 19:45 (1)

Chelsea v Fulham, 19:45 (1)

Newcastle v Blackburn, 19:45 (1)

West Ham v West Brom, 19:45 (2)

Wigan v Liverpool, 19:45 (x)

Wolverhampton v Arsenal, 19:45 (x)

Everton v Bolton, 20:00 (x)

Man City v Man Utd, 20:00 (x)


Saturday, 13 November 2010


Aston Villa v Man Utd, 12:45 (x)

Man City v Birmingham, 15:00 (x)

Newcastle v Fulham, 15:00 (1)

Tottenham v Blackburn, 15:00 (1)

West Ham v Blackpool, 15:00 (x)

Wigan v West Brom, 15:00 (2)

Wolverhampton v Bolton, 15:00 (x)

Stoke v Liverpool, 17:30 (x)


Sunday, 14 November 2010


Everton v Arsenal, 14:00 (x)

Chelsea v Sunderland, 16:10 (1)


All realistic would mean on Sunday night:


Chelsea 31

Man Utd 25

Newcastle 23

Arsenal 22

Man City 22





Love it!!!!


Where did it all go wrong?



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