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Geordies too poor to ski


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An irish skiing company advertising in the south of England put this advert out;




I'm not 'outraged' as a couple of papers have said people of the North East would be, but you've got to say, there's so many tabboo's out there now for any kind of media wanting to take the piss out of some figure of fun that perhaps we are becoming a default 'fall guy' in place of the Irish, Jews, Blacks, women, gays, whoever. I also wonder if any on here have any experience in advertising and what kind of procedure you have to go through to get something approved?




A spokesman for the Advertising Standards Authority said last night it was unable to investigate the campaign as it has not received any complaints from members of the public.


I'm kind of pleased there's been no official complaint to the advertising complaints as it suggests we're a bit above this type of thing but I still think it shows the negativity we as fans get compared to say Man Utd/Liverpool when it comes to being pissed off with our owner and his mates for example.

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fucking idiotic shit, just done to get a bit of attention with which theyve probably succeeded. Ironic it's an Irish company as we're crippled beyond belief economically ourselves, the last thing most people around here are thinking of is skiing.

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fucking idiotic shit, just done to get a bit of attention with which theyve probably succeeded. Ironic it's an Irish company as we're crippled beyond belief economically ourselves, the last thing most people around here are thinking of is skiing.

Wasn't it an Irish betting firm who put an advert for who was going to be the next Rangers manager and had a photo of the Pope?


To me that was just good humoured innuendo but this is just taking the piss a bit. I'd put money on the person whose idea it was being an Irish 'United' fan. ;)

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I hated skiing because as far as I could tell everyone doing it was a southern wanker.



This isn't a lie, but my Dad went skiing in Germany when he was in the forces in the sixties and ended up in hospital with various broken bones. The only other person I can think of who went skiing is my best pal, he went with his school in the eighties and ended up in hospital with various broken bones.


Geordies don't ski because we're shit at it! :razz:

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;):razz: :razz: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:


An Irish firm putting this up. The sad thing is the thick twats, bump the whole North East as geordies, geordies are from Newcastle and it drags us down when we're slung in with the rest of the NE. Working in the south they generally don't class Newcastle as a trampy place at all, attitudes understand Newcastle can be a thriving, vibrant city, with it's own little economy. There are 100 places in Britain they could've chosen above us, I suppose Merseyside would've too obvious. Arseholes all the same. Same as the Paddy Power advert where the cat gets booted in the tree, which has caused kids all over the country to try to replicate it.

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;):razz: :razz: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:


An Irish firm putting this up. The sad thing is the thick twats, bump the whole North East as geordies, geordies are from Newcastle and it drags us down when we're slung in with the rest of the NE. Working in the south they generally don't class Newcastle as a trampy place at all, attitudes understand Newcastle can be a thriving, vibrant city, with it's own little economy. There are 100 places in Britain they could've chosen above us, I suppose Merseyside would've too obvious. Arseholes all the same. Same as the Paddy Power advert where the cat gets booted in the tree, which has caused kids all over the country to try to replicate it.


If they said it about Liverpool the city would likely arrange some sort of vigil with Franz Klammer and Bertie Ahern to mourn the city's lack of respect from the whole world and how in fact they have best skiers no matter what we think. And they know a dead chicken when they see one, that was just a brilliant, brilliant scouse gag.

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;):razz: :razz: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:


An Irish firm putting this up. The sad thing is the thick twats, bump the whole North East as geordies, geordies are from Newcastle and it drags us down when we're slung in with the rest of the NE. Working in the south they generally don't class Newcastle as a trampy place at all, attitudes understand Newcastle can be a thriving, vibrant city, with it's own little economy. There are 100 places in Britain they could've chosen above us, I suppose Merseyside would've too obvious. Arseholes all the same. Same as the Paddy Power advert where the cat gets booted in the tree, which has caused kids all over the country to try to replicate it.


If they said it about Liverpool the city would likely arrange some sort of vigil with Franz Klammer and Bertie Ahern to mourn the city's lack of respect from the whole world and how in fact they have best skiers no matter what we think. And they know a dead chicken when they see one, that was just a brilliant, brilliant scouse gag.

They'd find some remote blood link which explained how Eddie the Eagle had a scouse lineage which resulted in him being Britain's best ski jumper.


I'm not annoyed about it to be honest, I wouldn't even say it's ignorance it's just so dense. Like calling people from Surrey tramps.

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Rather than be too poor, I'd put it down to the following:


The temperature is similar to our own

We'd rather lie by a pool

There's no San Miguel on the slopes

No scantily clad women


Need I go on?

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I'm going skiing in January. To bulgaria though, so it's tramp skiing.

Bulgaria has ski slopes? I remember going there at about 5 year old, stayed in a caravan and my dad used to take me hunting for sausages. He'd go out sharp every morning, as dads do and hide sausages round the site. The fuckin' psychopath.

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I'm going skiing in January. To bulgaria though, so it's tramp skiing.

I can just imagine you strapping a battered tramp to each foot and surfing them down some bulgarian mountain side, you cold hearted fucker

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