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Just to clarify I do have a basic empathatic attitude to human suffering - what I'm arguing agaisnt is that the west has some kind of noble agenda.


The Taliban and more especially Saddam were seen as "okay" until it became expediant to declare them as failed states - a criterion which could be applied to many countries on human rights/terrorist support bases but political alliances mean we're supposed to say "Saddam was evil, Saudi is okay"

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Just to clarify I do have a basic empathatic attitude to human suffering - what I'm arguing agaisnt is that the west has some kind of noble agenda.


The Taliban and more especially Saddam were seen as "okay" until it became expediant to declare them as failed states - a criterion which could be applied to many countries on human rights/terrorist support bases but political alliances mean we're supposed to say "Saddam was evil, Saudi is okay"

Nutshell-tastic for me like.

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As KSA descends into meltdown I wonder, could he be more of a hypocrite? :)


Care to substantiate that? Straw man stuff tbh.

Post #195. Fairly obvious, I'd have thought. Acting like you're so superior in terms of intellect yet unable to go beyond petty insults yourself.

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Just to clarify I do have a basic empathatic attitude to human suffering - what I'm arguing agaisnt is that the west has some kind of noble agenda.


The Taliban and more especially Saddam were seen as "okay" until it became expediant to declare them as failed states - a criterion which could be applied to many countries on human rights/terrorist support bases but political alliances mean we're supposed to say "Saddam was evil, Saudi is okay"

Nutshell-tastic for me like.



As KSA descends into meltdown I wonder, could he be more of a hypocrite? :)


Care to substantiate that? Straw man stuff tbh.

Post #195. Fairly obvious, I'd have thought. Acting like you're so superior in terms of intellect yet unable to go beyond petty insults yourself.


I've never claimed at any point to have a powerful intellect - and why would I? It is self-evident :icon_lol: - I was referring to knowledge of the history and politics surrounding the topic which quite obviously many here have no interest in whatsoever, and as a result make comments with no basis in fact (I could cite many comments from people in this thread that could not be substantiated; if they attempted to via factual evidence they would realize how foolish they had been).

As for petty insults, sure I throw a lot in, mainly for humour, although you can be sure to drive me to it with the 'give the Taliban another chance' schtick; am I expected to respond seriously to that nonsense?


Also with regard to citing Saddam Hussein, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and bloody China as though they are all identical cases of simple human rights abuses really is 'straw man stuff': not only lazy, but absolutely astounding in its ignorance. I'm not going to sit here and explain it to you, if you don't have the interest to read and learn about these things, then you of course have the right to keep up your monolithic and moronic diatribe against historical/political facts and reason. We've done this to death now, and there are only a few posters who actually present their views sensibly and in a way that can provoke further investigation. They add to the debate whereas you just pop in now and then to say 'straw man stuff that like man' or 'yeah I totally agree like, why didn't we invade the Isle of Man because they like, mistreat their cows and stuff'.

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Also with regard to citing Saddam Hussein, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and bloody China as though they are all identical cases of simple human rights abuses really is 'straw man stuff': not only lazy, but absolutely astounding in its ignorance.


So why should we find the Taliban's abuses so worthy of outrage and action but turn a blind eye to the same actions in Saudi?


If you want to argue that maintaining them as an ally suits our interests then fair enough but at a moral level there is absolutley fuck all difference - despite your arrogant condescension.

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Just to clarify I do have a basic empathatic attitude to human suffering - what I'm arguing agaisnt is that the west has some kind of noble agenda.


The Taliban and more especially Saddam were seen as "okay" until it became expediant to declare them as failed states - a criterion which could be applied to many countries on human rights/terrorist support bases but political alliances mean we're supposed to say "Saddam was evil, Saudi is okay"

Nutshell-tastic for me like.



As KSA descends into meltdown I wonder, could he be more of a hypocrite? :)


Care to substantiate that? Straw man stuff tbh.

Post #195. Fairly obvious, I'd have thought. Acting like you're so superior in terms of intellect yet unable to go beyond petty insults yourself.


I've never claimed at any point to have a powerful intellect - and why would I? It is self-evident :icon_lol: - I was referring to knowledge of the history and politics surrounding the topic which quite obviously many here have no interest in whatsoever, and as a result make comments with no basis in fact (I could cite many comments from people in this thread that could not be substantiated; if they attempted to via factual evidence they would realize how foolish they had been).

As for petty insults, sure I throw a lot in, mainly for humour, although you can be sure to drive me to it with the 'give the Taliban another chance' schtick; am I expected to respond seriously to that nonsense?


Also with regard to citing Saddam Hussein, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and bloody China as though they are all identical cases of simple human rights abuses really is 'straw man stuff': not only lazy, but absolutely astounding in its ignorance. I'm not going to sit here and explain it to you, if you don't have the interest to read and learn about these things, then you of course have the right to keep up your monolithic and moronic diatribe against historical/political facts and reason. We've done this to death now, and there are only a few posters who actually present their views sensibly and in a way that can provoke further investigation. They add to the debate whereas you just pop in now and then to say 'straw man stuff that like man' or 'yeah I totally agree like, why didn't we invade the Isle of Man because they like, mistreat their cows and stuff'.

Take out the Colin Hunt-style attempted gags, the verbose affectations and distill that post down and, as is your trademark, it says absolutely nothing. <_<

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@ NJS I've never stated that the Taliban's/Al Quaeda's human rights abuses/massacres alone in the 96-01 period (and they were significantly worse than in Saudi Arabia, try reading) were worthy of an intervention.


As I said you're displaying a complete lack of knowledge about the topic at hand. Go and read about the 96-01 conflict within Afghanistan; consider the results of the Taliban and Al Quaeda forces winning that conflict and gaining complete control of the country, and keep in mind the situation in Pakistan as well when you do this. This is before we come to the national security threat that was already there - taken seriously post 9-11 - to ourselves and the rest of the world, and would only be exacerbated by a Taliban victory and the destabilizing effect that would have on the region (No doubt you will say Iraq has had a destabilizing effect on the region. This is true. But I'm not talking about Iraq you insufferable moron, and the fallout of a Taliban/Al Quaeda rule in Afghanistan would lead to a worse state of affairs than we currently see, potentially catastrophic in a worst-case scenario). These were a few of the motivations - by no means all of them - for the NATO mission in Afghanistan.


Now I did say I wouldn't respond to you again, then you misconstrued, or perhaps misread my posts and came out with more gibberish. I don't take you seriously, I can't respect your viewpoint until you have at least displayed some interest in the subject and shown some factual knowledge of it, and this is it now for realz. Instead of keeping up this farcical argument on the internet you would be better served to read up on the subject (I can't see you doing this, you don't seem to really care at all about it); that's what I'm going to do, I bid you adieu.



Oh and Alex, here I'll distill it down for you: you're a dense cunt. :)

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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i'm going to try to get this thread back on topic.


the fact that this kind of thing goes on in the world is horrifying. fucking savages. there really is no way to defend it.


totally agree. That is why I posted it.


I expected one or two to play it down or even defend it though, but there is really no excuse for it at all. It's of even more concern that this is the sort of mentality they would try and impose on us, because they certainly won't change their ways in the name of "multiculturism and tolerance". Not a chance.


well, i don't agree with that. this kind of thing doesn't happen in most parts of the civilised world. britain is a good example of multiculturism - it works. the taliban however, are barbarians. i don't think we will win the war in afghanistan and that is a real worry. these people are animals.


I don't really think that multiculurism is working, nor will it ever work. For it to work, the onus is on those accepted into a country to conform ie when in Rome do as the Romans do, but wherever muslims go in the world, they are totally intolerant of said countries traditions and cultures. Everything has to stop for Allah so far as they are concerned, and they expect others to do the same. In their homeland, yes, but not elsewhere.


This problem is now a worldwide one, although the UK because of the PC correct brigade has it bigger than most if not the biggest, and will only accelerate. Our politicians don't have the balls to tell the pc correct brigade where to go, basically.


Prime example here:




"The law's author, Daniel Bacquelaine, said a burka is incompatible with basic security as everyone in public must be recognisable and clashes with the principles of a society that respects the rights of all."



huge over-simplification, i would agree with that statement if you had singled out "fundamentalist islam", but I would also point out that fundamentalist christianity does much the same thing, ie trampling local indiginous cultures in the name of saving the population from eternal damnation.


and as far as multiculturalism goes, sure it works. It's worked over here, despite resistance by portions of the population that are scared of anything/anyone they can't identify with on the basis of a first impression.


I would love to take part more in this discussion today but I have to go and study , I look forward to having a debate on this further after tomorrow 11 am local time.


ah. It becomes clearer. You're a 14 year old then :)



hardly dipshit...I wrote my Professional Practice Exam yesterday...


and for what it's worth there is no superiority complex coming from me. WE live in a civil society, and should therefore be held to a higher standard since it those values of a civil society that allow us to have all the freedoms we enjoy.

no where in this thread has anyone defended the actions of the Taliban, you can't they are by all accounts barbaric, but they are still human and certainly no less than you or I simply based on their religious beliefs or the colour of their skin. If they lived in the UK or Canada they would be prosecuted under the full extent of the law and rightfully so.

Edited by tooner
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We live in a civil society yet many are unable to hold a conversation without resorting to posting like a bitch and picking holes in someones point because they have not read chapter and verse of a subjects history. Rather than that, why not try to pick up on the point being made?


Would never catch on ofc.

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Also with regard to citing Saddam Hussein, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and bloody China as though they are all identical cases of simple human rights abuses really is 'straw man stuff': not only lazy, but absolutely astounding in its ignorance.


So why should we find the Taliban's abuses so worthy of outrage and action but turn a blind eye to the same actions in Saudi?


If you want to argue that maintaining them as an ally suits our interests then fair enough but at a moral level there is absolutley fuck all difference - despite your arrogant condescension.


do you really think we should go into every single country in the world to "sort them out" just because we tried to do it in Iraq/Afghanistan ? Still amazes me you continue to look for any excuse to criticise what needed to be done.

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i'm going to try to get this thread back on topic.


the fact that this kind of thing goes on in the world is horrifying. fucking savages. there really is no way to defend it.


totally agree. That is why I posted it.


I expected one or two to play it down or even defend it though, but there is really no excuse for it at all. It's of even more concern that this is the sort of mentality they would try and impose on us, because they certainly won't change their ways in the name of "multiculturism and tolerance". Not a chance.


well, i don't agree with that. this kind of thing doesn't happen in most parts of the civilised world. britain is a good example of multiculturism - it works. the taliban however, are barbarians. i don't think we will win the war in afghanistan and that is a real worry. these people are animals.


I don't really think that multiculurism is working, nor will it ever work. For it to work, the onus is on those accepted into a country to conform ie when in Rome do as the Romans do, but wherever muslims go in the world, they are totally intolerant of said countries traditions and cultures. Everything has to stop for Allah so far as they are concerned, and they expect others to do the same. In their homeland, yes, but not elsewhere.


This problem is now a worldwide one, although the UK because of the PC correct brigade has it bigger than most if not the biggest, and will only accelerate. Our politicians don't have the balls to tell the pc correct brigade where to go, basically.


Prime example here:




"The law's author, Daniel Bacquelaine, said a burka is incompatible with basic security as everyone in public must be recognisable and clashes with the principles of a society that respects the rights of all."



huge over-simplification, i would agree with that statement if you had singled out "fundamentalist islam", but I would also point out that fundamentalist christianity does much the same thing, ie trampling local indiginous cultures in the name of saving the population from eternal damnation.


and as far as multiculturalism goes, sure it works. It's worked over here, despite resistance by portions of the population that are scared of anything/anyone they can't identify with on the basis of a first impression.


I would love to take part more in this discussion today but I have to go and study , I look forward to having a debate on this further after tomorrow 11 am local time.


ah. It becomes clearer. You're a 14 year old then :)



hardly dipshit...I wrote my Professional Practice Exam yesterday...



Well boogalloo. What fancy theories, from the comfort of your armchair, did you spout on about ?

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I'd not once suggest I'd know off the top of my head the year either did. I'd have to google to check. Does that mean I shouldn't have a point of view? Is your little world one where someone can only discuss or have a view on a subject they know every tiny detail about? Pretty sad if so.


See I encourage debate no matter someones knowledge on a given subject. They still have a view based on whatever their understanding is. You on the other hand, come across, well.. Just read your previous post to see.

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i'm going to try to get this thread back on topic.


the fact that this kind of thing goes on in the world is horrifying. fucking savages. there really is no way to defend it.


totally agree. That is why I posted it.


I expected one or two to play it down or even defend it though, but there is really no excuse for it at all. It's of even more concern that this is the sort of mentality they would try and impose on us, because they certainly won't change their ways in the name of "multiculturism and tolerance". Not a chance.


well, i don't agree with that. this kind of thing doesn't happen in most parts of the civilised world. britain is a good example of multiculturism - it works. the taliban however, are barbarians. i don't think we will win the war in afghanistan and that is a real worry. these people are animals.


I don't really think that multiculurism is working, nor will it ever work. For it to work, the onus is on those accepted into a country to conform ie when in Rome do as the Romans do, but wherever muslims go in the world, they are totally intolerant of said countries traditions and cultures. Everything has to stop for Allah so far as they are concerned, and they expect others to do the same. In their homeland, yes, but not elsewhere.


This problem is now a worldwide one, although the UK because of the PC correct brigade has it bigger than most if not the biggest, and will only accelerate. Our politicians don't have the balls to tell the pc correct brigade where to go, basically.


Prime example here:




"The law's author, Daniel Bacquelaine, said a burka is incompatible with basic security as everyone in public must be recognisable and clashes with the principles of a society that respects the rights of all."



huge over-simplification, i would agree with that statement if you had singled out "fundamentalist islam", but I would also point out that fundamentalist christianity does much the same thing, ie trampling local indiginous cultures in the name of saving the population from eternal damnation.


and as far as multiculturalism goes, sure it works. It's worked over here, despite resistance by portions of the population that are scared of anything/anyone they can't identify with on the basis of a first impression.


I would love to take part more in this discussion today but I have to go and study , I look forward to having a debate on this further after tomorrow 11 am local time.


ah. It becomes clearer. You're a 14 year old then :)



hardly dipshit...I wrote my Professional Practice Exam yesterday...



Well boogalloo. What fancy theories, from the comfort of your armchair, did you spout on about ?


haha...you're a joke.

you first LM tell me something about yourself.......yeah, didn't think so.


What I do for a living is on the board somewhere, ask parky he knows. other than that piss-off, typical LM style, getting raked across the coals so you revert to 6yr old name calling tactics.....as I've said you're a fucking cartoon man.

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i'm going to try to get this thread back on topic.


the fact that this kind of thing goes on in the world is horrifying. fucking savages. there really is no way to defend it.


totally agree. That is why I posted it.


I expected one or two to play it down or even defend it though, but there is really no excuse for it at all. It's of even more concern that this is the sort of mentality they would try and impose on us, because they certainly won't change their ways in the name of "multiculturism and tolerance". Not a chance.


well, i don't agree with that. this kind of thing doesn't happen in most parts of the civilised world. britain is a good example of multiculturism - it works. the taliban however, are barbarians. i don't think we will win the war in afghanistan and that is a real worry. these people are animals.


I don't really think that multiculurism is working, nor will it ever work. For it to work, the onus is on those accepted into a country to conform ie when in Rome do as the Romans do, but wherever muslims go in the world, they are totally intolerant of said countries traditions and cultures. Everything has to stop for Allah so far as they are concerned, and they expect others to do the same. In their homeland, yes, but not elsewhere.


This problem is now a worldwide one, although the UK because of the PC correct brigade has it bigger than most if not the biggest, and will only accelerate. Our politicians don't have the balls to tell the pc correct brigade where to go, basically.


Prime example here:




"The law's author, Daniel Bacquelaine, said a burka is incompatible with basic security as everyone in public must be recognisable and clashes with the principles of a society that respects the rights of all."



huge over-simplification, i would agree with that statement if you had singled out "fundamentalist islam", but I would also point out that fundamentalist christianity does much the same thing, ie trampling local indiginous cultures in the name of saving the population from eternal damnation.


and as far as multiculturalism goes, sure it works. It's worked over here, despite resistance by portions of the population that are scared of anything/anyone they can't identify with on the basis of a first impression.


I would love to take part more in this discussion today but I have to go and study , I look forward to having a debate on this further after tomorrow 11 am local time.


ah. It becomes clearer. You're a 14 year old then :)



hardly dipshit...I wrote my Professional Practice Exam yesterday...



Well boogalloo. What fancy theories, from the comfort of your armchair, did you spout on about ?


haha...you're a joke.

you first LM tell me something about yourself.......yeah, didn't think so.


What I do for a living is on the board somewhere, ask parky he knows. other than that piss-off, typical LM style, getting raked across the coals so you revert to 6yr old name calling tactics.....as I've said you're a fucking cartoon man.


aye sure, a Canadian student telling us all how to put the world to rights :icon_lol:<_<

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i'm going to try to get this thread back on topic.


the fact that this kind of thing goes on in the world is horrifying. fucking savages. there really is no way to defend it.


totally agree. That is why I posted it.


I expected one or two to play it down or even defend it though, but there is really no excuse for it at all. It's of even more concern that this is the sort of mentality they would try and impose on us, because they certainly won't change their ways in the name of "multiculturism and tolerance". Not a chance.


well, i don't agree with that. this kind of thing doesn't happen in most parts of the civilised world. britain is a good example of multiculturism - it works. the taliban however, are barbarians. i don't think we will win the war in afghanistan and that is a real worry. these people are animals.


I don't really think that multiculurism is working, nor will it ever work. For it to work, the onus is on those accepted into a country to conform ie when in Rome do as the Romans do, but wherever muslims go in the world, they are totally intolerant of said countries traditions and cultures. Everything has to stop for Allah so far as they are concerned, and they expect others to do the same. In their homeland, yes, but not elsewhere.


This problem is now a worldwide one, although the UK because of the PC correct brigade has it bigger than most if not the biggest, and will only accelerate. Our politicians don't have the balls to tell the pc correct brigade where to go, basically.


Prime example here:




"The law's author, Daniel Bacquelaine, said a burka is incompatible with basic security as everyone in public must be recognisable and clashes with the principles of a society that respects the rights of all."



huge over-simplification, i would agree with that statement if you had singled out "fundamentalist islam", but I would also point out that fundamentalist christianity does much the same thing, ie trampling local indiginous cultures in the name of saving the population from eternal damnation.


and as far as multiculturalism goes, sure it works. It's worked over here, despite resistance by portions of the population that are scared of anything/anyone they can't identify with on the basis of a first impression.


I would love to take part more in this discussion today but I have to go and study , I look forward to having a debate on this further after tomorrow 11 am local time.


ah. It becomes clearer. You're a 14 year old then :)



hardly dipshit...I wrote my Professional Practice Exam yesterday...



Well boogalloo. What fancy theories, from the comfort of your armchair, did you spout on about ?


haha...you're a joke.

you first LM tell me something about yourself.......yeah, didn't think so.


What I do for a living is on the board somewhere, ask parky he knows. other than that piss-off, typical LM style, getting raked across the coals so you revert to 6yr old name calling tactics.....as I've said you're a fucking cartoon man.


aye sure, a Canadian student telling us all how to put the world to rights :icon_lol:<_<


hehehe....take yer meds.

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i'm going to try to get this thread back on topic.


the fact that this kind of thing goes on in the world is horrifying. fucking savages. there really is no way to defend it.


totally agree. That is why I posted it.


I expected one or two to play it down or even defend it though, but there is really no excuse for it at all. It's of even more concern that this is the sort of mentality they would try and impose on us, because they certainly won't change their ways in the name of "multiculturism and tolerance". Not a chance.


well, i don't agree with that. this kind of thing doesn't happen in most parts of the civilised world. britain is a good example of multiculturism - it works. the taliban however, are barbarians. i don't think we will win the war in afghanistan and that is a real worry. these people are animals.


I don't really think that multiculurism is working, nor will it ever work. For it to work, the onus is on those accepted into a country to conform ie when in Rome do as the Romans do, but wherever muslims go in the world, they are totally intolerant of said countries traditions and cultures. Everything has to stop for Allah so far as they are concerned, and they expect others to do the same. In their homeland, yes, but not elsewhere.


This problem is now a worldwide one, although the UK because of the PC correct brigade has it bigger than most if not the biggest, and will only accelerate. Our politicians don't have the balls to tell the pc correct brigade where to go, basically.


Prime example here:




"The law's author, Daniel Bacquelaine, said a burka is incompatible with basic security as everyone in public must be recognisable and clashes with the principles of a society that respects the rights of all."



huge over-simplification, i would agree with that statement if you had singled out "fundamentalist islam", but I would also point out that fundamentalist christianity does much the same thing, ie trampling local indiginous cultures in the name of saving the population from eternal damnation.


and as far as multiculturalism goes, sure it works. It's worked over here, despite resistance by portions of the population that are scared of anything/anyone they can't identify with on the basis of a first impression.


I would love to take part more in this discussion today but I have to go and study , I look forward to having a debate on this further after tomorrow 11 am local time.


ah. It becomes clearer. You're a 14 year old then :)



hardly dipshit...I wrote my Professional Practice Exam yesterday...



Well boogalloo. What fancy theories, from the comfort of your armchair, did you spout on about ?


haha...you're a joke.

you first LM tell me something about yourself.......yeah, didn't think so.


What I do for a living is on the board somewhere, ask parky he knows. other than that piss-off, typical LM style, getting raked across the coals so you revert to 6yr old name calling tactics .....as I've said you're a fucking cartoon man.


aye sure, a Canadian student telling us all how to put the world to rights :icon_lol:<_<


hehehe....take yer meds.



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i'm going to try to get this thread back on topic.


the fact that this kind of thing goes on in the world is horrifying. fucking savages. there really is no way to defend it.


totally agree. That is why I posted it.


I expected one or two to play it down or even defend it though, but there is really no excuse for it at all. It's of even more concern that this is the sort of mentality they would try and impose on us, because they certainly won't change their ways in the name of "multiculturism and tolerance". Not a chance.


well, i don't agree with that. this kind of thing doesn't happen in most parts of the civilised world. britain is a good example of multiculturism - it works. the taliban however, are barbarians. i don't think we will win the war in afghanistan and that is a real worry. these people are animals.


I don't really think that multiculurism is working, nor will it ever work. For it to work, the onus is on those accepted into a country to conform ie when in Rome do as the Romans do, but wherever muslims go in the world, they are totally intolerant of said countries traditions and cultures. Everything has to stop for Allah so far as they are concerned, and they expect others to do the same. In their homeland, yes, but not elsewhere.


This problem is now a worldwide one, although the UK because of the PC correct brigade has it bigger than most if not the biggest, and will only accelerate. Our politicians don't have the balls to tell the pc correct brigade where to go, basically.


Prime example here:




"The law's author, Daniel Bacquelaine, said a burka is incompatible with basic security as everyone in public must be recognisable and clashes with the principles of a society that respects the rights of all."



huge over-simplification, i would agree with that statement if you had singled out "fundamentalist islam", but I would also point out that fundamentalist christianity does much the same thing, ie trampling local indiginous cultures in the name of saving the population from eternal damnation.


and as far as multiculturalism goes, sure it works. It's worked over here, despite resistance by portions of the population that are scared of anything/anyone they can't identify with on the basis of a first impression.


I would love to take part more in this discussion today but I have to go and study , I look forward to having a debate on this further after tomorrow 11 am local time.


ah. It becomes clearer. You're a 14 year old then :)



hardly dipshit...I wrote my Professional Practice Exam yesterday...



Well boogalloo. What fancy theories, from the comfort of your armchair, did you spout on about ?


haha...you're a joke.

you first LM tell me something about yourself.......yeah, didn't think so.


What I do for a living is on the board somewhere, ask parky he knows. other than that piss-off, typical LM style, getting raked across the coals so you revert to 6yr old name calling tactics .....as I've said you're a fucking cartoon man.


aye sure, a Canadian student telling us all how to put the world to rights :icon_lol:<_<


hehehe....take yer meds.





so i guess thats a no for any insight to the reasons why you are so much higher and mightier than us 'booklearned' chaps.

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i'm going to try to get this thread back on topic.


the fact that this kind of thing goes on in the world is horrifying. fucking savages. there really is no way to defend it.


totally agree. That is why I posted it.


I expected one or two to play it down or even defend it though, but there is really no excuse for it at all. It's of even more concern that this is the sort of mentality they would try and impose on us, because they certainly won't change their ways in the name of "multiculturism and tolerance". Not a chance.


well, i don't agree with that. this kind of thing doesn't happen in most parts of the civilised world. britain is a good example of multiculturism - it works. the taliban however, are barbarians. i don't think we will win the war in afghanistan and that is a real worry. these people are animals.


I don't really think that multiculurism is working, nor will it ever work. For it to work, the onus is on those accepted into a country to conform ie when in Rome do as the Romans do, but wherever muslims go in the world, they are totally intolerant of said countries traditions and cultures. Everything has to stop for Allah so far as they are concerned, and they expect others to do the same. In their homeland, yes, but not elsewhere.


This problem is now a worldwide one, although the UK because of the PC correct brigade has it bigger than most if not the biggest, and will only accelerate. Our politicians don't have the balls to tell the pc correct brigade where to go, basically.


Prime example here:




"The law's author, Daniel Bacquelaine, said a burka is incompatible with basic security as everyone in public must be recognisable and clashes with the principles of a society that respects the rights of all."



huge over-simplification, i would agree with that statement if you had singled out "fundamentalist islam", but I would also point out that fundamentalist christianity does much the same thing, ie trampling local indiginous cultures in the name of saving the population from eternal damnation.


and as far as multiculturalism goes, sure it works. It's worked over here, despite resistance by portions of the population that are scared of anything/anyone they can't identify with on the basis of a first impression.


I would love to take part more in this discussion today but I have to go and study , I look forward to having a debate on this further after tomorrow 11 am local time.


ah. It becomes clearer. You're a 14 year old then :)



hardly dipshit...I wrote my Professional Practice Exam yesterday...



Well boogalloo. What fancy theories, from the comfort of your armchair, did you spout on about ?


haha...you're a joke.

you first LM tell me something about yourself.......yeah, didn't think so.


What I do for a living is on the board somewhere, ask parky he knows. other than that piss-off, typical LM style, getting raked across the coals so you revert to 6yr old name calling tactics .....as I've said you're a fucking cartoon man.


aye sure, a Canadian student telling us all how to put the world to rights :icon_lol:<_<


hehehe....take yer meds.





so i guess thats a no for any insight to the reasons why you are so much higher and mightier than us 'booklearned' chaps.





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i'm going to try to get this thread back on topic.


the fact that this kind of thing goes on in the world is horrifying. fucking savages. there really is no way to defend it.


totally agree. That is why I posted it.


I expected one or two to play it down or even defend it though, but there is really no excuse for it at all. It's of even more concern that this is the sort of mentality they would try and impose on us, because they certainly won't change their ways in the name of "multiculturism and tolerance". Not a chance.


well, i don't agree with that. this kind of thing doesn't happen in most parts of the civilised world. britain is a good example of multiculturism - it works. the taliban however, are barbarians. i don't think we will win the war in afghanistan and that is a real worry. these people are animals.


I don't really think that multiculurism is working, nor will it ever work. For it to work, the onus is on those accepted into a country to conform ie when in Rome do as the Romans do, but wherever muslims go in the world, they are totally intolerant of said countries traditions and cultures. Everything has to stop for Allah so far as they are concerned, and they expect others to do the same. In their homeland, yes, but not elsewhere.


This problem is now a worldwide one, although the UK because of the PC correct brigade has it bigger than most if not the biggest, and will only accelerate. Our politicians don't have the balls to tell the pc correct brigade where to go, basically.


Prime example here:




"The law's author, Daniel Bacquelaine, said a burka is incompatible with basic security as everyone in public must be recognisable and clashes with the principles of a society that respects the rights of all."



huge over-simplification, i would agree with that statement if you had singled out "fundamentalist islam", but I would also point out that fundamentalist christianity does much the same thing, ie trampling local indiginous cultures in the name of saving the population from eternal damnation.


and as far as multiculturalism goes, sure it works. It's worked over here, despite resistance by portions of the population that are scared of anything/anyone they can't identify with on the basis of a first impression.


I would love to take part more in this discussion today but I have to go and study , I look forward to having a debate on this further after tomorrow 11 am local time.


ah. It becomes clearer. You're a 14 year old then :)



hardly dipshit...I wrote my Professional Practice Exam yesterday...



Well boogalloo. What fancy theories, from the comfort of your armchair, did you spout on about ?


haha...you're a joke.

you first LM tell me something about yourself.......yeah, didn't think so.


What I do for a living is on the board somewhere, ask parky he knows. other than that piss-off, typical LM style, getting raked across the coals so you revert to 6yr old name calling tactics .....as I've said you're a fucking cartoon man.


aye sure, a Canadian student telling us all how to put the world to rights :icon_lol:<_<


hehehe....take yer meds.





so i guess thats a no for any insight to the reasons why you are so much higher and mightier than us 'booklearned' chaps.






fits in nicely with your thread title....truly shocking :icon_lol:

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i'm going to try to get this thread back on topic.


the fact that this kind of thing goes on in the world is horrifying. fucking savages. there really is no way to defend it.


totally agree. That is why I posted it.


I expected one or two to play it down or even defend it though, but there is really no excuse for it at all. It's of even more concern that this is the sort of mentality they would try and impose on us, because they certainly won't change their ways in the name of "multiculturism and tolerance". Not a chance.


well, i don't agree with that. this kind of thing doesn't happen in most parts of the civilised world. britain is a good example of multiculturism - it works. the taliban however, are barbarians. i don't think we will win the war in afghanistan and that is a real worry. these people are animals.


I don't really think that multiculurism is working, nor will it ever work. For it to work, the onus is on those accepted into a country to conform ie when in Rome do as the Romans do, but wherever muslims go in the world, they are totally intolerant of said countries traditions and cultures. Everything has to stop for Allah so far as they are concerned, and they expect others to do the same. In their homeland, yes, but not elsewhere.


This problem is now a worldwide one, although the UK because of the PC correct brigade has it bigger than most if not the biggest, and will only accelerate. Our politicians don't have the balls to tell the pc correct brigade where to go, basically.


Prime example here:




"The law's author, Daniel Bacquelaine, said a burka is incompatible with basic security as everyone in public must be recognisable and clashes with the principles of a society that respects the rights of all."



huge over-simplification, i would agree with that statement if you had singled out "fundamentalist islam", but I would also point out that fundamentalist christianity does much the same thing, ie trampling local indiginous cultures in the name of saving the population from eternal damnation.


and as far as multiculturalism goes, sure it works. It's worked over here, despite resistance by portions of the population that are scared of anything/anyone they can't identify with on the basis of a first impression.


I would love to take part more in this discussion today but I have to go and study , I look forward to having a debate on this further after tomorrow 11 am local time.


ah. It becomes clearer. You're a 14 year old then :)



hardly dipshit...I wrote my Professional Practice Exam yesterday...



Well boogalloo. What fancy theories, from the comfort of your armchair, did you spout on about ?


haha...you're a joke.

you first LM tell me something about yourself.......yeah, didn't think so.


What I do for a living is on the board somewhere, ask parky he knows. other than that piss-off, typical LM style, getting raked across the coals so you revert to 6yr old name calling tactics .....as I've said you're a fucking cartoon man.


aye sure, a Canadian student telling us all how to put the world to rights :icon_lol:<_<


hehehe....take yer meds.





so i guess thats a no for any insight to the reasons why you are so much higher and mightier than us 'booklearned' chaps.






fits in nicely with your thread title....truly shocking :rolleyes:


is it ?



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about as shocking as sunrise this morning.


so you're not going to tell us what your fancy solutions are ? Like, "give in to Islam, build a mosque on every corner for them, they're nice blokes really, and we can all live happily ever after"



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