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no takers ?




Where are all the educated people, ie Happy Face and tooner in particular. unless they are on their way to Afghanistan to sit down with these "people" and explain to them how beastly and incorrect they are, because their books have told them so.


Maybe they can take some cakes and a cup of tea with them, I'm sure these cavemen will be civilised and intelligent enough to listen to their arguments and agree how unreasonable they are, and admit their actions are retaliation on the evil west for not worshipping Allah like they do and pinching their oil


Not a patch on moving a black man away from a nasty and shocking demonstration on the streets of New York either :lol:


I saw this last night but didn't respond because I thought it best to let it slide down the screen and not embarrass you for too long. Like a pump you'd done in the office. Everyone else clearly thought the same, but you're shameless enough to use war porn as a justification of your desire to kill foreigners....and bump it when everyone ignores it. You've only descended to this stomach turning tactic because all other justifications you've offered have been comprehensively disproved.....and now we'll disprove this one.


The Time story was massively criticised when it first came out. The headline "What Happens If We Leave Afghanistan" (not even a question) is repugnant propaganda. A more accurate headline would be "What has continued to happen despite our presence in Afghanistan". Is it your belief that the number of wives mutilated in the middle east reached the tipping point in the early 2000's and we were forced to intervene?


As I wrote on N-O at the time....


That's one of the most disgustingly racist and gratuitous pieces of war propaganda I've seen yet.


It took me seconds to find these reports of the same thing happening repeatedly in the UK too...











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I did a pump in the office yesterday and was terrified in case someone came to see me.


I went out of the office to a deserted corridor to talk on the phone yesterday and let out some awful trumps. Sods law it quickly turned into the M25 in rush hour.

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no takers ?




Where are all the educated people, ie Happy Face and tooner in particular. unless they are on their way to Afghanistan to sit down with these "people" and explain to them how beastly and incorrect they are, because their books have told them so.


Maybe they can take some cakes and a cup of tea with them, I'm sure these cavemen will be civilised and intelligent enough to listen to their arguments and agree how unreasonable they are, and admit their actions are retaliation on the evil west for not worshipping Allah like they do and pinching their oil


Not a patch on moving a black man away from a nasty and shocking demonstration on the streets of New York either :icon_lol:



i think the fact that you had to bump your own post says it all really.

because HF and myself don't lump all muslims together with the Taliban doesn't mean a thing other than we aren't racist Pricks/Jerks like yourself.

you're a sad old man LM nothing more.


you have no constructive comment to make to defend the actions described in this opening post then ?


Thought not.


Which is, of course, the reason I bumped it.





when have I ever defended the taliban? show me...please.


you bumped it because you're a desparate old racist with no life.... :angry: .....you really are a fuck-wit......


Like I said, the last resort of the weak willed yellow bellied "leave him alone he's a nice bloke really" left wing liberal coward.

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Guest Tuco Ramirez
The women get it particularly bad off the Taliban: they are deemed subhuman; unfit for work; confined to their dwellings and hidden beneath a nijab. They are beaten and mutilated if they try to escape to the real world; the hippys have no such barrier preventing them from entering the real world and yet they choose not to do so. If only for a second they could put down the Xbox controller or the latest Beano and open their eyes, perhaps they'd see the reality of the real world.

The best thing we can do for the world is fuckin nuke the cunts, and Iran while we're on. You can't change their fabric, they've been savages for thousands of years, barely human in social function and basic ethic. I bet neanderthals were more civilised.


Sooner or later nuclear terrorism will become a reality, certainly in my life time and these are the only cunts mad enough to use it.

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Guest Tuco Ramirez
there is a reality to the real world, fuck... if only we were told.


back in your box, sunshine.


You know fuck all about me. I'm from the real world.




yOU SHOUld take note of her example and keep it real sunshine cockface

If you were describing Jodie Marsh's face to a blind person sticking to the facts they'd want to knock one out, the reality is she's horrid and it's difficult to pin point why.

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there is a reality to the real world, fuck... if only we were told.


back in your box, sunshine.


You know fuck all about me. I'm from the real world.



yOU SHOUld take note of her example and keep it real sunshine cockface

If you were describing Jodie Marsh's face to a blind person sticking to the facts they'd want to knock one out, the reality is she's horrid and it's difficult to pin point why.



Too round, no cheekbones. Caked in too much make-up.



Fuck her like.

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no takers ?




Where are all the educated people, ie Happy Face and tooner in particular. unless they are on their way to Afghanistan to sit down with these "people" and explain to them how beastly and incorrect they are, because their books have told them so.


Maybe they can take some cakes and a cup of tea with them, I'm sure these cavemen will be civilised and intelligent enough to listen to their arguments and agree how unreasonable they are, and admit their actions are retaliation on the evil west for not worshipping Allah like they do and pinching their oil


Not a patch on moving a black man away from a nasty and shocking demonstration on the streets of New York either :icon_lol:


I saw this last night but didn't respond because I thought it best to let it slide down the screen and not embarrass you for too long. Like a pump you'd done in the office. Everyone else clearly thought the same, but you're shameless enough to use war porn as a justification of your desire to kill foreigners....and bump it when everyone ignores it. You've only descended to this stomach turning tactic because all other justifications you've offered have been comprehensively disproved.....and now we'll disprove this one.


The Time story was massively criticised when it first came out. The headline "What Happens If We Leave Afghanistan" (not even a question) is repugnant propaganda. A more accurate headline would be "What has continued to happen despite our presence in Afghanistan". Is it your belief that the number of wives mutilated in the middle east reached the tipping point in the early 2000's and we were forced to intervene?


As I wrote on N-O at the time....


That's one of the most disgustingly racist and gratuitous pieces of war propaganda I've seen yet.


It took me seconds to find these reports of the same thing happening repeatedly in the UK too...













No takers?



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The women get it particularly bad off the Taliban: they are deemed subhuman; unfit for work; confined to their dwellings and hidden beneath a nijab. They are beaten and mutilated if they try to escape to the real world; the hippys have no such barrier preventing them from entering the real world and yet they choose not to do so. If only for a second they could put down the Xbox controller or the latest Beano and open their eyes, perhaps they'd see the reality of the real world.

The best thing we can do for the world is fuckin nuke the cunts, and Iran while we're on. You can't change their fabric, they've been savages for thousands of years, barely human in social function and basic ethic. I bet neanderthals were more civilised.


Sooner or later nuclear terrorism will become a reality, certainly in my life time and these are the only cunts mad enough to use it.


Bensham isn't that bad.

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The women get it particularly bad off the Taliban: they are deemed subhuman; unfit for work; confined to their dwellings and hidden beneath a nijab. They are beaten and mutilated if they try to escape to the real world; the hippys have no such barrier preventing them from entering the real world and yet they choose not to do so. If only for a second they could put down the Xbox controller or the latest Beano and open their eyes, perhaps they'd see the reality of the real world.

The best thing we can do for the world is fuckin nuke the cunts, and Iran while we're on. You can't change their fabric, they've been savages for thousands of years, barely human in social function and basic ethic. I bet neanderthals were more civilised.


Sooner or later nuclear terrorism will become a reality, certainly in my life time and these are the only cunts mad enough to use it.




Those who put their faith in human nature....oh fuckin dear.

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no takers ?




Where are all the educated people, ie Happy Face and tooner in particular. unless they are on their way to Afghanistan to sit down with these "people" and explain to them how beastly and incorrect they are, because their books have told them so.


Maybe they can take some cakes and a cup of tea with them, I'm sure these cavemen will be civilised and intelligent enough to listen to their arguments and agree how unreasonable they are, and admit their actions are retaliation on the evil west for not worshipping Allah like they do and pinching their oil


Not a patch on moving a black man away from a nasty and shocking demonstration on the streets of New York either :icon_lol:


I saw this last night but didn't respond because I thought it best to let it slide down the screen and not embarrass you for too long. Like a pump you'd done in the office. Everyone else clearly thought the same, but you're shameless enough to use war porn as a justification of your desire to kill foreigners....and bump it when everyone ignores it. You've only descended to this stomach turning tactic because all other justifications you've offered have been comprehensively disproved.....and now we'll disprove this one.


The Time story was massively criticised when it first came out. The headline "What Happens If We Leave Afghanistan" (not even a question) is repugnant propaganda. A more accurate headline would be "What has continued to happen despite our presence in Afghanistan". Is it your belief that the number of wives mutilated in the middle east reached the tipping point in the early 2000's and we were forced to intervene?


As I wrote on N-O at the time....


That's one of the most disgustingly racist and gratuitous pieces of war propaganda I've seen yet.


It took me seconds to find these reports of the same thing happening repeatedly in the UK too...













No takers?




no. Because you are still deluded. Why not sit down and have a cup of tea with these cavemen and explain to them how beastly they are being.

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no takers ?




Where are all the educated people, ie Happy Face and tooner in particular. unless they are on their way to Afghanistan to sit down with these "people" and explain to them how beastly and incorrect they are, because their books have told them so.


Maybe they can take some cakes and a cup of tea with them, I'm sure these cavemen will be civilised and intelligent enough to listen to their arguments and agree how unreasonable they are, and admit their actions are retaliation on the evil west for not worshipping Allah like they do and pinching their oil


Not a patch on moving a black man away from a nasty and shocking demonstration on the streets of New York either :icon_lol:


I saw this last night but didn't respond because I thought it best to let it slide down the screen and not embarrass you for too long. Like a pump you'd done in the office. Everyone else clearly thought the same, but you're shameless enough to use war porn as a justification of your desire to kill foreigners....and bump it when everyone ignores it. You've only descended to this stomach turning tactic because all other justifications you've offered have been comprehensively disproved.....and now we'll disprove this one.


The Time story was massively criticised when it first came out. The headline "What Happens If We Leave Afghanistan" (not even a question) is repugnant propaganda. A more accurate headline would be "What has continued to happen despite our presence in Afghanistan". Is it your belief that the number of wives mutilated in the middle east reached the tipping point in the early 2000's and we were forced to intervene?


As I wrote on N-O at the time....


That's one of the most disgustingly racist and gratuitous pieces of war propaganda I've seen yet.


It took me seconds to find these reports of the same thing happening repeatedly in the UK too...













No takers?




no. Because you are still deluded. Why not sit down and have a cup of tea with these cavemen and explain to them how beastly they are being.


Thought so.


The people in Britain disfiguiring others are obviously a more refined kind of caveperson, more intelligent....fully aware of how beastly they are.


Gentlemen monsters :icon_lol:

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People who disfigure others in Britain are considered criminals in the eyes of the law; under Taliban rule it is perfectly legitimate to beat a woman to the point of disfiguration or perhaps death for any number of misdemeanours, including her having been raped. Ignoring the rest of the barbarous and oppressive ideology that the Taliban impose on its sufferers, the rampant and murderous misogyny inherent in their way of life is evidence enough that they are wholly evil, and I don't use that word lightly.


I have to ask, do you have a problem with the Taliban being referred to as 'backwards people'? Is this culturally insensitive?


"You've only descended to this stomach turning tactic because all other justifications you've offered have been comprehensively disproved.....and now we'll disprove this one."


I can't say I've seen all justifications for intervention in Afghanistan comprehensively disproved, far from it: even Mr. Juan Cole recognized the necessity of it: this was an instance when the merits of intervening clearly outweighed the prospect of inaction.

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no takers ?




Where are all the educated people, ie Happy Face and tooner in particular. unless they are on their way to Afghanistan to sit down with these "people" and explain to them how beastly and incorrect they are, because their books have told them so.


Maybe they can take some cakes and a cup of tea with them, I'm sure these cavemen will be civilised and intelligent enough to listen to their arguments and agree how unreasonable they are, and admit their actions are retaliation on the evil west for not worshipping Allah like they do and pinching their oil


Not a patch on moving a black man away from a nasty and shocking demonstration on the streets of New York either :icon_lol:



i think the fact that you had to bump your own post says it all really.

because HF and myself don't lump all muslims together with the Taliban doesn't mean a thing other than we aren't racist Pricks/Jerks like yourself.

you're a sad old man LM nothing more.


you have no constructive comment to make to defend the actions described in this opening post then ?


Thought not.


Which is, of course, the reason I bumped it.





when have I ever defended the taliban? show me...please.


you bumped it because you're a desparate old racist with no life.... :angry: .....you really are a fuck-wit......


Like I said, the last resort of the weak willed yellow bellied "leave him alone he's a nice bloke really" left wing liberal coward.


still no proof of me defending the taliban huh?....nice slight of hand though. answer the question bouche-dag. fucking typical LM can't stay on topic, take yer meds you old fart.

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KABUL - Ignoring an international outcry, Afghanistan's puritanical Taliban Islamic militia began demolishing statues across the country on Thursday, including two towering ancient stone Buddhas.

Taliban Minister of Information and Culture Qudratullah Jamal told AFP the destruction of scores of pre-Islamic figures, designed to stop the worshipping of "false idols," had begun throughout the country.



Undated photo of the world's tallest statue of Bhudda measuring 53 meters (175 feet) in Bamiyan, 125 kilometers (90 miles) west of Kabul in Afghanistan. Supreme Commander of the Taliban Mullah Mohammad Omar had ordered the destruction of all statues in Afghanistan, including the centuries-old Buddha in Bamiyan, and armed Taliban troops fanned out across the country Thursday to implement the supreme leader's order. (AP Photo)


He said militiamen started wrecking the almost 2,000-year-old Buddhist masterpieces in the central province of Bamiyan, including the world's tallest standing Buddha measuring 50 meters (165 feet), after sunrise.


"The work started about five hours ago but I do not know how much of it (the two Bamiyan Buddhas) has been destroyed," Jamal said. "It will be destroyed by every means. All the statues are being destroyed."


He said Taliban soldiers were at "work" in the Kabul museum and elsewhere in the provinces of Ghazni, Herat, Jalalabad and Kandahar.


An edict announced Monday by the militia's supreme leader, Mulla Mohammad Omar, calling for the destruction of all statues in line with "Islamic" laws, has caused shock around the world.


Afghanistan is home to an array of pre-Islamic historic treasures from its days as a key stop on the ancient Silk Road and a strategic battleground for conquerers dating back to Alexander the Great and the Aryans before him.


The two massive Bamiyan Buddhas, carved into a sandstone cliff near the provincial capital in central Afghanistan, stand 50 meters (165 feet) and 34.5 meters (114 feet) tall and were built around the second century.


Appeals for their preservation have come from the United States, France, Germany, Thailand, Japan, Sri Lanka, Iran, Pakistan, Germany, Russia, India and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.


Koichiro Matsuura, chief of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), said he had convened an emergency meeting of members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to try to stop the destruction.


"They are destroying statues that the entire world considers to be masterpieces," Matsuura said.


"And this is being done in the name of an interpretation of the Muslim faith that is not recognized anywhere else in the world."





the bit in bold is the important bit, the taliban are NOT mainstream muslim faith. That is the point I've made in other threads, yet LM and others (and the media for that matter) try and paint all of Islam with the same brush.

LM i really don't care if you're a racist cunt, I don't know you and I'm glad I never will, but when you post things on this board that are offensive I'll call you on it because we live in a civil society with certain fundamental rights for everyone regardless of gender, RELIGION, sexual orientation, COLOUR OF SKIN.

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