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Hardcore meat dodgers. Today's Phuket Gazette


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From Toontastic's temp Chiang Mai correspondent.

Spirit medium holds 'traditional' blades piercing his cheek Precis from today's Phuket Gazette. (Not on website.) Boss of vegetarian festival wants spirit mediums to use only traditional objects to pierce their cheeks. Growing trend of using" 'modern' objects like beach umbrellas, power drills & motorbike parts." Suggested "'traditional' instruments of choice are those mentioned in Chinese legends eg swords, axes, maces thru to 12in spiked staffs with figurines of Chinese gods as headpieces. "


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We went to Phuket for a wedding the same year as the tsunami and landed right at the start of what they hilariously call "the vegetarian festival"...this appeared to entail some scary looking hicks from the hills wacked off their nuts on the local dope sat on the back of pick up trucks with various barbrcue and butchery impliments inserted about their person. Nothing says "WELCOME TO PHUKET" like a bamboo hut dweller with a machete through his cheek, as I'm sure the local tourist board would agree :(

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