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'Mumbai-style' terror attack on UK, France and Germany foiled

Kevin S. Assilleekunt

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The Grant Wankshaft for the Google generation seems intent on proving me correct. I think my work is done here.



best off out of it dear boy. The guy is obviously an idiot

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Is it possible, Leazes, that I can disagree with blaming all muslims for the actions of a few and believe in moderate approach, AND disagree with suicide bombers and burkhas?


Can I believe the government should have powers to investigate, interrogate and imprison, AND believe these powers should not be limitless and obfuscated?


Can I be pro-pluralism without being called anti-West?

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I remember when AS9 was funny.


Again instead of focusing on a topic, you gang together and throw lame remarks toward me based on the fact I used to post on N-O a year ago.

You were genuinely funny though, now you've grown up, you've gotten all serious. There was a time when all you wanted to do was smoke doobies, fuck bitches and listen to Hendrix. Now its just politics and religion. Where did it all go wrong?


I got into the real world. The Taliban wouldn't let me listen to any music if they had their way. Doobies would be out of the question, and bitches? Forget it. Any pleasure is a sin to the religious zealot. And I'll be fucked if I'll sit around and let them have their way with me.

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I see you've got all lippy now you've had your glass of shandy, you decrepit, senile worm.



haven't touched a drop today so far - which is obvioulsy more than you can say - a real Mr Angry you are dear lad

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Is it possible, Leazes, that I can disagree with blaming all muslims for the actions of a few and believe in moderate approach, AND disagree with suicide bombers and burkhas?


Can I believe the government should have powers to investigate, interrogate and imprison, AND believe these powers should not be limitless and obfuscated?


Can I be pro-pluralism without being called anti-West?


Not if you're a Tyneside pub bore in the real world.

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I remember when AS9 was funny.


Again instead of focusing on a topic, you gang together and throw lame remarks toward me based on the fact I used to post on N-O a year ago.

You were genuinely funny though, now you've grown up, you've gotten all serious. There was a time when all you wanted to do was smoke doobies, fuck bitches and listen to Hendrix. Now its just politics and religion. Where did it all go wrong?


I got into the real world. The Taliban wouldn't let me listen to any music if they had their way. Doobies would be out of the question, and bitches? Forget it. Any pleasure is a sin to the religious zealot. And I'll be fucked if I'll sit around and let them have their way with me.

correct :wub:

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I see you've got all lippy now you've had your glass of shandy, you decrepit, senile worm.



haven't touched a drop today so far - which is obvioulsy more than you can say - a real Mr Angry you are dear lad


I'm not angry, just grateful to live in a free society. Unfortunately I have to share that gift with lugubrious, drink addled popinjays such as yourself. I'll gladly take that over a holiday camp in Helmand province though.

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I see you've got all lippy now you've had your glass of shandy, you decrepit, senile worm.



haven't touched a drop today so far - which is obvioulsy more than you can say - a real Mr Angry you are dear lad


I'm not angry, just grateful to live in a free society. Unfortunately I have to share that gift with lugubrious, drink addled popinjays such as yourself. I'll gladly take that over a holiday camp in Helmand province though.


Now this, this I can get on board with.



I've always wondered how drastically their lives have changed since the atrocities, so they're ao afeared and angry?


I now direct my previous questions to you AS9


Is it possible, Leazes MKII, that I can disagree with blaming all muslims for the actions of a few and believe in moderate approach, AND disagree with suicide bombers and burkhas?


Can I believe the government should have powers to investigate, interrogate and imprison, AND believe these powers should not be limitless and obfuscated?


Can I be pro-pluralism without being called anti-West?

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Seems to have descended into a good old bitch slapping contest but I (and probably the majority) dont mind the dark forces of good doing whatever they have to do to keep us safe.


It is after all a war and there will be collateral damage.


Long live Jack Baur and the like.

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Seems to have descended into a good old bitch slapping contest but I (and probably the majority) dont mind the dark forces of good doing whatever they have to do to keep us safe.


It is after all a war and there will be collateral damage.


Long live Jack Baur and the like.


Genuine question. How much is too much?

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@ fish


1. I hold that view myself, although some would say my belief in the necessity of the NATO intervention in Afghanistan in 2001 was 'extremist neo conservative getting the oil and mcdonalds mannn like totally'


2. Ditto point 1, me and Leazes have not once been in unison on this point, but the gang mentality of the masochist hippies leads them to gang together and attack anyone who takes seriously the ideology of radical Islamists and the threat posed by this strain of Islam.


3. We have already been over all this in Islamophobia thread anyway. If some prat comes out saying the Ayatollah is just misunderstood and slandered by western propaganda so they can get oil, that's anti-west. Similarly the disgusting moral-relativism of those who say we bring on atrocities ourselves is repugnant. I will hold them accountable for their nonsense, that's where this started. Multiculturalism is a value of the modern western world, and one I like a great deal.

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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isn't it fair to say that our mismanagement of the past has lead to a radical over-reaction from terrorists? So while their reaction is intolerable, we have to accept a certain degree of culpibility, and that an intolerant response will perpetuate their over-reaction?


I'm not saying we all start cowering before them, but simply listen to the concerns of the moderates and see if we can accomodate (and legitimise) them?

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So HF once again the west have brought these plots on themselves? What did the dead in Mumbai do to antagonize and provoke reprisal? Should western women wear full burkas and stay indoors? Their overt decadence has resulted in reprisal from Al Quaeda as they target nightclubs and march on with their cult of death.


ah. Alex will no doubt slate me for agreeing with you :icon_lol: but thats probably right. If we send our women out wearing that sort of shite will it prevent reprisals :(


I wouldn't have thought so....i think the continuously intensified bombing on their villages is a more pressing concern than our fashion choices.


Been away for a bit, but intended to quote this when I had the time....



In 2004, Donald Rumsfeld directed the Defense Science Board Task Force to review the impact which the administration's policies -- specifically the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan -- were having on Terrorism and Islamic radicalism. They issued a report in September, 2004 and it vigorously condemned the Bush/Cheney approach as entirely counter-productive, i.e., as worsening the Terrorist threat those policies purportedly sought to reduce:



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Guest Tuco Ramirez

The Muslim world is brilliant, full of plans to make this planet a better place to live, they're advanced wonderful people who have made this country better with their free flowing ideas and their willingness to embrace new cultures. And their daft lads they're just having a laugh aren't they, you've got to hand it to them.

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The Muslim world is brilliant, full of plans to make this planet a better place to live, they're advanced wonderful people who have made this country better with their free flowing ideas and their willingness to embrace new cultures. And their daft lads they're just having a laugh aren't they, you've got to hand it to them.



the entire muslim world? or just the fundamentalist portion of it?.. .you realize that if you substitute 'muslim' with 'christian right' it still rings true

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The Muslim world is brilliant, full of plans to make this planet a better place to live, they're advanced wonderful people who have made this country better with their free flowing ideas and their willingness to embrace new cultures. And their daft lads they're just having a laugh aren't they, you've got to hand it to them.



the entire muslim world? or just the fundamentalist portion of it?.. .you realize that if you substitute 'muslim' with 'christian right' it still rings true


I'm sure half of the do gooders on here must be called Mohammed

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