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'Mumbai-style' terror attack on UK, France and Germany foiled

Kevin S. Assilleekunt

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What happened to those street cleaners who were going to blow up the Pope?


they are free. Let's hope they don't succeed next time, courtesy of our inability to "prove their guilt"



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I find it quite telling when people have to prescribe the views they want others to have in order to 'win' an argument on here like. I find it canny pathetic as well.

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and they should have kept the public informed as to what they were up to in the interests of "freedom of information", because we all have a "right to know" what the intelligence services are doing with our money.


Never said that.


We said if it does turn out to be complete nonsense like the Old Trafford thing then we have the right to ask what they were doing without them just being able to say "none of your business".


but you do. You say it all the time.


How do you know it's nonsense ? What rubbish. It's "nonsense" if it's prevented...........think about what you're saying.

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I find it quite telling when people have to prescribe the views they want others to have in order to 'win' an argument on here like. I find it canny pathetic as well.


you mean like when you agree - on occasions - with HF or NJS for instance :wub:

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So HF once again the west have brought these plots on themselves? What did the dead in Mumbai do to antagonize and provoke reprisal? Should western women wear full burkas and stay indoors? Their overt decadence has resulted in reprisal from Al Quaeda as they target nightclubs and march on with their cult of death.

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and they should have kept the public informed as to what they were up to in the interests of "freedom of information", because we all have a "right to know" what the intelligence services are doing with our money.


Never said that.


We said if it does turn out to be complete nonsense like the Old Trafford thing then we have the right to ask what they were doing without them just being able to say "none of your business".


but you do. You say it all the time.


How do you know it's nonsense ? What rubbish. It's "nonsense" if it's prevented...........think about what you're saying.


The Old Trafford and Heathrow scares produced no charges. Now you can think they just couldn't quite "get the bastards" but I think its because there were no plots and the stories were simple propaganda.


There have been plots foiled which have resulted in charges which is completely legitimate and worthy of praise. However the "we're sorry we tortured you and ruined your life but we were wrong" cases shouldn't go with just your shrug of "they were probably guilty anyway". It's the latter beleief and its underlying reason that I object to.

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So HF once again the west have brought these plots on themselves? What did the dead in Mumbai do to antagonize and provoke reprisal? Should western women wear full burkas and stay indoors? Their overt decadence has resulted in reprisal from Al Quaeda as they target nightclubs and march on with their cult of death.


ah. Alex will no doubt slate me for agreeing with you :icon_lol: but thats probably right. If we send our women out wearing that sort of shite will it prevent reprisals :wub:

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So HF once again the west have brought these plots on themselves? What did the dead in Mumbai do to antagonize and provoke reprisal? Should western women wear full burkas and stay indoors? Their overt decadence has resulted in reprisal from Al Quaeda as they target nightclubs and march on with their cult of death.



You're sounding more like Leazes every day.

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So HF once again the west have brought these plots on themselves? What did the dead in Mumbai do to antagonize and provoke reprisal? Should western women wear full burkas and stay indoors? Their overt decadence has resulted in reprisal from Al Quaeda as they target nightclubs and march on with their cult of death.


ah. Alex will no doubt slate me for agreeing with you :icon_lol: but thats probably right. If we send our women out wearing that sort of shite will it prevent reprisals :wub:


I wouldn't have thought so....i think the continuously intensified bombing on their villages is a more pressing concern than our fashion choices.

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and they should have kept the public informed as to what they were up to in the interests of "freedom of information", because we all have a "right to know" what the intelligence services are doing with our money.


Never said that.


We said if it does turn out to be complete nonsense like the Old Trafford thing then we have the right to ask what they were doing without them just being able to say "none of your business".


but you do. You say it all the time.


How do you know it's nonsense ? What rubbish. It's "nonsense" if it's prevented...........think about what you're saying.


The Old Trafford and Heathrow scares produced no charges. Now you can think they just couldn't quite "get the bastards" but I think its because there were no plots and the stories were simple propaganda.


There have been plots foiled which have resulted in charges which is completely legitimate and worthy of praise. However the "we're sorry we tortured you and ruined your life but we were wrong" cases shouldn't go with just your shrug of "they were probably guilty anyway". It's the latter beleief and its underlying reason that I object to.


No smoke without fire. I think it's because they couldn't find proof or some smartarse lawyer got them off. If that's the case I hope the smartarse lawyer is on the next tube or bus they blow up.


Seriously mate, considering you work in London, I find your laid back attitude towards this sort of thing quite worrying [for you that is, not me, my days of working down there are over thank fuck]

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So HF once again the west have brought these plots on themselves? What did the dead in Mumbai do to antagonize and provoke reprisal? Should western women wear full burkas and stay indoors? Their overt decadence has resulted in reprisal from Al Quaeda as they target nightclubs and march on with their cult of death.



You're sounding more like Leazes every day.


I think he's taking the piss.

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So HF once again the west have brought these plots on themselves? What did the dead in Mumbai do to antagonize and provoke reprisal? Should western women wear full burkas and stay indoors? Their overt decadence has resulted in reprisal from Al Quaeda as they target nightclubs and march on with their cult of death.



You're sounding more like Leazes every day.


I think he's taking the piss.


it's all you can do tbh with those who don't live in the real world :wub:

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I find it quite telling when people have to prescribe the views they want others to have in order to 'win' an argument on here like. I find it canny pathetic as well.


Keep posting your :wub: s and zany, facetious comments. Obviously you have been overcome with moral cowardice and cannot bring yourself to condemn those who seek to destroy us. It would not surprise me if you and HF sat in all day in full burkas, so as not to offend the Taliban's cultural sensibilities and provoke reprisal. :icon_lol:


I remember when AS9 was funny.


Again instead of focusing on a topic, you gang together and throw lame remarks toward me based on the fact I used to post on N-O a year ago.

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So HF once again the west have brought these plots on themselves? What did the dead in Mumbai do to antagonize and provoke reprisal? Should western women wear full burkas and stay indoors? Their overt decadence has resulted in reprisal from Al Quaeda as they target nightclubs and march on with their cult of death.



You're sounding more like Leazes every day.


I think he's taking the piss.


it's all you can do tbh with those who don't live in the real world :wub:


I assumed he meant he's taking the piss out of you.


Like Mike Yarwood.

Edited by Happy Face
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I remember when AS9 was funny.


Again instead of focusing on a topic, you gang together and throw lame remarks toward me based on the fact I used to post on N-O a year ago.

You were genuinely funny though, now you've grown up, you've gotten all serious. There was a time when all you wanted to do was smoke doobies, fuck bitches and listen to Hendrix. Now its just politics and religion. Where did it all go wrong?

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The Grant Wankshaft for the Google generation seems intent on proving me correct. I think my work is done here.


Not really, you're intellectually redundant and have posted nothing of remote interest with regard to this topic. You come out with lame shit like 'oh well of course Salman Rushdie should be allowed to write his book but he brought on the attacks himself and it was a career move'. Your type cannot be trusted when it comes to the crunch, moral cowardice is a very bad quality.


I've read Viz as well and Grant Wankshaft is politically correct, sounds more like you. Perhaps if you'd read more books and less Viz you wouldn't have blossomed into the absolute pillock you've now become.

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