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Not the kind of weed I expected


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So, gardening recently and found this along one of my borders? No idea how it grew (I thought they needed a warmer climate?) or how the hell it got there (someone suggested the seeds can be found in bird seed, which I do have near this spot?).




Any idea's?

Edited by JawD
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warmer climate?...nope it'll pretty much grow anywhere, need to get it away from that fence though they like lots of light, looks healthy enough for a transplant as well. bring it inside and nurture it, christmas doobies perhaps?



also, treat it like a tomato plant, get rid of all the extra leaves and focus all the energy to the tomato/bud sites when they form.

Edited by tooner
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Im not trying to grow it like, purely accidental. Not arsed about growing it these days, aint touched the stuff for knocking on 6 years now. Just didnt expect to see it unplanned in my back garden!

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Is it not just hemp if it's from birdseed?



I would certainly expect so. I am assuming its from bird seed as I do have a few bird feeders along by back garden fence. If it is hemp, I certainly wouldnt recommend smoking it :unsure:

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Tooner's a typical BC lad by the looks of it :unsure:



"it" is what keeps the BC economy from collapsing, forestry's in the toilet, mining is starting to come back and they have a moratorium on offshore oil and gas exploration....they (the RCMP) estimate (conservatively mind you) that the underground economy accounts for 2 billion dollars a year.


as for me, as typical as I can be I suppose I usually dont smoke the stuff unless I'm partying or skiing, helps me forget how painful my skiboots are.

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