Guest Tuco Ramirez Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 OK I'll bite just this once although I happen to agree with how good Uniteds support has been for many decades, not just since the supafans start of '92. Gates are all about averages and some of yours through the 70's and 80's were shameful, a couple of 16 and 17 thousand averages. Between '78 and '92 only twice getting above 25, 000. I guess they were the decades when you were 'boycoutting' Honestly,PMSL. Couldn't stop laughing when I read the above. The Kop fell out of love with Keegan when he left for Hamburg for three times the amount of money he was getting here, and that was long, long before he went as a 30 yr old to your club and "sang your praises". Not sure what he's supposed to have sang your praises about like, never really put much store in Keegans words, I remember him once saying he cries when he hears the Kop singing YNWA which I thought was bollocks, but other than that I've no idea. The leaving of keegan, great player though he was, was one of the best things that happened to the club, it brought our greatest player ever. I genuinely don't know anyone who hates your club, the majority of Scouse hate is reserved for Everton or Liverpool and United. Can't say I hear Newcastle mentioned much at all other than when you're the butt of jokes now and again. I suggest you read Henry Winters offerings about Liverpoool. He's even written on the official site about how much regard he has always held the club and fans in. Not to say he's a Liverpool fan, I hope he's not myself. Are you talking to yourself in different names? Surely there aren't that many Geordies like you, there'd be a major inquiry about what drugs your Mams were taking while pregnant. Where do you possibly start with a post like this, every single bit of it uninformed clueless, laughable and bordering on obsessive. Lets start with our shameful gates. Three under 20,000 (none in the top flight) in our history, despite having won 20 multiplied by zero domestic trophies in 55 years. Shameful. A club utterly raped, pillage, mismanaged and scorned for over half a century, outside the 10 best supported clubs in England a massive EIGHT times in our history shameful. Only twice getting above 25,000 between 1978 and 1992, yes shameful during a time of unprecedented unemployment in the north, a time where clubs were utterly ravaged by hooliganism, a time where a club Everton, won a FA Cup in a season came in the top 7 in the top flight, and even won the title with the best side in their history the season after with an average of just 19,000 - shameful. A time where every other season our best players were sold - shameful. A time when we were languishing going no where in the Second Division in 9 of those 14 seasons - shameful. If that's so shameful, what about Liverpool who were a spor away from winning all four trophies they entered, winning three (league, league cup and european cup) and averaged just 31,000, just two thousand than second division Newcastle, now that is what I call shameful. We'd have had 100,000 wanting to go to games with a team that in the 14 years you mentioned won 7 league titles, 4 league cups, 3 fa cups and 4 european cups. What a fucking utter mug. You must know you're a mug. I don't care what anyone says. Shameful. The Keegan thing, he even said it after the FA Cup Final in 74, "If these supporters had the success their support merited they'd win every trophy in every season." As for Liverpool fans falling out of love with them, two sources that spring to mind, were several people saying exactly that, that when he came to Newcastle he spoke about us in flattering terms compared to Liverpool in Stephen F Kelly's book the Kop, and it's even mentioned in the clubs top 100 players that he would've been higher but for those remarks. You don't know anyone who hates our club pmsl, you don't really need to say anything more than that, because clearly you're a young clueless lad. That's a bit like Jermaine Jenas doesn't know any gay men. What are you on about different names? You are a boring scouse cunt with nothing to say, looking for a lol when all you'll get, as you have had since this post is a collective pipe down you utter bindipping tool. Look at the Premiership since 1993. Villa have had 19,000 Everton have had 13,000 Spurs have had 17,000 on more than one occasion Liverpool have had 22,000 in Arsenal had a 19,000 We remain the only club to have never had a gate under 30,000 in the Premiership, even Man Utd have. So it's easy to get carried away with stats like that, but EVERYONE in football knows the truth, and I'm not going to say what it is because I don't need to, everyone knows what the truth is, you can base it on opinion or even fact. OK I'll bite just this once although I happen to agree with how good Uniteds support has been for many decades, not just since the supafans start of '92. Gates are all about averages and some of yours through the 70's and 80's were shameful, a couple of 16 and 17 thousand averages. Between '78 and '92 only twice getting above 25, 000. I guess they were the decades when you were 'boycoutting' Honestly,PMSL. tbf you're quoting someone's comments where they have specifically mentioned attendances post 92 and you've made comments about two decades before that. Hasn't gone unnoticed that you haven't backed up your claims with any figures of any note. For the record if you'd bothered to do any background research before you made those claims, you'd have learned that the 'Popular' terrace was replaced by a stand in the early 70s which reduced our capacity by around 30% whilst the building work too place. Then during the late 70s the Leazes End was demolished and we were left with a terrace more than half the size of what we had before vastly reducing our capacity further. Fast forward to the late 80s and the tragedy at Bradford rendered the West Stand condemned and that too was rebuilt - again reducing our capacity massively during the demolition and construction phase. The important factor is that with a few rare exceptions, we almost always filled the capacity we had available to us. Personally I think the average gates argument is poor - but if you're going to attack it, at least get your fucking facts straight dickhead. So, are you saying that for a period of some 15 years your capacity was only 16,000 at one point and rising to only 25.000 at another point? PMSL. I hope it hasn't gone unnoticed, as I said only supafans start at '92. Well done for completely ignoring his point. Pacino you scouse bastard, I'm not of these who picks on clubs for no reason. There's not a club in world football can compare to us when success is divided by loyalty. Anyone that can debate that is a mug. I know for a fact you're 5ft8, ugly (as most dippers are), and fuckin have a fat face. I'll reply to you properly tomorrow. x I think you are giving yourself a bit too much credit there. To be able to "pick on clubs" would imply that your knowledge of such clubs was significant enough to really have a go, but much of the time you make it up as you go along and get one of your alter egos to agree with you. I wouldn't be so ridiculously inane to debate such an obviously drunken/doped up statement. Having no idea what dippers are your last sentence makes no sense to me. Then you're a cunt. No idea what the rest of the noise is you're mumbling on about is I doubt you even know yourself. ...and how could you not know what a fucking dipper is, it's what you're known as nationally for fuck sake, just shows what a bubble Merseyside must be when you're not aware of that. Fuck this is getting boring. But, but, but-----------you’re the attendance man, man ! You’re the one banging on about them, couldn’t give a fuck myself but if you want to throw brickbats you should make sure you have nothing for others to come back with, surely that’s obvious even to a deluded bigot like you. No matter how you try to cloud the figures of your attendances they are still pretty dismal at times, just like other clubs. Many clubs have been raped and pillaged at times in their history, all suffered from the hooliganism, and all suffered from Thatchers cutting policies, stop trying to come up with excuses ffs. The more finals you’re in, the more money you need, and as you’ve pointed out the ‘80’s were hard financially, all round. You might well have had a 100,000 wanting to go, as did Liverpool, but when you’re playing so many games in the UK as well as Europe, season after season there comes a point where economics dictate you have to make choices. You’ve made yourself into a mug by banging on about how fantastic your attendances have always been when in reality you’ve had good and bad, just like most clubs. Our 2nd div attendances were better than your earlier ones, ner, ner, ner. I see nothing wrong with Keegan saying that after the ’74 final, that’s what winning teams do, give credit to the losers and their fans, he was also gushing about Liverpool fans outside of St Georges Hall the next day. I really don’t remember that in Kellys book but I’ll take your word for it, and still don’t see how that negates the fact that he was disliked because of the money grabbing way he left the club. Keegan was only number 8 in the top 100 because of the class and greatness of players we’ve had at the club and there might well have been a bias against him in some people but you’re totally deluding yourself if you think it had anything to do with something he supposedly said. I would have placed him at number 7, ahead of Carra, but wouldn’t have changed any of the other players ahead of him. I’m neither young nor clueless and unlike you I live here in Liverpool and go to the match. If you walk round thinking Newcastle fans or club are a topic of conversation you’re even more seriously deluded than I thought. Get this in to your thick head soft lad, Scouse hate is reserved for each of our own clubs and Man United, Chelsea maybe at a push, but Newcastle just don’t figure at all in the hate stakes. My condolences if that upsets you but that’s how it is. You’re spoken of about as much as the rest of the Prem, by all means though carry on deluding yourself. You know exactly what I’m talking about you using different names. You talk to yourself as different people trying to give credibility to your bigoted views. How fucking sad is that? Why am I not surprised you don’t have any idea about the rest of my post? I go on many sites that involve people from all over the country, also travel a lot and I don’t hear bindipper at all. I presume it’s derived from one of those Manc songs you love so much, personally I lose track they’ve got so many Scouse hate songs. Used to wonder why they spent so much time making up and singing songs about us when they could be singing about their own glorious history. I read the site below a lot where there's often debates between Mancs and Scousers, not seen us called bindippers. Your city and club aren't talked about a great deal here neither, strange as you might find it, although when mentioned your city gets a few compliments. I'm outta here now, carry on spewing your sad jealous bile, in as many different names as you can of course. Got boring the moment you entered the thread as ever. Cloud the figures of our attendances, what by saying we've won fuck all at home for 55 years, it's hardly putting spin on anything you utter imbecile Yes many clubs have been raped and pillaged throughout their history, but for a club who until 1971 were the most succesful in English football, and continued to be so for another 40 years is well, well beyond the pail. Excuses you'd be like Tranmere if you had our last half century. Your second division attendances were bigger than our earlier ones were they???? 28,000 before Shankley wasn't it, you were a ramshackle of a club, Blackpool were getting more, we averaged 57,000 in Division Two after the war, a world record at the time so try again me old mate. We don't care whether scousers talk about us, the fact is nationally the amount of attention we receive is astonishing. Take the last time we went down we appeared on live television more than Chelsea who came second and we went down. Whenever I'm in London all people want to talk about with me is NUFC, whatever scousers talk about is purely irrelevant, why would we care, we look down our nose at you, we care about what you talk about as much as we do people from Hull or Middlesbrough. The fact is Newcastle are hated by many people around the country for our perceived arrogance and deludedness and some are just bored of the soap opera. Put a radio station on like Talksport, which I rarely do to be fair as it so full of clueless fools, and you'll have as many people ringing up to put us down, as to talk about how fantastic Torres or Fabregas are. Carragher being your 7th best ever player really sums Liverpool FC and Merseyside up. He's a talentless footballer who was a hard battler in his time, but has largely been shit for at least four years, no one can fault his heart but the reason he's in there is because he is scouse. Hyppia was ten times the player "Caddeh" is/was, I bet he's not in the top 50. You're an insular sect of people. In fact even we've had better centre halfs than Carragher in the last 15 years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewerk 33229 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 I've just noticed that Neil Mellor made the list of 100 Players Who Shook the Kop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meenzer 16447 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 I've just noticed that Neil Mellor made the list of 100 Players Who Shook the Kop. Just behind reserve defender Steve Irwin and his legendary attempt to keep it tight at the back: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craig 6811 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 P.s. Aintree isn't a shithole. I live very close to it. If you think Aintree's shithole I'm going to assume you can't be from a Northern city. You should thank Christ you haven't been to parts of South Liverpool! Born in Lancashire, grew up in Newcastle and my lass and her family were born and bred in Liverpool and all still live there. I've been all over your city soft lad and whilst I agree some other parts of the city are shitter than Aintree, it's just a different grade of shitness and doesn't suddenly make Aintree a fucking des-res. It's on a level with Elswick IMO - just to give some of our lads some perspective of what I'm talking about... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tuco Ramirez Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 P.s. Aintree isn't a shithole. I live very close to it. If you think Aintree's shithole I'm going to assume you can't be from a Northern city. You should thank Christ you haven't been to parts of South Liverpool! Born in Lancashire, grew up in Newcastle and my lass and her family were born and bred in Liverpool and all still live there. I've been all over your city soft lad and whilst I agree some other parts of the city are shitter than Aintree, it's just a different grade of shitness and doesn't suddenly make Aintree a fucking des-res. It's on a level with Elswick IMO - just to give some of our lads some perspective of what I'm talking about... To be fair Craig you know more about Merseyside than me, but Aintree was the best place I saw there. Reminded me of a poormans Dumpling Hall. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meenzer 16447 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 I might have liked Aintree but it was full of housing estates. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid Dynamite 7643 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 If we banned Stevie from talking about attendances and Leazes/Skidmark from talking about our ownership the world would be a better place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom 14083 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 It would be full of housing estates man! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tuco Ramirez Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 If we banned Stevie from talking about attendances and Leazes/Skidmark from talking about our ownership the world would be a better place. ...and if we banned you full stop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid Dynamite 7643 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 Didn't they already try that with you . . . .? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tuco Ramirez Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 Didn't they already try that with you . . . .? Aye but they bowed to public pressure. I don't think they'd need to with you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid Dynamite 7643 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 Oh, and here's me thinking you pm'd a couple of people saying you were gone for good, only to turn up a couple of weeks later under a new name? I must have missed the welcome back party Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pacinofan 0 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 I've just noticed that Neil Mellor made the list of 100 Players Who Shook the Kop. Hate going back on a I'm outta here but just a point. 100 Players Who Shook the Kop wasn't about the best players, it was about players making an impact on the fans whether it be by their playing, their personality or a one off act of genius. Of course great players always make an impact but this was also about the not so great players who do something and you say "fucking hell, how did he do that?" or a wow. Neil Mellor only played 12 games for the first team but one of those was against the recently crowned invincible team, Arsenal. He scored a stunning winner in the last minute to give us the three points, when most of us were praying that we could hold on to the draw. For him it wrote his name in to the Liverpool history books regardless of how good or bad he was. Carra isn't the greatest footballer, but as I say this wasn't about that. Carra's personality alone would have gotten him high up the chart, but few can forget his outstanding display in Istanbul where he was still blocking shots and making last ditch tackles while riddled with cramp. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tuco Ramirez Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 Oh, and here's me thinking you pm'd a couple of people saying you were gone for good, only to turn up a couple of weeks later under a new name? I must have missed the welcome back party New name I'd have a hard job coming back under "Stevie" seeing as though it was disabled. Bit like your social skills imo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 I remember that Mellor goal. In fact it's about the only thing I remember him doing. It was some strike. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tuco Ramirez Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 I remember that Mellor goal. In fact it's about the only thing I remember him doing. It was some strike. Aye last minute volley in the corner. He scored one or two for Liverpool it always struck me how little the other players wanted to celebrate with him especially Gerrard, was like you're shit you shouldn't be on here you lucky cunt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid Dynamite 7643 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 Didn't they already try that with you . . . .? Aye but they bowed to public pressure. I'd have a hard job coming back under "Stevie" seeing as though it was disabled. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pacinofan 0 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 I remember that Mellor goal. In fact it's about the only thing I remember him doing. It was some strike. Aye last minute volley in the corner. He scored one or two for Liverpool it always struck me how little the other players wanted to celebrate with him especially Gerrard, was like you're shit you shouldn't be on here you lucky cunt. PMSL yet again, you just don't give up making things up do you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tuco Ramirez Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 Didn't they already try that with you . . . .? Aye but they bowed to public pressure. I'd have a hard job coming back under "Stevie" seeing as though it was disabled. They had power meetings with regards to this and said I could sign up in a new name. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tuco Ramirez Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 (edited) I remember that Mellor goal. In fact it's about the only thing I remember him doing. It was some strike. Aye last minute volley in the corner. He scored one or two for Liverpool it always struck me how little the other players wanted to celebrate with him especially Gerrard, was like you're shit you shouldn't be on here you lucky cunt. PMSL yet again, you just don't give up making things up do you? Second time you've come back when you said you were away. Make your mind up eh chump? Edited September 16, 2010 by Tuco Ramirez Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pacinofan 0 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 I remember that Mellor goal. In fact it's about the only thing I remember him doing. It was some strike. Aye last minute volley in the corner. He scored one or two for Liverpool it always struck me how little the other players wanted to celebrate with him especially Gerrard, was like you're shit you shouldn't be on here you lucky cunt. PMSL yet again, you just don't give up making things up do you? Second time you've come back when you said you were away. Make your mind up eh chump? You're only right but it's hard to keep from showing you up as the lying phoney you are. You were wrong yet again. You were making things up, yet again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meenzer 16447 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 I remember that Mellor goal. In fact it's about the only thing I remember him doing. It was some strike. Aye last minute volley in the corner. He scored one or two for Liverpool it always struck me how little the other players wanted to celebrate with him especially Gerrard, was like you're shit you shouldn't be on here you lucky cunt. PMSL yet again, you just don't give up making things up do you? That fucking opera soundtrack. You should be ashamed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pacinofan 0 Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 I remember that Mellor goal. In fact it's about the only thing I remember him doing. It was some strike. Aye last minute volley in the corner. He scored one or two for Liverpool it always struck me how little the other players wanted to celebrate with him especially Gerrard, was like you're shit you shouldn't be on here you lucky cunt. PMSL yet again, you just don't give up making things up do you? That fucking opera soundtrack. You should be ashamed. Cringeworthy tbh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 They had power meetings with regards to this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tuco Ramirez Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 I'm outta here now I've just noticed that Neil Mellor made the list of 100 Players Who Shook the Kop. Hate going back on a I'm outta here but just a point. PMSL yet again, you just don't give up making things up do you? You're only right but it's hard to keep from showing you up as the lying phoney you are. You were wrong yet again. You were making things up, yet again. Three times ayyyyyyyyym. No wonder the life expectancy in Liverpool is about 57, you'll have yourself a coronary me old son. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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