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Winter of Discontent --- Part Two

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Yup, the Lib Dems can't really cause too many problems, otherwise it would be a sign that coalition governments don't work in the UK and probably the death knell for any alternative voting system.


So for now they just have to play along with the Tories game and shed support in doing so.

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Oh CT, Labour may have lost the election but have you forgotten so did the tories? ;)



no they didnt, they got the majority of the votes. hence they won.


(admitedly not by a sufficient margin to govern independently)


No they didn't, if you don't know the definition of the word 'majority' then maybe you shouldn't be talking with the big boys.



fair enough ewerk, however the tories did win the most seats which is what i, of course, meant all along.

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Didn't even get the majority of the seats tbh ;)


very true :icon_lol: , your post would have been funnier however if i hadnt just explained that. :icon_lol:

It didn't though. You could have the most seats and the majority, unlike your beloved Tories. Hard work this like :icon_lol:

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Didn't even get the majority of the seats tbh ;)


very true :icon_lol: , your post would have been funnier however if i hadnt just explained that. :icon_lol:

It didn't though. You could have the most seats and the majority, unlike your beloved Tories. Hard work this like :icon_lol:



youre making it harder than needs be bud, i said the tories won the most seats. 306? to labours 250 something. tell me whats hard about that. :icon_lol:

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Didn't even get the majority of the seats tbh ;)


very true :icon_lol: , your post would have been funnier however if i hadnt just explained that. :icon_lol:

It didn't though. You could have the most seats and the majority, unlike your beloved Tories. Hard work this like :icon_lol:



youre making it harder than needs be bud, i said the tories won the most seats. 306? to labours 250 something. tell me whats hard about that. :icon_lol:


So if Labour had formed a coalition instead, would they have won?


You can just admit you were wrong if you like. :icon_lol:

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Didn't even get the majority of the seats tbh ;)


very true :icon_lol: , your post would have been funnier however if i hadnt just explained that. :icon_lol:

It didn't though. You could have the most seats and the majority, unlike your beloved Tories. Hard work this like :icon_lol:



youre making it harder than needs be bud, i said the tories won the most seats. 306? to labours 250 something. tell me whats hard about that. :icon_lol:

The joke was based on your not knowing what majority means though.

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So if Labour had formed a coalition instead, would they have won?


of course. tell me Renton, if labour had formed a coalition with the lib dems instead of the tories, which party in this hypothetical coalition would have the main say in policy?

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Didn't even get the majority of the seats tbh ;)


very true :icon_lol: , your post would have been funnier however if i hadnt just explained that. :icon_lol:

It didn't though. You could have the most seats and the majority, unlike your beloved Tories. Hard work this like :icon_lol:



youre making it harder than needs be bud, i said the tories won the most seats. 306? to labours 250 something. tell me whats hard about that. :icon_lol:

The joke was based on your not knowing what majority means though.


:icon_lol: i fell into the trap of lazy language. for that, i apologise. i shall endeavour to be clearer with my definitions from this time forward. B)

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So if Labour had formed a coalition instead, would they have won?


of course. tell me Renton, if labour had formed a coalition with the lib dems instead of the tories, which party in this hypothetical coalition would have the main say in policy?


So Labour would have won despite getting less seats than the oppositon? Is that how you see it? It could have easliy happened as well were it not for the relationship between Brown and Clegg.


A coalition is what it is, the Conservatives did not win an outright majority and do not have a majority government. They did not 'win' and require the continued support of the Lib Dems to function. How long this will go on for is will be interesting.


Admitting you were wrong would have been easier btw.

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Didn't even get the majority of the seats tbh ;)


very true :icon_lol: , your post would have been funnier however if i hadnt just explained that. :icon_lol:

It didn't though. You could have the most seats and the majority, unlike your beloved Tories. Hard work this like :icon_lol:



youre making it harder than needs be bud, i said the tories won the most seats. 306? to labours 250 something. tell me whats hard about that. :icon_lol:

The joke was based on your not knowing what majority means though.


:icon_lol: i fell into the trap of lazy language. for that, i apologise. i shall endeavour to be clearer with my definitions from this time forward. B)

Just stick to words you know the meaning of. Especially when you're trying to be clever.

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This is where the "rock and a hard place" logic kicks in though - whatever the electoral mechanics of the situation may have allowed, the Lib Dems would have been just have fucked if they (and the necessary others) had propped up a Brown government for x years. And they could hardly say "we'll support a minority coalition government with Labour as long as the PM isn't Brown" as 97% of the voting public would cry foul because they think they're voting on Brown/Cameron/Clegg etc. and not their local MP.

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So if Labour had formed a coalition instead, would they have won?


of course. tell me Renton, if labour had formed a coalition with the lib dems instead of the tories, which party in this hypothetical coalition would have the main say in policy?


So Labour would have won despite getting less seats than the oppositon? Is that how you see it? It could have easliy happened as well were it not for the relationship between Brown and Clegg.


A coalition is what it is, the Conservatives did not win an outright majority and do not have a majority government. They did not 'win' and require the continued support of the Lib Dems to function. How long this will go on for is will be interesting.


Admitting you were wrong would have been easier btw.


of course. it doesnt matter how who climb the slippery pole as long as you get to the top. and in this case, the top is the people who dictate policy ie. the big winner. if labour had formed this unholy abomination of a coalition i would probably look on it as you look on the current coalition, with extreme distaste and mistrust but in the big scheme of things, labour would still be the winner as they would wield the most influence and power.

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Think the unions are actually trying to be reasonable here although the OP demonstrates my point about how things will be perceived irrespective of that.

Also, re: AA's and Renton's battle of wills - who says politics is boring? ;)

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So democracy's ok when it suits.


Who'd have thought, the tory voters that got them in support the cuts being implemented that effect them least.


Not sure what's undemocratic about the people suffering the worst of the cuts not lying down and taking it up the arse.


Firstly there was always going to cuts and therefore job losses whoever won the election.


Secondly and more importantly most cuts havent even been decided yet so its not the "people" rising up its the communist egomaniacs like Crow who are trying to organise mass general strikes.


If this action goes ahead it will have very little support from the majority of the public imo.

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So democracy's ok when it suits.


Who'd have thought, the tory voters that got them in support the cuts being implemented that effect them least.


Not sure what's undemocratic about the people suffering the worst of the cuts not lying down and taking it up the arse.


Firstly there was always going to cuts and therefore job losses whoever won the election.


Secondly and more importantly most cuts havent even been decided yet so its not the "people" rising up its the communist egomaniacs like Crow who are trying to organise mass general strikes.


If this action goes ahead it will have very little support from the majority of the public imo.

Have the mass general strikes you're talking about been anywhere near as widely mooted as the cuts proposed by the government? If so, provide the evidence.

Edited by alex
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At the moment Tory scum ;) just think "benefit cheats" will be affected by the cuts - as it becomes apparent that it will effect them after all to some degree their tune will change.


Also CT a Union's whole raison d'etre is to protect and fight for its members jobs - surely that includes opposing cuts to those jobs?


Dont totally disagree with the second point however theres something a bit different going on here I think. Talking about General coordinated strikes is bad enough, but before most cuts have been announced is not on really.


Add to the mix that a lot of the private sector has been putting up with job losses, pay cuts and various shit for the last three years while the public sector has been protected by Labours wasteful spending. All points to a very unpleasant time.

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So democracy's ok when it suits.


Who'd have thought, the tory voters that got them in support the cuts being implemented that effect them least.


Not sure what's undemocratic about the people suffering the worst of the cuts not lying down and taking it up the arse.


Firstly there was always going to cuts and therefore job losses whoever won the election.


Secondly and more importantly most cuts havent even been decided yet so its not the "people" rising up its the communist egomaniacs like Crow who are trying to organise mass general strikes.


If this action goes ahead it will have very little support from the majority of the public imo.

Have the mass general strikes you're talking about been anywhere near as widely mooted as the cuts proposed by the government? If so, provide the evidence.


Well they only came to light yesterday with the start of the TUC conference but every media source from TV to press etc are all running with it. The labour candidates are all over it. Surely your not after google links to the biggest story of the last 24 hours?

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