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good doesn't always mean popular and popular doesn't always mean good... I can't understand how this simple idea isn't picked up by Thompers


Obviously he's to busy keeping up with the popular and big Mike.

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good doesn't always mean popular and popular doesn't always mean good... I can't understand how this simple idea isn't picked up by Thompers



Popular does mean good. Take Coldplay for example, not my cup of tea personally, but I'd have to be a right arrogant cock to dismiss them as shit because i prefer alternatives

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good doesn't always mean popular and popular doesn't always mean good... I can't understand how this simple idea isn't picked up by Thompers



Popular does mean good. Take Coldplay for example, not my cup of tea personally, but I'd have to be a right arrogant cock to dismiss them as shit because i prefer alternatives



No, No it fucking doesn't.






regarded with favor, approval, or affection by people in general: a popular preacher.


regarded with favor, approval, or affection by an acquaintance or acquaintances: He's not very popular with me just now.


of, pertaining to, or representing the people, esp. the common people: popular discontent.


of the people as a whole, esp. of all citizens of a nation or state qualified to participate in an election: popular suffrage; the popular vote; popular representation.


prevailing among the people generally: a popular superstition.


suited to or intended for the general masses of people: popular music.


adapted to the ordinary intelligence or taste: popular lectures on science.


suited to the means of ordinary people; not expensive: popular prices on all tickets.







morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man.


satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health.


of high quality; excellent.


right; proper; fit: It is good that you are here. His credentials are good.


well-behaved: a good child.


kind, beneficent, or friendly: to do a good deed.


honorable or worthy; in good standing: a good name.


educated and refined: She has a good background.


financially sound or safe: His credit is good.


genuine; not counterfeit: a good quarter.


sound or valid: good judgment; good reasons.


reliable; dependable; responsible: good advice.


healthful; beneficial: Fresh fruit is good for you.


in excellent condition; healthy: good teeth.


not spoiled or tainted; edible; palatable: The meat was still good after three months in the freezer.


favorable; propitious: good news.


cheerful; optimistic; amiable: in good spirits.


free of distress or pain; comfortable: to feel good after surgery.


agreeable; pleasant: Have a good time.


attractive; handsome: She has a good figure.


(of the complexion) smooth; free from blemish.


close or intimate; warm: She's a good friend of mine.


sufficient or ample: a good supply.


advantageous; satisfactory for the purpose: a good day for fishing.


competent or skillful; clever: a good manager; good at arithmetic.


skillfully or expertly done: a really good job; a good play.


conforming to rules of grammar, usage, etc.; correct: good English.


socially proper: good manners.


remaining available to one: Don't throw good money after bad.


comparatively new or of relatively fine quality: Don't play in the mud in your good clothes.


best or most dressy: He wore his good suit to the office today.


full: a good day's journey away.


fairly large or great: a good amount.


free from precipitation or cloudiness: good weather.


Medicine/Medical . (of a patient's condition) having stable and normal vital signs, being conscious and comfortable, and having excellent appetite, mobility, etc.


fertile; rich: good soil.


loyal: a good Democrat.


(of a return or service in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) landing within the limits of a court or section of a court.


Horse Racing . (of the surface of a track) drying after a rain so as to be still slightly sticky: This horse runs best on a good track.


(of meat, esp. beef) noting or pertaining to the specific grade below “choice,” containing more lean muscle and less edible fat than “prime” or “choice.”


favorably regarded (used as an epithet for a ship, town, etc.): the good ship Syrena.



profit or advantage; worth; benefit: What good will that do? We shall work for the common good.


excellence or merit; kindness: to do good.


moral righteousness; virtue: to be a power for good.


(esp. in the grading of U.S. beef) an official grade below that of “choice.”




possessions, esp. movable effects or personal property.


articles of trade; wares; merchandise: canned goods.


Informal . what has been promised or is expected: to deliver the goods.


Informal . the genuine article.


Informal . evidence of guilt, as stolen articles: to catch someone with the goods.


cloth or textile material: top-quality linen goods.


Chiefly British . merchandise sent by land, rather than by water or air.


the good,


the ideal of goodness or morality.


good things or persons collectively.



(used as an expression of approval or satisfaction): Good! Now we can all go home.



Informal . well.



as good as. as1 ( def. 22 ) .


come to no good, to end in failure or as a failure: Her jealous relatives said that she would come to no good.


for good, finally and permanently; forever: to leave the country for good. Also, for good and all.


good and, Informal . very; completely; exceedingly: This soup is good and hot.


good for,


certain to repay (money owed) because of integrity, financial stability, etc.


the equivalent in value of: Two thousand stamps are good for one coffeepot.


able to survive or continue functioning for (the length of time or the distance indicated): These tires are good for another 10,000 miles.


valid or in effect for (the length of time indicated): a license good for one year.


(used as an expression of approval): Good for you!


good full, Nautical . (of a sail or sails) well filled, esp. when sailing close to the wind; clean full; rap full.


make good,


to make recompense for; repay.


to implement an agreement; fulfill.


to be successful.


to substantiate; verify.


to carry out; accomplish; execute: The convicts made good their getaway.


no good, without value or merit; worthless; contemptible: The check was no good.


to the good,


generally advantageous: That's all to the good, but what do I get out of it?


richer in profit or gain: When he withdrew from the partnership, he was several thousand dollars to the good.




tucking your tracksuit bottoms into your socks is popular, it's not good... is it?



fuck me you're obstinate.

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good doesn't always mean popular and popular doesn't always mean good... I can't understand how this simple idea isn't picked up by Thompers



Popular does mean good. Take Coldplay for example, not my cup of tea personally , but I'd have to be a right arrogant cock to dismiss them as shit because i prefer alternatives


swift about turn there upon being rumbled

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good doesn't always mean popular and popular doesn't always mean good... I can't understand how this simple idea isn't picked up by Thompers



Popular does mean good. Take Coldplay for example, not my cup of tea personally, but I'd have to be a right arrogant cock to dismiss them as shit because i prefer alternatives

But they are shit.

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good doesn't always mean popular and popular doesn't always mean good... I can't understand how this simple idea isn't picked up by Thompers



Popular does mean good. Take Coldplay for example, not my cup of tea personally , but I'd have to be a right arrogant cock to dismiss them as shit because i prefer alternatives


swift about turn there upon being rumbled


I didn't begin the reference to them thicky

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See, now I'm confused.

It's wrong for Alex to say Dan Brown is for stupid people, but it's ok for Skidmark to call Leazes thick and Fish a wanker?

I blame Coldplay.


With Dan brown there's strong evidence to the contrary, and I've never even read one of his books :angry:

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good doesn't always mean popular and popular doesn't always mean good... I can't understand how this simple idea isn't picked up by Thompers



Popular does mean good. Take Coldplay for example, not my cup of tea personally , but I'd have to be a right arrogant cock to dismiss them as shit because i prefer alternatives


swift about turn there upon being rumbled


I didn't begin the reference to them thicky


"Comparisons with coldplay serve as complimentary to him i'm sure"


but you DID say this, before your u-turn :angry:

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See, now I'm confused.

It's wrong for Alex to say Dan Brown is for stupid people, but it's ok for Skidmark to call Leazes thick and Fish a wanker?

I blame Coldplay.


With Dan brown there's strong evidence to the contrary, and I've never even read one of his books :angry:


have you read anything by Gordon Brown ?

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good doesn't always mean popular and popular doesn't always mean good... I can't understand how this simple idea isn't picked up by Thompers



Popular does mean good. Take Coldplay for example, not my cup of tea personally , but I'd have to be a right arrogant cock to dismiss them as shit because i prefer alternatives


swift about turn there upon being rumbled


I didn't begin the reference to them thicky


"Comparisons with coldplay serve as complimentary to him i'm sure"


but you DID say this, before your u-turn :angry:


And I stand by that comment. Where's the u-turn, thickmeister?

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Wow fish a dictionary definition, you're definitely not a wanker



you upset because with two definitions I pulled apart your entire argument?

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Wow fish a dictionary definition, you're definitely not a wanker



you upset because with two definitions I pulled apart your entire argument?


More amused that someone is pathetic enough to purposely misrepresent my point in order to prove me wrong, using a dictionary definition :lol: great stuff

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good doesn't always mean popular and popular doesn't always mean good... I can't understand how this simple idea isn't picked up by Thompers


Popular does mean good. Take Coldplay for example, not my cup of tea personally, but I'd have to be a right arrogant cock to dismiss them as shit because i prefer alternatives



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good doesn't always mean popular and popular doesn't always mean good... I can't understand how this simple idea isn't picked up by Thompers


Popular does mean good. Take Coldplay for example, not my cup of tea personally, but I'd have to be a right arrogant cock to dismiss them as shit because i prefer alternatives




Yeah, and you genuinely thought I meant literally?

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To be honest, when you state something in such declarative language, I'd assume that, yes, you were meaning that popular "literally" means good.


Given your previous statements which tend to back said statement, I'd say I have cause to say that you honestly believe that just because something is popular it follows that it is good.


plus you're Thompers, so, y'know, who gives a fuck what you think any way? :lol:

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To be honest, when you state something in such declarative language, I'd assume that, yes, you were meaning that popular "literally" means good.


Given your previous statements which tend to back said statement, I'd say I have cause to say that you honestly believe that just because something is popular it follows that it is good.


plus you're Thompers, so, y'know, who gives a fuck what you think any way? :D



You've got me Detective Dick :lol: I'm thompers, a hardcore Coldplay fan that goes to Ibiza to listen to the Swedish House Mafia blast Yellow out in the middle of Pacha :icon_lol:



You clearly understand that I was stating that popular means good in the way that 'good' is an adjective that describes the vast vast majority of popular things. The cock in you, (and it appears to be a big 'un), chose to misrepresent what I said and make out that I was stating that 'good' and 'popular' are synonyms, when you know for a fact that I wasn't. Tit.

Edited by AshleysSkidMark
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ok, so your stance is either, "All things that are popular are good" or that we think "Nothing popular is good" and neither of those statements are true.

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ok, so your stance is either, "All things that are popular are good" or that we think "Nothing popular is good" and neither of those statements are true.



So what's popular that isn't good?

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ok, so your stance is either, "All things that are popular are good" or that we think "Nothing popular is good" and neither of those statements are true.



So what's popular that isn't good?


where to start...?


N-Dubz, being a chav, txt spk, Boyzone...

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ok, so your stance is either, "All things that are popular are good" or that we think "Nothing popular is good" and neither of those statements are true.



So what's popular that isn't good?


where to start...?


N-Dubz, being a chav, txt spk, Boyzone...



N-Dubz fans think N-Dubz is good.


Chavs think chavs are good.


People who use txt spk think txt spk is good.


Boyzone fans think Boyzone are good.



So you're basically wrong, and expressing a personal opinion as fact.

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ok, so your stance is either, "All things that are popular are good" or that we think "Nothing popular is good" and neither of those statements are true.



So what's popular that isn't good?


where to start...?


N-Dubz, being a chav, txt spk, Boyzone...



N-Dubz fans think N-Dubz is good.


Chavs think chavs are good.


People who use txt spk think txt spk is good.


Boyzone fans think Boyzone are good.



So you're basically wrong, and expressing a personal opinion as fact.

By that rationale Nazi's are good, Fundamentalist Muslims are good, Rape is good.

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good doesn't always mean popular and popular doesn't always mean good... I can't understand how this simple idea isn't picked up by Thompers


Popular does mean good. Take Coldplay for example, not my cup of tea personally, but I'd have to be a right arrogant cock to dismiss them as shit because i prefer alternatives




Yeah, and you genuinely thought I meant literally?





Leazes and the Irish boy in typical thick fuck fashion taking the carling post seriously. Jesus


thats the 2nd time you've said this lately :lol:

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