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Guest Tuco Ramirez
Technique's a bit of a broad description for specific components to a player's game, which makes comparisons hard in a way, but two that spring to mind as being technically excellent (who haven't had a mention) are Woodgate and Albert.


To me, technique is someone who has total mastery of the ball. Scholes/Xavi for example. Can ping a 60 yard pass, can stop a ball on a sixpence, never misplace a pass, can place a shot in the top corner.


Dyer couldnt do any of that :lol: he could run fast and dribble. The only person who reckons that is 'technique' is stevie!

The hardest technique in football is running with the ball at pace with maximum control. It's why Ajax have produced an unbelievable amount of top players because for years they get them at 6 year old, and for the next 6 years focus on that very thing. Dribbling and control are technique. Dyer's passing was very good, short one two's always with the ball under control, mesmerising step overs, he was a fabulous player, but a tragedy at the same time.


Getting back to your football knowledge, if there's a kid on this board with less knowledge and understanding of the game than you tell me who it is and why you total mug.


Hew man, ye divvent get to these lofty heights without knowing a thing or two about how to play the game :icon_lol:



Division fuckin Four :lol: I scored 30 plus in the Premier Division of the alphabet league 4 fuckin seasons running when I was younger. For someone like me or Mancmag playing in that division would be like Beardsley playing in the DR Martens reserve league. I wouldn't disgrace meself :( Division Four of a mackem sunday league :icon_lol:


Its only 6 games into the season man :(

6 GAMES IN AND SOMEONES SCORED 12. Is it a wheelchair league?

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Technique's a bit of a broad description for specific components to a player's game, which makes comparisons hard in a way, but two that spring to mind as being technically excellent (who haven't had a mention) are Woodgate and Albert.


To me, technique is someone who has total mastery of the ball. Scholes/Xavi for example. Can ping a 60 yard pass, can stop a ball on a sixpence, never misplace a pass, can place a shot in the top corner.


Dyer couldnt do any of that :lol: he could run fast and dribble. The only person who reckons that is 'technique' is stevie!

The hardest technique in football is running with the ball at pace with maximum control. It's why Ajax have produced an unbelievable amount of top players because for years they get them at 6 year old, and for the next 6 years focus on that very thing. Dribbling and control are technique. Dyer's passing was very good, short one two's always with the ball under control, mesmerising step overs, he was a fabulous player, but a tragedy at the same time.


Getting back to your football knowledge, if there's a kid on this board with less knowledge and understanding of the game than you tell me who it is and why you total mug.


Hew man, ye divvent get to these lofty heights without knowing a thing or two about how to play the game :icon_lol:



Division fuckin Four :lol: I scored 30 plus in the Premier Division of the alphabet league 4 fuckin seasons running when I was younger. For someone like me or Mancmag playing in that division would be like Beardsley playing in the DR Martens reserve league. I wouldn't disgrace meself :( Division Four of a mackem sunday league :icon_lol:


Its only 6 games into the season man :(

6 GAMES IN AND SOMEONES SCORED 12. Is it a wheelchair league?



You're biting an awful lot today, even by your standards. So far we know you have been to more NUFC games than me, know more about football than me, have better fashion sense than me and are a better footballer than me. Anyone would think you have a bit of an inferiority complex Stevie :icon_lol:

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I would walk into the Lyons first team as long as there was a Hetton-le-Hole in my arse.

What level did you play at? I've heard you were (are) a canny player. I played for North Tyneside and the Liverpool scout for the north east used to watch me play (who was a customer in my dads paper shop). I played against Alan Thompson when he was at Marden Bridge and me and him were on a par back then (although i scored more).


Nah I do ok but my best days are way behind me tbf. I played regionally as a schoolboy. Man marked Jon Macken (former Man City) to win the Manchester Schools trophy (I wasnt normally centre half like but he didn't score that day :lol: ) and I've played against the likes of Wes Brown (though he was playing a couple years above his age).


I should imagine North Tyneside is a better standard than Manchester generally like at youth level (in a non-biased way).

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Guest Tuco Ramirez
Technique's a bit of a broad description for specific components to a player's game, which makes comparisons hard in a way, but two that spring to mind as being technically excellent (who haven't had a mention) are Woodgate and Albert.


To me, technique is someone who has total mastery of the ball. Scholes/Xavi for example. Can ping a 60 yard pass, can stop a ball on a sixpence, never misplace a pass, can place a shot in the top corner.


Dyer couldnt do any of that :lol: he could run fast and dribble. The only person who reckons that is 'technique' is stevie!

The hardest technique in football is running with the ball at pace with maximum control. It's why Ajax have produced an unbelievable amount of top players because for years they get them at 6 year old, and for the next 6 years focus on that very thing. Dribbling and control are technique. Dyer's passing was very good, short one two's always with the ball under control, mesmerising step overs, he was a fabulous player, but a tragedy at the same time.


Getting back to your football knowledge, if there's a kid on this board with less knowledge and understanding of the game than you tell me who it is and why you total mug.


Hew man, ye divvent get to these lofty heights without knowing a thing or two about how to play the game :icon_lol:



Division fuckin Four :lol: I scored 30 plus in the Premier Division of the alphabet league 4 fuckin seasons running when I was younger. For someone like me or Mancmag playing in that division would be like Beardsley playing in the DR Martens reserve league. I wouldn't disgrace meself :( Division Four of a mackem sunday league :icon_lol:


Its only 6 games into the season man :(

6 GAMES IN AND SOMEONES SCORED 12. Is it a wheelchair league?



You're biting an awful lot today, even by your standards. So far we know you have been to more NUFC games than me, know more about football than me, have better fashion sense than me and are a better footballer than me. Anyone would think you have a bit of an inferiority complex Stevie :icon_lol:

Well play for my five a side team then and we'll see how good you are. We have a mutual friend after all.

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Bellamy for me, before we signed him. I was convinced Bobby was buying a donkey.


aye, although most thought he was a good player despite his obvious cuntity I don't think many realised we wouldnt have another striker as dangerous as him for god knows how long.

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I'm not gona lie, I'm a bit rubbish at 5 a side!


Funny how some people cant cross over from 5 aside to 11 aside and vice versa. I know a lad who is awesome at 5 aside. Brilliant close control, can dribble round 5 men and smash it into the net from 5 yards. Put him on a full size pitch and he's hopeless, gets hoyed all over off the big lads and can't shoot for shit.

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Guest Tuco Ramirez
I'm not gona lie, I'm a bit rubbish at 5 a side!


Funny how some people cant cross over from 5 aside to 11 aside and vice versa. I know a lad who is awesome at 5 aside. Brilliant close control, can dribble round 5 men and smash it into the net from 5 yards. Put him on a full size pitch and he's hopeless, gets hoyed all over off the big lads and can't shoot for shit.

There was a kid at the Pitz called Nico who was one of the most skilful players I've ever seen at 5 a side, played on the wing for a team against me at 11 a side and was totally shite. Some truth in that. You need physical presence and technique to play at both and not many of us have both.

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Guest Tuco Ramirez
Whilst im posting pics of myself . . . takes real skill to trap a ball at chest height and be on the move before its even hit the deck :lol:



Look like a hand ball that.


Takes total technique to lob a ball from a ridiculously tight angle in to the opposite top corner would you agree?

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Guest Tuco Ramirez
Whilst im posting pics of myself . . . takes real skill to trap a ball at chest height and be on the move before its even hit the deck :lol:




Is that yourself & the brother in the park!

Look like two extra's off Snatch.

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Dyer needed blistering pace because 90% of the time his first touch was so shite, he needed to be quicker than the opposition to get the ball back and under control.

As for the goal stevie is referring to, fuck even Andy Griffin scored an unbelievable goal or two.

Maybe Dyer just didn't give a fuck and it was obvious in to many games.


his touch was good, as was his dribbling and vision. that combined with his pace, engine and movement was what made him a dangerous player. it was his crossing and shooting that was his weak point if you ask me. (edit - and the fact that he was a perma-crock)


obvioulsy he never fulfilled his massive potential, which is a shame. but if you ask me, the best team we have put out since the keegan days was sir bobby's one with the midfield of solano, robert, speed and dyer

Edited by Dr Gloom
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