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What's for lunch that's interesting or a bit different and isn't just a ham sandwich or some beetroot


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They're top rate and to be honest, the Wylam brewery have more hits than misses imo. There's some duffers but there's some really nice pints as well. Most pubs will let you try before you buy as long as it's not busy.



Not any more boss. I mean there's still some rougher parts, but it's gentrified like a mother fucker.


There's a beer shop by mine that do tasting nights on the same evening the wine shops are doing theirs. That's a fucking sight mind, beardy blokes looking oh so serious while sipping a pint called Bloody 'Ell and talking about the hoppy notes while ten yards down the street the Tatler crowd are looking oh so serious while discussing the legs on a Chilean Shiraz . :lol:

I'd love a go at that.






'Not bad'




'Not for me, like'


In front of the tatler or hipster crowd. :)

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None of us have got a "beer cellar" though :lol:

Beer goes out of date, wine gets so much better with age that it's worth waiting for. Point being that getting into beer is fine, getting into wine apparently makes you a dick. Just saying ;)

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Beer goes out of date, wine gets so much better with age that it's worth waiting for. Point being that getting into beer is fine, getting into wine apparently makes you a dick. Just saying ;)

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Had a Chicken Kiev with cauliflower cheese for lunch. I appreciate that is not very interesting of that different, but I thought I should share because I had it here:




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As if anybody on here would be interested in that place.

There's probably a hoverboard rack out the back, so Gloomy would be keen.

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They've got rid of the Ham and Pease Pudding stottie as well. Probably run by Tories now


That was one of the best stotties as well.


Jacket potato with baked beans and mature cheddar for lunch here, which is neither interesting nor different.

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