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Take it on the chin lad! Don't resit a thing. Don't waste any more time on schools and just get a job with some real world experience. They won't even ask your grades at your interview. They don't care!




Seriously, I'd take Zod's advice actually.


Alright. I'll drop out of school, hope to get a job with no experience and basic GCSE qualifications just because somebody on the internet told me to.


I'm not telling you to do it, I'm just getting the impression that University might not be the best place for you, at this stage in your life. Perhaps you should take a couple of years out and appraise what you really want to do first, because it appears you haven't got a clue. Do you want to end up in 4 years massively in debt, with a worthless degree, and no job prospects?


Also quite ironic that you're suggesting taking advice from the internet is a bad thing. I agree, but why do you ask for it so much? :o

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Take it on the chin lad! Don't resit a thing. Don't waste any more time on schools and just get a job with some real world experience. They won't even ask your grades at your interview. They don't care!




Seriously, I'd take Zod's advice actually.


Alright. I'll drop out of school, hope to get a job with no experience and basic GCSE qualifications just because somebody on the internet told me to.


I'm not telling you to do it, I'm just getting the impression that University might not be the best place for you, at this stage in your life. Perhaps you should take a couple of years out and appraise what you really want to do first, because it appears you haven't got a clue. Do you want to end up in 4 years massively in debt, with a worthless degree, and no job prospects?


Also quite ironic that you're suggesting taking advice from the internet is a bad thing. I agree, but why do you ask for it so much? :o


*sigh* I want to go to Uni. Always have, i'm ready for uni, i'm no dole bandit.

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I'm offering my advice as an adult that has been where you are now and learned from it. I would only ever advise people to take their exams seriously if they intend to pursue a specific line of work which requires it. i.e. becoming a teacher or learning a trade such as electrician or plumber. If you don't really know what you want to do (as most teens don't), then you are wasting your time. You will probably be sent back to college to do a relevant subject for the job you eventually get.


16 year olds very rarely know exactly what career they are going to settle for. Most go to college just as a step because society runs that way...to kill a couple of years leaching from their parents and avoiding the real world. Some even plan on going to uni for another 4 years to avoid the real world for even longer and reap the student benefits. Then at the end of their student years, they get a job stacking shelves and work their way up the ladder to floor manager or something - and the same day they got their first job, a 17 year old got the same job with straight D's.


Do you know what you want to do? Have you experienced life enough to make that decision yet? I was adamant I was going to be a copper and went through all the procedures for a couple of years then failed the eye test. That was out the window - and I am bloody glad too. What a shite job that would have been! And looking back, I only wanted to be a copper so I could ride a police bike - the priorities of a young teen eh?

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Are they AS levels or A Levels? I got shite AS Levels because I was a cocky little shite who never revised (not that I'm saying you are ;) ) in everything but my History but it kicked me on to do well in the next year and left with 2 Bs and an A.


My advice: sit down, have a wank, a nice cup of tea, enjoy the rest of your summer and knuckle in next year.

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*sigh* I want to go to Uni. Always have, i'm ready for uni, i'm no dole bandit.


That proves my point! You only want to go to uni to avoid the dole - although getting a job/career would do the same thing, but you want to avoid that scary prospect too.


Wouldn't say that's true of everything like. If he goes and takes a Business degree, fair enough but some jobs you need to have University qualifications, be it degrees or masters.

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I wouldn't fucking bother tbh. He's a daft young kid who'll do the opposite to any decent advice given anyway to prove a point. Hope I'm wrong tbh.

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*sigh* I want to go to Uni. Always have, i'm ready for uni, i'm no dole bandit.


That proves my point! You only want to go to uni to avoid the dole - although getting a job/career would do the same thing, but you want to avoid that scary prospect too.


Wouldn't say that's true of everything like. If he goes and takes a Business degree, fair enough but some jobs you need to have University qualifications, be it degrees or masters.


My post before that sort of covers that. There are some jobs that require recognised qualifications, but surely it is best to know which job you intend to pursue before getting a qualification in something else.

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I'm offering my advice as an adult that has been where you are now and learned from it. I would only ever advise people to take their exams seriously if they intend to pursue a specific line of work which requires it. i.e. becoming a teacher or learning a trade such as electrician or plumber. If you don't really know what you want to do (as most teens don't), then you are wasting your time. You will probably be sent back to college to do a relevant subject for the job you eventually get.


16 year olds very rarely know exactly what career they are going to settle for. Most go to college just as a step because society runs that way...to kill a couple of years leaching from their parents and avoiding the real world. Some even plan on going to uni for another 4 years to avoid the real world for even longer and reap the student benefits. Then at the end of their student years, they get a job stacking shelves and work their way up the ladder to floor manager or something - and the same day they got their first job, a 17 year old got the same job with straight D's.


Do you know what you want to do? Have you experienced life enough to make that decision yet? I was adamant I was going to be a copper and went through all the procedures for a couple of years then failed the eye test. That was out the window - and I am bloody glad too. What a shite job that would have been! And looking back, I only wanted to be a copper so I could ride a police bike - the priorities of a young teen eh?

Well i appreciate the advice but saying i dont know much about computer programming, networks etc. i also have no real working experience with it so a degree and a years experience and see where it goes from there.


Are they AS levels or A Levels? I got shite AS Levels because I was a cocky little shite who never revised (not that I'm saying you are ;) ) in everything but my History but it kicked me on to do well in the next year and left with 2 Bs and an A.


My advice: sit down, have a wank, a nice cup of tea, enjoy the rest of your summer and knuckle in next year.


AS Levels. I'm in the same predicament you were.

*sigh* I want to go to Uni. Always have, i'm ready for uni, i'm no dole bandit.


That proves my point! You only want to go to uni to avoid the dole - although getting a job/career would do the same thing, but you want to avoid that scary prospect too.


No I don't. I have a job in mcd's. i dont want to stay there.

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I wouldn't fucking bother tbh. He's a daft young kid who'll do the opposite to any decent advice given anyway to prove a point. Hope I'm wrong tbh.


I did the same. That's why I continually advise the youth to enjoy their time as a debt free school kid, don't stress about exams etc... Probably the same reason I was given the advice when I was a teen. I know hundreds of people that went to uni and I only know 2 or 3 that have a job related to their degrees.

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I'm 31 and i still don't know what I want to do.




And you made the same mistake we all made! You have your degree(s?) before you knew which degree you actually needed. ;)


It's the system! They all try and push people into education without letting them choose their life first.


I agree with that like. When I was at school/6th form, it was nowt but "meet these careers advisors" "sort your personal statements out" "which university are you going to? Well, these subjects will help" at 14/15. I remember thinking "fuck off, man. I'm not even through puberty yet, never mind at the point where I want to pick a career"

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I genuinely believe people go to University too young in general. I certainly did and have been trying to rectify my mistakes ever since. At I went in the days before fees and graduates actually got jobs though.

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I'm 31 and i still don't know what I want to do.




And you made the same mistake we all made! You have your degree(s?) before you knew which degree you actually needed. ;)


It's the system! They all try and push people into education without letting them choose their life first.


I agree with that like. When I was at school/6th form, it was nowt but "meet these careers advisors" "sort your personal statements out" "which university are you going to? Well, these subjects will help" at 14/15. I remember thinking "fuck off, man. I'm not even through puberty yet, never mind at the point where I want to pick a career"


No chance you actually thought that you wierdo!

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I'm 31 and i still don't know what I want to do.




And you made the same mistake we all made! You have your degree(s?) before you knew which degree you actually needed. ;)


It's the system! They all try and push people into education without letting them choose their life first.


I agree with that like. When I was at school/6th form, it was nowt but "meet these careers advisors" "sort your personal statements out" "which university are you going to? Well, these subjects will help" at 14/15. I remember thinking "fuck off, man. I'm not even through puberty yet, never mind at the point where I want to pick a career"


No chance you actually thought that you wierdo!


Well, I was probably looking at the tits of the careers advisor but still, I'm attempting to sound mature here, man :o

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I genuinely believe people go to University too young in general. I certainly did and have been trying to rectify my mistakes ever since. At I went in the days before fees and graduates actually got jobs though.

I went as a mature student and was staggered at how many of the nippers were utterly clueless, didn't want to be there, and had no idea what to do next.

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I genuinely believe people go to University too young in general. I certainly did and have been trying to rectify my mistakes ever since. At I went in the days before fees and graduates actually got jobs though.

It's made worse by specialising, i.e. doing A-levels, at 16, since you're greatly narrowing down your degree options. Teachers don't help (or they didn't at my school) as they're more arsed about you going to university so it looks good for the school rather than any other considerations.

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I need to get thinking first. Just allow me to think for myself for a little bit up in here.


Up in where?


That's the best thing you can do at this point...think. Don't rush into anything. You work at maccies so you won't end up on the dole. You can afford to take your time, even if it means missing out on college/uni this year. And if you want any advice on computer programming type career stuff, I'll advise you from my own experience.

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I genuinely believe people go to University too young in general. I certainly did and have been trying to rectify my mistakes ever since. At I went in the days before fees and graduates actually got jobs though.

I went as a mature student and was staggered at how many of the nippers were utterly clueless, didn't want to be there, and had no idea what to do next.

Nearly all the best students were mature students on my course.

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Do you even know if computer programming is for you? You may hate it.



I need to get thinking first. Just allow me to think for myself for a little bit up in here.

It's probably been suggested already, but have you tried asking for a voluntary placement with an IT company?

At least then you can see if you like the work, gain some valuable experience, and get some valuable contacts and references.

You have said elsewhere you want more shifts at Maccy D's, so you clearly have plenty of spare time- put it to good use.

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I need to get thinking first. Just allow me to think for myself for a little bit up in here.


Up in where?


That's the best thing you can do at this point...think. Don't rush into anything. You work at maccies so you won't end up on the dole. You can afford to take your time, even if it means missing out on college/uni this year. And if you want any advice on computer programming type career stuff, I'll advise you from my own experience.


I have another year of upper 6th. I apply for uni in january. we'll see how things turn out in the next few weeks.


Do you even know if computer programming is for you? You may hate it.



I need to get thinking first. Just allow me to think for myself for a little bit up in here.

It's probably been suggested already, but have you tried asking for a voluntary placement with an IT company?

At least then you can see if you like the work, gain some valuable experience, and get some valuable contacts and references.

You have said elsewhere you want more shifts at Maccy D's, so you clearly have plenty of spare time- put it to good use.


You can do that ;)? I doubt someone would just let me in but.

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