Happy Face 29 Posted October 17, 2016 Author Share Posted October 17, 2016 "Ms Wasserman Schultz's resignation follows a massive row over hacked emails that suggested the Democratic National Committee (DNC) favoured Ms Clinton during the primary, despite pledging neutrality. " Even if expressing a preference were fine (and we all knew the DNC wanted Clinton). They didn't conspire to win a fair fiight. They conspired to lie about Sanders and mislead voters, members of their own party. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rayvin 5918 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 They're supposed to be neutral aren't they? It's not an internal battle, it's an external one for voters to decide on candidates based on their policies. I mean, I'm sure the establishment does this all the time. But still, it's not good - we deserve an unbiased, uninfluenced choice. It's the same shit New Labour tried to do with Corbyn although done much more competently. By releasing it, it will hopefully mean that the next time around, the establishment candidate will have less natural trust to work with. The more they're undermined, the better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Are they supposed to be neutral or is it mandated by Party rules? It seem a bit far fetched to expect a party not to push for the candidate they think has the broadest appeal. Its not like our left wing party is good at avoiding that natural instinct. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted October 17, 2016 Author Share Posted October 17, 2016 Broadest appeal? Clinton has the most negative ratings of any Democratic candidate of all time. Sanders beat trump more convincingly in every demographic iirc. Personal agreements/favours dictated that Clinton would get DNC backing this time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rayvin 5918 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Which of course raises the question of why they thought she was preferable... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Gloom 23587 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Mate it was only Parliament that stopped a full Western invasion of Syria. The Americans were ready to go...Obama was going on about his 'red line' (then the staged gas attack was exposed as by the terrorist groupings). AND it was Mi6 and Portown Down that did the analysis. Once in a lifetime Parliament gets it right. All the secular unaligned middle eastern states with no debt were to be regime changed (followed in by the banksters and multi-nationals to take the piss) and chaos let loose across the whole area. That was the plan all along and still is. Russia and China are to be ringed by survivable missile defence systems in line with the new American first strike policy. Russian air strikes in Syria shows that at long last they now understand what is really going on and they will not step down. Enter the deluded maniac Clinton. We are a thousand times closer to a planet ending event now than ever before. I know Clinton is more hawkish than Obama but I'm pretty sure the rest of this post would be front page news around the world if it were true. You got a credible source for any of this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewerk 33138 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Broadest appeal? Clinton has the most negative ratings of any Democratic candidate of all time. Sanders beat trump more convincingly in every demographic iirc. Personal agreements/favours dictated that Clinton would get DNC backing this time. Theoretical polls like that are pointless and entirely inaccurate that far out. Hillary was very popular as Secretary of State, I reckon the decline in her favourability ratings are more to do with the electorate's loss of confidence in the centre/establishment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23615 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 I know Clinton is more hawkish than Obama but I'm pretty sure the rest of this post would be front page news around the world if it were true. You got a credible source for any of this? Aye I'd like to see some credible evidence of this as well. I suspect it's a load of shit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted October 17, 2016 Author Share Posted October 17, 2016 Theoretical polls like that are pointless and entirely inaccurate that far out. Hillary was very popular as Secretary of State, I reckon the decline in her favourability ratings are more to do with the electorate's loss of confidence in the centre/establishment. Due in no small part to her husband. She's been hated, along with him, since then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted October 17, 2016 Author Share Posted October 17, 2016 Running out of friends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rayvin 5918 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 They'll be under huge pressure from the yanks atm. Fuck sake, this is going to end in tears isn't it... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted October 17, 2016 Author Share Posted October 17, 2016 Yet still they come Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23615 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Due in no small part to her husband. She's been hated, along with him, since then. What have I missed here? I thought Bill Clinton had one of the highest approval rates ever while in office? What's he done that's so bad since he left it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted October 17, 2016 Author Share Posted October 17, 2016 You missed the impeachment proceedings and that? Outside of Republican pursuit of his sexual abuses, liberals loathed his moving the Democratic party to the right. He signed NAFTA. He's widely regarded as throwing black people under the bus when his crime bill and welfare reform hit them hardest. He's also regarded as the deregulator whose gifts to the city led directly to the financial collapse. Many also place the blame for 9/11 with his 8 years in office and failure to neutralize Bin Laden rather than George Bush's 8 months. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23615 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 You missed the impeachment proceedings and that? Outside of Republican pursuit of his sexual abuses, liberals loathed his moving the Democratic party to the right. He signed NAFTA. He's widely regarded as throwing black people under the bus when his crime bill and welfare reform hit them hardest. He's also regarded as the deregulator whose gifts to the city led directly to the financial collapse. Many also place the blame for 9/11 with his 8 years in office and failure to neutralize Bin Laden rather than George Bush's 8 months. You said he was hated by the US public. However, he had one of the highest ever approval ratings, having presided over a very strong economy and largely avoiding major wars. You're rewriting history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_image_of_Bill_Clinton?wprov=sfla1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted October 17, 2016 Author Share Posted October 17, 2016 I must have made up all those things because people liked how he played the sax then. What was Clinton, if not a centrist that caused the disenfranchise you talked about, for all the reasons i've given? Seems your default position is to disagree with me, even when I'm agreeing with you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NJS 4560 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 I remember quite admiring Bill Clinton then seeing him talk about Cuba/Castro with such bile and hatred for a gnat in America's side that I just thought what a cunt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23615 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 I must have made up all those things because people liked how he played the sax then. What was Clinton, if not a centrist that caused the disenfranchise you talked about, for all the reasons i've given? Seems your default position is to disagree with me, even when I'm agreeing with you. I'll be honest and just say I've never really understood the massive hatred for the Clintons who are both basically competent centrist politicians from what I can see. But Bill was very popular back in the day and reached peak popularity during his impeachment. He may be a handicap now but I don't understand why. For me it's all relative. I like clinton and Obama far more than either bush or Reagan. Or Trump. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Park Life 71 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 (edited) Gloom and Renton make me laugh...Oh look we don't know anything...Explain everything over and over again...We haven't read any current events bar a 10 min daily peruse of the Guardian. Explain Clinton, explain American foreign policy although for 3 decades its been as clear as day and pursued by president after president ...OOoo we thought Clinton was popular....etc... It was Clinton's idea that people with no money should be allowed to buy houses. He started going around sayin it was a right. Repealed Glass Steagal etc...Did more than probably anyone to completely destroy America. The whole time he was on coke and banging thousands of women in da White House. "Among his biggest strokes of free-wheeling capitalism was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, a cornerstone of Depression-era regulation. He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. In 1995 Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods. It is the subject of heated political and scholarly debate whether any of these moves are to blame for our troubles, but they certainly played a role in creating a permissive lending environment." Edited October 17, 2016 by Park Life Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Park Life 71 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 (edited) I know Clinton is more hawkish than Obama but I'm pretty sure the rest of this post would be front page news around the world if it were true. You got a credible source for any of this? 2013 President Obama found himself isolated on the Syria issue at the G20 conference in St. Petersburg on Thursday. Among the world’s largest 20 economies, only France agreed with his plan for a military attack on Damascus. China expressed fears that US military action in Syria would cause a spike in oil prices and slow the world’s economy. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are often anti-intervention. As rising world economies, they feel they suffered from imperial interventions themselves. They do not want the Syria attack by the US. But the big surprise was that the European Union came out with position closer to Russian President Vladimir Putin than to Obama." "Obama had already ordered the Pentagon to develop target lists. Five Arleigh Burke–class destroyers were in the Mediterranean, ready to fire cruise missiles at regime targets. French President François Hollande, the most enthusiastically pro-intervention among Europe’s leaders, was preparing to strike as well. All week, White House officials had publicly built the case that Assad had committed a crime against humanity. Kerry’s speech would mark the culmination of this campaign. But the president had grown queasy. In the days after the gassing of Ghouta, Obama would later tell me, he found himself recoiling from the idea of an attack unsanctioned by international law or by Congress. The American people seemed unenthusiastic about a Syria intervention; so too did one of the few foreign leaders Obama respects, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor. She told him that her country would not participate in a Syria campaign. And in a stunning development, on Thursday, August 29, the British Parliament denied David Cameron its blessing for an attack. John Kerry later told me that when he heard that, “internally, I went, Oops.” http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/04/the-obama-doctrine/471525/ WASHINGTON — The White House signaled that the United States would act alone in Syria if necessary to protect its national security interests, as a Western coalition that just days ago appeared determined to launch a joint military action split wide open. President Obama appeared increasingly isolated after British Prime Minister David Cameron lost a vote Thursday in the House of Commons on endorsing military action. It was a stunning defeat for a government that days ago called for punishing Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces for alleged use of chemical weapons against rebel-held neighborhoods last week. Britain "will not be involved" in any military strikes on Syria, Defense Secretary Philip Hammond said after the vote. However, he added, "I don't expect that the lack of British participation will stop any action." Obama administration officials made their case for armed intervention in a conference call with congressional leaders Thursday night. "As we've said, President Obama's decision-making will be guided by what is in the best interests of the United States," said Caitlin Hayden, spokeswoman for the National Security Council. "He believes that there are core interests at stake for the United States and that countries who violate international norms regarding chemical weapons need to be held accountable." http://articles.latimes.com/2013/aug/29/world/la-fg-us-syria-intel-20130830 In the end they couldn't drum up enough support across the board and also were aware the American public were reticent about another war. But it was close and the Parliament NO swung it...Germany had already said no. When Clinton gets in she will ratchet it up and we will be close to a hot war with Russia. She is insanely deluded. The rest of that post you found incredulous is in the public domain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATO encirclement of Russia with expansion into Eastern Europe and arrival of Aegis missile systems in Romania and Poland and now NATO mischief in Ukraine. American meddling in Kazakhistan,Georgia and Uzbekistan to further encircle the bear. (Loads of articles on it from various sources). PINAC (Project for a new American century was a neo-con project under Bush). It lays out how the middle east will be remade. You can download it. Everything in it has happened/is happening. Edited October 17, 2016 by Park Life Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Gloom 23587 Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 I'm aware that Obama considered an attack after the line in the sand thing but bottled it and that Hillary was for intervening when she was Secretary of State. Still don't see any credible sources for the other claims - that the chemical weapons attack wasn't committed by Assad, that there was to be mass US-led regime change in the Middle East in order to ringfence Russia and China with a missle system and now that Bill Clinton was a massive coke head while in the White House. Getting a strong whiff of horse shit here mate, sorry. Do you think the American people would have had an appetite for that after their disasterous recent interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan? They're not exactly clamouring to send more troops abroad. And by the way, I'm informed by more than a ten minute daily browse of the guardian ffs. I tend to avoid conspiracy theory websites though in favour of the Jewish controlled mainstream media. The one thing I agree with you on is parliament getting it right by not intervening in Syria, which is basically Iraq 2, an absolute mess and tragedy, though this time the blame lies more with the Russians than the yanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Gloom 23587 Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 With regard to PINAC, my understanding is it was a think tank that influenced the Bush administration and included many of the hawks that helped engineer the regime change in Iraq. Not sure how it applies to Obama, who has been much more cautious in the White House, and now Clinton, given it wound down in 2006. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23615 Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 2013 President Obama found himself isolated on the Syria issue at the G20 conference in St. Petersburg on Thursday. Among the world’s largest 20 economies, only France agreed with his plan for a military attack on Damascus. China expressed fears that US military action in Syria would cause a spike in oil prices and slow the world’s economy. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are often anti-intervention. As rising world economies, they feel they suffered from imperial interventions themselves. They do not want the Syria attack by the US. But the big surprise was that the European Union came out with position closer to Russian President Vladimir Putin than to Obama." "Obama had already ordered the Pentagon to develop target lists. Five Arleigh Burke–class destroyers were in the Mediterranean, ready to fire cruise missiles at regime targets. French President François Hollande, the most enthusiastically pro-intervention among Europe’s leaders, was preparing to strike as well. All week, White House officials had publicly built the case that Assad had committed a crime against humanity. Kerry’s speech would mark the culmination of this campaign. But the president had grown queasy. In the days after the gassing of Ghouta, Obama would later tell me, he found himself recoiling from the idea of an attack unsanctioned by international law or by Congress. The American people seemed unenthusiastic about a Syria intervention; so too did one of the few foreign leaders Obama respects, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor. She told him that her country would not participate in a Syria campaign. And in a stunning development, on Thursday, August 29, the British Parliament denied David Cameron its blessing for an attack. John Kerry later told me that when he heard that, “internally, I went, Oops.” http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/04/the-obama-doctrine/471525/ WASHINGTON — The White House signaled that the United States would act alone in Syria if necessary to protect its national security interests, as a Western coalition that just days ago appeared determined to launch a joint military action split wide open. President Obama appeared increasingly isolated after British Prime Minister David Cameron lost a vote Thursday in the House of Commons on endorsing military action. It was a stunning defeat for a government that days ago called for punishing Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces for alleged use of chemical weapons against rebel-held neighborhoods last week. Britain "will not be involved" in any military strikes on Syria, Defense Secretary Philip Hammond said after the vote. However, he added, "I don't expect that the lack of British participation will stop any action." Obama administration officials made their case for armed intervention in a conference call with congressional leaders Thursday night. "As we've said, President Obama's decision-making will be guided by what is in the best interests of the United States," said Caitlin Hayden, spokeswoman for the National Security Council. "He believes that there are core interests at stake for the United States and that countries who violate international norms regarding chemical weapons need to be held accountable." http://articles.latimes.com/2013/aug/29/world/la-fg-us-syria-intel-20130830 In the end they couldn't drum up enough support across the board and also were aware the American public were reticent about another war. But it was close and the Parliament NO swung it...Germany had already said no. When Clinton gets in she will ratchet it up and we will be close to a hot war with Russia. She is insanely deluded. The rest of that post you found incredulous is in the public domain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATO encirclement of Russia with expansion into Eastern Europe and arrival of Aegis missile systems in Romania and Poland and now NATO mischief in Ukraine. American meddling in Kazakhistan,Georgia and Uzbekistan to further encircle the bear. (Loads of articles on it from various sources). PINAC (Project for a new American century was a neo-con project under Bush). It lays out how the middle east will be remade. You can download it. Everything in it has happened/is happening. Trying to sort out the wheat from the chaff in your posts is near impossible, as is ascertaining how serious you are about certain topics. I do think you make some valid points but then spoil them under a layer of tin foil. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted October 18, 2016 Author Share Posted October 18, 2016 It's been shown that tin foil, far from protecting your brain. Would actually enhance the waves designed to infiltrate it. http://www.howtogeek.com/114037/researchers-prove-tin-foil-hats-boost-receptivity-to-government-signals/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewerk 33138 Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 Repealed Glass Steagal etc... "Among his biggest strokes of free-wheeling capitalism was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, a cornerstone of Depression-era regulation. I'll choose just one element from your scattergun of bullshit. Please go on and explain exactly what GLBA did and how it helped destroy America and how it is specifically Clinton's fault. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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