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Paul Pearson - Seven years old killed


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Guest Gordon McKeag
Unless we believe that people should be banged up for ever then you have to let them out sometime - he'll have done 19 years which is pretty close to the original sentence

and I'm not very happy about people coming on here JUST to advertise their causes either

Honestly, I don't like insulting people, but you're a fuckin wanker. The lass come on because her brother was murdered 20 years ago in the most horrific circumstances, she came on here to make people aware of what happened, and get a little bit of support for the cause, which is clearly a hugely worthy one, and you make a comment like this. It's hardly click this link and get 10 free spins at ladbrokes casino. You total tosser of a man, I hope you're proud of yourself.

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Guest Gordon McKeag
Unless we believe that people should be banged up for ever then you have to let them out sometime - he'll have done 19 years which is pretty close to the original sentence


and I'm not very happy about people coming on here JUST to advertise their causes either


For some reason I get the impression that if this happened to anyone in your family you wouldn't be saying this..



personal feelings are understandable


but we can't run the country on emotional responses - when ever we pass a law or do sommat on a wave of emotion it always turns out bad in the end

Clearly related to Mary Bell imo.

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Served her nuts and drink at least anyway.




He is a wanker for posting that mind, but as you say he's attention seeking, just like he probably does with his fellow batty boy on the plane much to the passengers disgust.

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Absolutely horrendous case and one which your family can never know true justice for I imagine (taking into account every conceivable and disparate view of what 'justice' actually is).


I suppose the death penalty was bound to crop up in the thread at some point (not by the OP, which is truly admirable I think) but we're a far better society without it in my humble view. Which leaves us with the present position and very very difficult decisions taken by people in receipt of the full facts. Those people will know the extent of his 'rehabilitation' but that will be their only real remit at the end of the day. I think justice is probably the toughest balancing act going and 'political' factors never usually assist in it's delivery, but if it's so offensive to society that a particular person be released it is absolutely society's right to express that in some way.


I can only admire the OP's restraint and hope that whatever the outcome, the family are able to find peace for themselves and for Paul.

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Guest Gordon McKeag

I haven't got a younger brother, but I've got an older sister, and if anything happened to her like this and the purpetrator was released I'm sorry like but I would make it my lifes mission to exact my own justice. I'm sure many people would feel the same and that's another reason you could argue why he should not be let out. I don't go in for the muslims eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth justice on many things, but blatant murder like this, there is no rehabilitation or way back in to a community for someone who does this type of thing and nor should there be.


Rob you've really pissed me off with your "he's served his time", he killed a young kid you arsehole, if it was your kid how would you feel. You're a cunt.


Also the comment about support on a Boro forum for this, I don't think it's the type of thread to be cracking jokes of that nature.

Edited by Gordon McKeag
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Guest Gordon McKeag
Stevie telling somebody off for inappropriate comments. Somebody beat that lad with an irony stick please.

On this type of thread. It's like farting in church, you don't do it.

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Stevie telling somebody off for inappropriate comments. Somebody beat that lad with an irony stick please.

On this type of thread. It's like farting in church, you don't do it.


The Boro reference was more of a "they can't even be arsed to support their club let alone anything else" thing more than how you probably interpreted it.

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Guest Gordon McKeag
Stevie telling somebody off for inappropriate comments. Somebody beat that lad with an irony stick please.

On this type of thread. It's like farting in church, you don't do it.


The Boro reference was more of a "they can't even be arsed to support their club let alone anything else" thing more than how you probably interpreted it.

Aye I'm sure it was.

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Absolutely horrendous case and one which your family can never know true justice for I imagine (taking into account every conceivable and disparate view of what 'justice' actually is).


I suppose the death penalty was bound to crop up in the thread at some point (not by the OP, which is truly admirable I think) but we're a far better society without it in my humble view. Which leaves us with the present position and very very difficult decisions taken by people in receipt of the full facts. Those people will know the extent of his 'rehabilitation' but that will be their only real remit at the end of the day. I think justice is probably the toughest balancing act going and 'political' factors never usually assist in it's delivery, but if it's so offensive to society that a particular person be released it is absolutely society's right to express that in some way.


I can only admire the OP's restraint and hope that whatever the outcome, the family are able to find peace for themselves and for Paul.


That's my view and I don't see why Rob should get abuse just for pissing against the wind either.

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Guest Gordon McKeag
Absolutely horrendous case and one which your family can never know true justice for I imagine (taking into account every conceivable and disparate view of what 'justice' actually is).


I suppose the death penalty was bound to crop up in the thread at some point (not by the OP, which is truly admirable I think) but we're a far better society without it in my humble view. Which leaves us with the present position and very very difficult decisions taken by people in receipt of the full facts. Those people will know the extent of his 'rehabilitation' but that will be their only real remit at the end of the day. I think justice is probably the toughest balancing act going and 'political' factors never usually assist in it's delivery, but if it's so offensive to society that a particular person be released it is absolutely society's right to express that in some way.


I can only admire the OP's restraint and hope that whatever the outcome, the family are able to find peace for themselves and for Paul.


That's my view and I don't see why Rob should get abuse just for pissing against the wind either.

He should get abuse for stating he wasn't happy about a grief stricken sister posting a thread of this nature on here imo.

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Absolutely horrendous case and one which your family can never know true justice for I imagine (taking into account every conceivable and disparate view of what 'justice' actually is).


I suppose the death penalty was bound to crop up in the thread at some point (not by the OP, which is truly admirable I think) but we're a far better society without it in my humble view. Which leaves us with the present position and very very difficult decisions taken by people in receipt of the full facts. Those people will know the extent of his 'rehabilitation' but that will be their only real remit at the end of the day. I think justice is probably the toughest balancing act going and 'political' factors never usually assist in it's delivery, but if it's so offensive to society that a particular person be released it is absolutely society's right to express that in some way.


I can only admire the OP's restraint and hope that whatever the outcome, the family are able to find peace for themselves and for Paul.


That's my view and I don't see why Rob should get abuse just for pissing against the wind either.



I dont think he should either, but the comment complaining about people signing up to spam the board was out of order IMO.

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I've thought a long time about posting in this thread- here's why.

In 2007 my brother was also murdered. The circumstances were different to this case- he wasn't a child and there was no sexual element, but it was horrific nonetheless. He was stabbed over 20 times in the back and head.

My brother's killer was similarly sentenced to life with a minimum of 20 years before parole eligibility.

Because of that, I feel a duty to respond.

The replies in this thread are probably mirrored in every forum it's been posted on, to more or the less the same ends of the spectrum we have on here- the " hang the bastards" brigade and the " done his time, paid his dues" crew, along with the overwhelming majority of sympathy expressed for the victim's family.

Firstly, I don't believe in the death penalty- didn't before my brother's death, still don't now. I believe that state sponsored murder is still murder.

Also, "life should mean life", in a very few extreme cases it already does- Hyndley, Brady,Sutcliffe etc. Whether that should apply in the Pearson's case is not for me to say, I don't know anything about the way the bloke has been inside, whether he has admitted guilt or remorse, or been rehabilitated in any way.

I actually want my brother's killer to be released. I'd be lying if I didn't admit to wanting to meet him on the outside for a "quiet word", but even if that happened, I wouldn't want to risk the life I have with my family just for 15 minutes of animal satisfaction.

The reason I want him released after his time is served are these;

1)It would mean he had admitted guilt(something he hasn't yet to my knowledge).

2)More importantly to me, and entirely selfishly, it would mean the bastard would have to look after himself, in the real world, with the label "murderer" officially hanging round his neck. There is no bleeding heart liberal sentiment in this for me, I want the fucker to suffer, and the longest most debilitating way for that to happen imo, is to let him out and let him get on with it.

If this makes me a nasty,vindictive bastard, I'm happy to agree entirely.

I entirely understand the wishes of the Pearson family in opposing the release of their son/brother's killer, but I find the thought of an entire life behind bars too easy for the guy who took my brother's life.



Anyway, hope I've explained it clearly. I'm not after sympathy , I just wanted to give my take on things.

I hope the Pearson family get something approaching their wishes, and that they can find some form of peace in their lives.

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That must have taken a lot to post that Mr. Fist. My heart goes out to you, it really does. I appreciate your honesty.

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Guest Gordon McKeag

Brave post that fist, it's no time ago really, and the fact you have logical thoughts about this rather than animal ones is testament to your dignity, and I can't think of anything that would try it more.

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Jesus Christ.


Can't really think of anything to add to that MF because your family's tragedy just speaks for itself. I spose all I'd like to say is that I always enjoy your posting on a personal level as you've got a sense of humour that I identify with. The fact you've still got that trademark good humour and grace after losing your brother in such horrific circumstances is an absolute testament to you though. And the strength of your family too no doubt. I just think that is a fucking astonishing achievement and the only way to live your life! Example to us all, mate.

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Cheers lads,

I was a bit worried about revealing why I wanted him out , glad I've said it now.

Believe me Stevie, I do have animal thoughts regularly , usually when I've had a few.

I do believe ,though ,revenge is best served sub-zero

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Respect to you for that MF.


All credit to you for what you say.


When all is said and done, nobody other than you can truly know how it feels.

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Obviously with sympathy to MF....


I'd never thought of Fist's "let him out to suffer" angle and think it makes a kind of sense - I'd guess after 20 years inside that life does become "easy" to an extent and the change of release is another phase in the price if it does lead to misery - and I'd say Venables lends weight to that argument.

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