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Paul Pearson - Seven years old killed


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On August 14th 1991 seven year old Paul Pearson vanished as he cycled home after playing with a friend in Saltburn. A local man, Richard Blenkey, lured Paul into his chicken hut on his allotment and stripped and sexually assaulted him. He then beat Paul about the face and strangled him with gardening thread. The bike and Paul’s naked body were found the next day in an overgrown 50ft ravine. Blenkey was sentenced to life, and was ordered to serve at least, a minimum of 20 years.


19 years on, Blenkey has applied to be transferred to an open prison, where he will then wait whether he will be released. Please support our family to ensure that the Blenkey is not able to commit further crimes and to ensure that he is never able to harm another child and another family.


The Parole board will consider public comments on the Paul Pearson website when making their decision


Please show your support at http://www.paulpearson.org.uk - please follow the link and leave a comment.


I appreciate that this is my first post on this forum, the reason for this is that we have had a great deal of support from fans of other football clubs on forums (http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=507157 and http://fansonline.net/middlesbrough/mb/view.php?id=1987202) and hope that your fans can also help the cause by showing your support which could be vital in the decision made by the parole board.


This is a very serious issue and most definately not spam - I understand why forum users may initially think it is, if so then please take the time to visit the site and review the news articles, family statements, public support and make your own decisions.


Please feel free to pass this link onto friends and family via facebook, twitter, email and other forums if you feel they would also support the cause.


Thank you

Claire Pearson

Sister of Paul

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Genuinely upsetting to read that. Agree that he should never be allowed out again. I've never supported the death penalty but people like this make me question my judgement.

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Genuinely upsetting to read that. Agree that he should never be allowed out again. I've never supported the death penalty but people like this make me question my judgement.


Yeh I'm the same. I didn't want to join the death penalty bandwagon but I wouldn't disagree if he was given a psychotic cell mate who somehow has permission to collect sharp kitchen knives after a series of nasty murders involving himself other criminals and sharp kitchen knives.

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Unless we believe that people should be banged up for ever then you have to let them out sometime - he'll have done 19 years which is pretty close to the original sentence


and I'm not very happy about people coming on here JUST to advertise their causes either

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Unless we believe that people should be banged up for ever then you have to let them out sometime - he'll have done 19 years which is pretty close to the original sentence


and I'm not very happy about people coming on here JUST to advertise their causes either


I hope you are taking the piss.

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Unless we believe that people should be banged up for ever then you have to let them out sometime - he'll have done 19 years which is pretty close to the original sentence


and I'm not very happy about people coming on here JUST to advertise their causes either


For some reason I get the impression that if this happened to anyone in your family you wouldn't be saying this..

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Tend to agree with Kevin on this.


I'd readily support a referendum on the return of the death penalty. Some cunts just don't deserve to continue breathing.


As there is only so much money to go around, I'd rather spend it on something useful like healthcare than three squares, pool tables, sky, the gym and all the other mod cons available to lags these days.

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I'm shocked that you drummed up much support on a Boro forum!


Sick fucker should never be let out. I wouldn't give him the death penalty either, leave him to rot in prison where he probably gets kicked to fuck on a regular basis. *shudder*

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Unless we believe that people should be banged up for ever then you have to let them out sometime - he'll have done 19 years which is pretty close to the original sentence


and I'm not very happy about people coming on here JUST to advertise their causes either


I hope you are taking the piss.



not at all - the law is there for a purpose - he was tried, found guilty of a truly dreadful crime and done his time


are you judge & jury?

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Unless we believe that people should be banged up for ever then you have to let them out sometime - he'll have done 19 years which is pretty close to the original sentence


and I'm not very happy about people coming on here JUST to advertise their causes either


For some reason I get the impression that if this happened to anyone in your family you wouldn't be saying this..



personal feelings are understandable


but we can't run the country on emotional responses - when ever we pass a law or do sommat on a wave of emotion it always turns out bad in the end

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Unless we believe that people should be banged up for ever then you have to let them out sometime - he'll have done 19 years which is pretty close to the original sentence


and I'm not very happy about people coming on here JUST to advertise their causes either


For some reason I get the impression that if this happened to anyone in your family you wouldn't be saying this..



personal feelings are understandable


but we can't run the country on emotional responses - when ever we pass a law or do sommat on a wave of emotion it always turns out bad in the end


19 years is nowhere near enough for what he done. I'd love to see him prosecuted but I'd also love him to be locked up the rest of his life.

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Unless we believe that people should be banged up for ever then you have to let them out sometime - he'll have done 19 years which is pretty close to the original sentence


and I'm not very happy about people coming on here JUST to advertise their causes either


For some reason I get the impression that if this happened to anyone in your family you wouldn't be saying this..



personal feelings are understandable


but we can't run the country on emotional responses - when ever we pass a law or do sommat on a wave of emotion it always turns out bad in the end


19 years is nowhere near enough for what he done. I'd love to see him prosecuted but I'd also love him to be locked up the rest of his life.


He was prosecuted.

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maybe you're right - but he had a trial and got 20 years - not exactly a rap on the knuckles


We don't know if he's changed, seen God, or is a dangerous bastard still - that's what the system is there for

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maybe you're right - but he had a trial and got 20 years - not exactly a rap on the knuckles


We don't know if he's changed, seen God, or is a dangerous bastard still - that's what the system is there for


And many people want to change this system, me being one of them. The law is too lenient these days. I'd prefer a more american approach to things.

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Unless we believe that people should be banged up for ever then you have to let them out sometime - he'll have done 19 years which is pretty close to the original sentence


and I'm not very happy about people coming on here JUST to advertise their causes either


I hope you are taking the piss.



not at all - the law is there for a purpose - he was tried, found guilty of a truly dreadful crime and done his time


are you judge & jury?


I just don't see your problem/point with the bit in bold. It's hardly ground the forum to a halt.

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Unless we believe that people should be banged up for ever then you have to let them out sometime - he'll have done 19 years which is pretty close to the original sentence


and I'm not very happy about people coming on here JUST to advertise their causes either



give over you daft shite.


Typical you, letting them off ......... I'm alright Jack etc etc. Attitudes like this is why law and order has gone down the plug. A lifetimes hard labour and no remission, or the death penalty for scumbags, then EVERYBODY knows the score. Personally, I would vote for the death penalty and I would be quite happy to fire the shot too.

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I'm shocked that you drummed up much support on a Boro forum!


Sick fucker should never be let out. I wouldn't give him the death penalty either, leave him to rot in prison where he probably gets kicked to fuck on a regular basis. *shudder*



for once, I agree, even with you.

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Unfortunately, you don't "rot" in prison these days.


Prisoners rights advocates see to that.



if ever these left wing do gooders needed proof that their softie understanding fancy theories don't work........then again, the proof is all around us, every day, terrorists are being shielded behind the same "rights" which they appear to think is OK because it can't be "proven" until they have blown up a shopping centre first, or some fancy smart arsed lawyer gets them off and they then say "they weren;t proved guilty"


What a fuckin sorry state of affairs.

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