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Double shooting in Birtley

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Guest Gordon McKeag
I must say am sad he shot himself I really am. That lass isn't entirely blameless in all this.


'Oh dear'. Whether that comment is genuine or I have just chomped, that is the most moronic thing I have heard you say on here, and that's saying something.

So her actions didn't cause any of it?


So fucking what? You're seriously trying to justify this psycopath's behaviour? It justifies him taking off some random's face just because of his profession?


Btw, it was also reported she did this not to wind him up, but to deter him, backfiring spectacularly. Personally I think her motives and actions are irrelevant in any case. Nothing could justify what he did.

Who's trying to justify it you biggest of bell ends? Who's said what he did was right. His lass is a horrible slag from Scotswood who could've finished him in much nicer circumstances, and the only evil he ever did to her came from her hideous makes me ashamed to be geordie ugly cunt who magma wouldn't even shag of a sister.


Putting photos up climbing mountains. "Just climbing up Sca fuckin Fell" You know what you look like you, the type of school teacher you remember 20 years after you've left school who was a total fuckin cunt, even though I appreciate you're not one.

Edited by Gordon McKeag
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Some of the press are blatantly going after the NP over this one.


Sunday Mirror


Anthony said he was phoned yesterday afternoon - around 12 hours after Moat's death - by a policewoman who told him: "I am really sorry... I had no idea that anyone had used a Taser.

"Last night we all assumed he had shot himself of his own accord, but it now looks like the Taser may have caused him to do it."


Controversially, police have refused to say:


When they fired the Tasers.


Why they were fired. IF it was a mistake or intentional.


Whether the Tasers actually hit Moat, a father of three.


Wtf is with the bit in bold? How about a killer of one and a severe wounding of two.


Also, one of the three he abused and was the reason he was locked up in the first place.

Edited by Sima
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I must say am sad he shot himself I really am. That lass isn't entirely blameless in all this.


'Oh dear'. Whether that comment is genuine or I have just chomped, that is the most moronic thing I have heard you say on here, and that's saying something.

So her actions didn't cause any of it?


So fucking what? You're seriously trying to justify this psycopath's behaviour? It justifies him taking off some random's face just because of his profession?


Btw, it was also reported she did this not to wind him up, but to deter him, backfiring spectacularly. Personally I think her motives and actions are irrelevant in any case. Nothing could justify what he did.

Who's trying to justify it you biggest of bell ends? Who's said what he did was right. His lass is a horrible slag from Scotswood who could've finished him in much nicer circumstances, and the only evil he ever did to her came from her hideous makes me ashamed to be geordie ugly cunt who magma wouldn't even shag of a sister.


Putting photos up climbing mountains. "Just climbing up Sca fuckin Fell" You know what you look like you, the type of school teacher you remember 20 years after you've left school who was a total fuckin cunt, even though I appreciate you're not one.


You're sympathising with a person who has killed a person he didn't know, shot his ex-girlfriend out of revenge and jealousy, maimed a policeman for no reason whatsoever, has threatened to kill random members of the public, and been convicted of assaulting a nine year old child (the reason his g/f left him). That you can attribute any of the blame for his behaviour on his g/f is pretty disgusting, the fact that you have now insulted her like this, even though she has been seriously wounded by this psychopath, shows you for what you are.


As for the last bit, I like fell-walking and I post in a Lake District thread, so what? Are you going to slag off the other contributors to that thread?


Tbh Stevie you come across as quite a disturbed and unhappy person, your regular abuse of several posters on here and your ridiculous tirades against anyone who has a different point of view of you is beyond pathetic now (it was mildly amusing once). Maybe you should 'pipe down' a bit. Other than that I'm not going to get in a slagging match with you though, so tough.

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What's that smb thread referring to about people chanting his name?


You mean you want to see it? See further up the thread.


If you mean 'what's it about' then I'm stumped. Mackems making shit up to justify their hatred of us.


The Independent today reported that there was a group of charvers at the site on Friday night chanting their support for Moat and contempt for the police. His home has now become a shrine.


Same thing would have happened in Sunderland, obviously.

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Plus the fact he said he would kill more police and public and was armed?


Did he say that or did the papers say he said that?


Well, tbf it was on Sky and BBC. Said the police had asked for a news blackout as they also found a recording he made in his tent saying he would go after the public and/or journalists if the news printed lies about him.

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Guest Gordon McKeag
I must say am sad he shot himself I really am. That lass isn't entirely blameless in all this.


'Oh dear'. Whether that comment is genuine or I have just chomped, that is the most moronic thing I have heard you say on here, and that's saying something.

So her actions didn't cause any of it?


So fucking what? You're seriously trying to justify this psycopath's behaviour? It justifies him taking off some random's face just because of his profession?


Btw, it was also reported she did this not to wind him up, but to deter him, backfiring spectacularly. Personally I think her motives and actions are irrelevant in any case. Nothing could justify what he did.

Who's trying to justify it you biggest of bell ends? Who's said what he did was right. His lass is a horrible slag from Scotswood who could've finished him in much nicer circumstances, and the only evil he ever did to her came from her hideous makes me ashamed to be geordie ugly cunt who magma wouldn't even shag of a sister.


Putting photos up climbing mountains. "Just climbing up Sca fuckin Fell" You know what you look like you, the type of school teacher you remember 20 years after you've left school who was a total fuckin cunt, even though I appreciate you're not one.


You're sympathising with a person who has killed a person he didn't know, shot his ex-girlfriend out of revenge and jealousy, maimed a policeman for no reason whatsoever, has threatened to kill random members of the public, and been convicted of assaulting a nine year old child (the reason his g/f left him). That you can attribute any of the blame for his behaviour on his g/f is pretty disgusting, the fact that you have now insulted her like this, even though she has been seriously wounded by this psychopath, shows you for what you are.


As for the last bit, I like fell-walking and I post in a Lake District thread, so what? Are you going to slag off the other contributors to that thread?


Tbh Stevie you come across as quite a disturbed and unhappy person, your regular abuse of several posters on here and your ridiculous tirades against anyone who has a different point of view of you is beyond pathetic now (it was mildly amusing once). Maybe you should 'pipe down' a bit. Other than that I'm not going to get in a slagging match with you though, so tough.

Who have I abused on here? I didn't launch a tirade against you because you have a different point of view, I did it because you're a patronising wanker of epic proportions. The irony of you saying the bit I've bolded shouldn't be lost of you, someone has a different point of view to you and you brand them moronic. As for you thinking I'm disturbed and unhappy, well seeing as though there's not one person on here I respect less than you that's inconsequential to me, but there's at least three people on here who know me well personally, ask them what type of person I am.


Regarding him hitting the nine year old child, he denies that, the law said he did, he said he didn't, it was obviously a major grievance of his that he was sent down quite clearly for something he felt he didn't do. He's on the run from police in a cold tent, he's facing murder charges, and there's 16 police forces chasing him, what benefit would it be him lying that he didn't assault the kid?? At best whether he did or he didn't is inconclusive in my mind. What he did shooting the girl and the boyfriend, obviously an evil action, clearly he's had major issues with the police for years then that idiot lass makes the lie up that she's shagging a policeman, tell him this while he's in jail, is she fucking stupid? Surely after 6 years she must've been aware of his hatred of police, I appreciate she was scared, but at best her actions were of gross stupidity and that one lie caused the whole thing. I'm not condoning what he has done, it's evil, but are you arrogant enough to deny that that lie she told caused this episode? Explain to me also how me suggesting her lies created the situation is denying Moat is an evil man, or indeed is disrespectful to her.

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I must say am sad he shot himself I really am. That lass isn't entirely blameless in all this.


'Oh dear'. Whether that comment is genuine or I have just chomped, that is the most moronic thing I have heard you say on here, and that's saying something.

So her actions didn't cause any of it?


So fucking what? You're seriously trying to justify this psycopath's behaviour? It justifies him taking off some random's face just because of his profession?


Btw, it was also reported she did this not to wind him up, but to deter him, backfiring spectacularly. Personally I think her motives and actions are irrelevant in any case. Nothing could justify what he did.

Who's trying to justify it you biggest of bell ends? Who's said what he did was right. His lass is a horrible slag from Scotswood who could've finished him in much nicer circumstances, and the only evil he ever did to her came from her hideous makes me ashamed to be geordie ugly cunt who magma wouldn't even shag of a sister.


Putting photos up climbing mountains. "Just climbing up Sca fuckin Fell" You know what you look like you, the type of school teacher you remember 20 years after you've left school who was a total fuckin cunt, even though I appreciate you're not one.


You're sympathising with a person who has killed a person he didn't know, shot his ex-girlfriend out of revenge and jealousy, maimed a policeman for no reason whatsoever, has threatened to kill random members of the public, and been convicted of assaulting a nine year old child (the reason his g/f left him). That you can attribute any of the blame for his behaviour on his g/f is pretty disgusting, the fact that you have now insulted her like this, even though she has been seriously wounded by this psychopath, shows you for what you are.


As for the last bit, I like fell-walking and I post in a Lake District thread, so what? Are you going to slag off the other contributors to that thread?


Tbh Stevie you come across as quite a disturbed and unhappy person, your regular abuse of several posters on here and your ridiculous tirades against anyone who has a different point of view of you is beyond pathetic now (it was mildly amusing once). Maybe you should 'pipe down' a bit. Other than that I'm not going to get in a slagging match with you though, so tough.

Who have I abused on here? I didn't launch a tirade against you because you have a different point of view, I did it because you're a patronising wanker of epic proportions. The irony of you saying the bit I've bolded shouldn't be lost of you, someone has a different point of view to you and you brand them moronic. As for you thinking I'm disturbed and unhappy, well seeing as though there's not one person on here I respect less than you that's inconsequential to me, but there's at least three people on here who know me well personally, ask them what type of person I am.


Regarding him hitting the nine year old child, he denies that, the law said he did, he said he didn't, it was obviously a major grievance of his that he was sent down quite clearly for something he felt he didn't do. He's on the run from police in a cold tent, he's facing murder charges, and there's 16 police forces chasing him, what benefit would it be him lying that he didn't assault the kid?? At best whether he did or he didn't is inconclusive in my mind. What he did shooting the girl and the boyfriend, obviously an evil action, clearly he's had major issues with the police for years then that idiot lass makes the lie up that she's shagging a policeman, tell him this while he's in jail, is she fucking stupid? Surely after 6 years she must've been aware of his hatred of police, I appreciate she was scared, but at best her actions were of gross stupidity and that one lie caused the whole thing. I'm not condoning what he has done, it's evil, but are you arrogant enough to deny that that lie she told caused this episode? Explain to me also how me suggesting her lies created the situation is denying Moat is an evil man, or indeed is disrespectful to her.


Of course, you respect me less than anyone else on here and I am inconsequential (enough to receive this reply and hundreds of others)? Fucking hell man, how many people have you said that to on here? There's a pattern here, perhaps you should think about that. You might be a lovely person in real life, I wouldn't know, but you come across as a sociopath on this board, on occasion you have even admitted that, or words to that effect, yourself.


Unbelievable that you are now claiming he might not be guilty of his conviction (not even taking into account the other dozen violent crimes he has been charged with). Of course, it's because the police have a grudge against him, not because he is a violent arsehole that has steroid-induced paranoia. Given what he did since the conviction, which scenario do you think is more likely? It's incredible that you are still making excuses for him, and that your sympathies seemingly lie with him, rather than the people he has killed and maimed.


As for being disrespectful to the lass in question, have a word with yourself.


His lass is a horrible slag from Scotswood who could've finished him in much nicer circumstances, and the only evil he ever did to her came from her hideous makes me ashamed to be geordie ugly cunt who magma wouldn't even shag of a sister.


Not sure that makes much sense, but as she recovers from being critically ill in hospital, her new boyfriend dead, you, a stranger to her I assume, call her a horrible slag and suggest it was her own fault (had it coming).


Since I'm so inconsequential, don't bother responding, I think we've made our opinions of each other and this case clear enough. The feeling's mutual Stevie boy.

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Guest Gordon McKeag
I must say am sad he shot himself I really am. That lass isn't entirely blameless in all this.


'Oh dear'. Whether that comment is genuine or I have just chomped, that is the most moronic thing I have heard you say on here, and that's saying something.

So her actions didn't cause any of it?


So fucking what? You're seriously trying to justify this psycopath's behaviour? It justifies him taking off some random's face just because of his profession?


Btw, it was also reported she did this not to wind him up, but to deter him, backfiring spectacularly. Personally I think her motives and actions are irrelevant in any case. Nothing could justify what he did.

Who's trying to justify it you biggest of bell ends? Who's said what he did was right. His lass is a horrible slag from Scotswood who could've finished him in much nicer circumstances, and the only evil he ever did to her came from her hideous makes me ashamed to be geordie ugly cunt who magma wouldn't even shag of a sister.


Putting photos up climbing mountains. "Just climbing up Sca fuckin Fell" You know what you look like you, the type of school teacher you remember 20 years after you've left school who was a total fuckin cunt, even though I appreciate you're not one.


You're sympathising with a person who has killed a person he didn't know, shot his ex-girlfriend out of revenge and jealousy, maimed a policeman for no reason whatsoever, has threatened to kill random members of the public, and been convicted of assaulting a nine year old child (the reason his g/f left him). That you can attribute any of the blame for his behaviour on his g/f is pretty disgusting, the fact that you have now insulted her like this, even though she has been seriously wounded by this psychopath, shows you for what you are.


As for the last bit, I like fell-walking and I post in a Lake District thread, so what? Are you going to slag off the other contributors to that thread?


Tbh Stevie you come across as quite a disturbed and unhappy person, your regular abuse of several posters on here and your ridiculous tirades against anyone who has a different point of view of you is beyond pathetic now (it was mildly amusing once). Maybe you should 'pipe down' a bit. Other than that I'm not going to get in a slagging match with you though, so tough.

Who have I abused on here? I didn't launch a tirade against you because you have a different point of view, I did it because you're a patronising wanker of epic proportions. The irony of you saying the bit I've bolded shouldn't be lost of you, someone has a different point of view to you and you brand them moronic. As for you thinking I'm disturbed and unhappy, well seeing as though there's not one person on here I respect less than you that's inconsequential to me, but there's at least three people on here who know me well personally, ask them what type of person I am.


Regarding him hitting the nine year old child, he denies that, the law said he did, he said he didn't, it was obviously a major grievance of his that he was sent down quite clearly for something he felt he didn't do. He's on the run from police in a cold tent, he's facing murder charges, and there's 16 police forces chasing him, what benefit would it be him lying that he didn't assault the kid?? At best whether he did or he didn't is inconclusive in my mind. What he did shooting the girl and the boyfriend, obviously an evil action, clearly he's had major issues with the police for years then that idiot lass makes the lie up that she's shagging a policeman, tell him this while he's in jail, is she fucking stupid? Surely after 6 years she must've been aware of his hatred of police, I appreciate she was scared, but at best her actions were of gross stupidity and that one lie caused the whole thing. I'm not condoning what he has done, it's evil, but are you arrogant enough to deny that that lie she told caused this episode? Explain to me also how me suggesting her lies created the situation is denying Moat is an evil man, or indeed is disrespectful to her.


Of course, you respect me less than anyone else on here and I am inconsequential (enough to receive this reply and hundreds of others)? Fucking hell man, how many people have you said that to on here? There's a pattern here, perhaps you should think about that. You might be a lovely person in real life, I wouldn't know, but you come across as a sociopath on this board, on occasion you have even admitted that, or words to that effect, yourself.


Unbelievable that you are now claiming he might not be guilty of his conviction (not even taking into account the other dozen violent crimes he has been charged with). Of course, it's because the police have a grudge against him, not because he is a violent arsehole that has steroid-induced paranoia. Given what he did since the conviction, which scenario do you think is more likely? It's incredible that you are still making excuses for him, and that your sympathies seemingly lie with him, rather than the people he has killed and maimed.


As for being disrespectful to the lass in question, have a word with yourself.


His lass is a horrible slag from Scotswood who could've finished him in much nicer circumstances, and the only evil he ever did to her came from her hideous makes me ashamed to be geordie ugly cunt who magma wouldn't even shag of a sister.


Not sure that makes much sense, but as she recovers from being critically ill in hospital, her new boyfriend dead, you, a stranger to her I assume, call her a horrible slag and suggest it was her own fault (had it coming).


Since I'm so inconsequential, don't bother responding, I think we've made our opinions of each other and this case clear enough. The feeling's mutual Stevie boy.

What are you on about now???? How I appear to you isn't important so why even write that. How you appear to me, is some pseudo-intellectual tosser who is incapable of debate and is never wrong. You're the exact profile of person (or how you come across on the internet), who is the polar opposite to someone like me. You appear emotionless, robotic, reptitive, comformalist and depressed because no one who comes across as utterly staid as you can be anything but depressed. The irony is you fucking make the drugs for a living don't you :unsure: . Sort yourself out. Thank you for avoiding my questions again and going off at a ridiculous tangent though, nothing less than I expect off a snobby mundane tool like you.

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All joking aside I'd much prefer to see the cunt in handcuffs but he was a danger to the public and the police so I'm happy he's not roaming the streets anymore despite the fact it ended in relatively tragic circumstances.


Lets not forget he brought this entire situation on himself by being a complete fucking nutter. He's not some salt of the earth John Rambo, he's a really fucking shit Harry Roberts. Anyone seriously glorifying him needs their head shaking.

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All joking aside I'd much prefer to see the cunt in handcuffs but he was a danger to the public and the police so I'm happy he's not roaming the streets anymore despite the fact it ended in relatively tragic circumstances.


Lets not forget he brought this entire situation on himself by being a complete fucking nutter. He's not some salt of the earth John Rambo, he's a really fucking shit Harry Roberts. Anyone seriously glorifying him needs their head shaking.



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Guest Gordon McKeag
All joking aside I'd much prefer to see the cunt in handcuffs but he was a danger to the public and the police so I'm happy he's not roaming the streets anymore despite the fact it ended in relatively tragic circumstances.


Lets not forget he brought this entire situation on himself by being a complete fucking nutter. He's not some salt of the earth John Rambo, he's a really fucking shit Harry Roberts. Anyone seriously glorifying him needs their head shaking.



I agree too, the last thing I was doing was glorifying him. The only fact I stated was rightly or wrongly if she hadn't have told the lie, it's likely this situation would never have unravelled like it did.


Harry Roberts hid in Epping Forest for 3 months.

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All joking aside I'd much prefer to see the cunt in handcuffs but he was a danger to the public and the police so I'm happy he's not roaming the streets anymore despite the fact it ended in relatively tragic circumstances.


Lets not forget he brought this entire situation on himself by being a complete fucking nutter. He's not some salt of the earth John Rambo, he's a really fucking shit Harry Roberts. Anyone seriously glorifying him needs their head shaking.



I agree too, the last thing I was doing was glorifying him. The only fact I stated was rightly or wrongly if she hadn't have told the lie, it's likely this situation would never have unravelled like it did.


Harry Roberts hid in Epping Forest for 3 months.


She couldn't have reasonably expected that telling the lie would have seen it play out like it did. She said she was seeing a copper to keep him away from her, not to invoke a killing spree.

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I think he would have lost it on this scale at some point, I am sure any of us who have been through a bad break up have been told something we didn't like from the ex. Is it fair to say "well you know how angry he can get so when you fall out with him make sure you don't say anything to piss him off because if he comes back and shoots you, kills your boyfriend and shoots a copper in the face you will only have yourself to blame"? :unsure:


I am sure he must have been pissed off in the past, a few times if he is suffering from "roid rage" so I am sure she wasn't expecting this kind of reaction even if she did say it to piss him off a bit.


I wasn't saying you were glorifying him by the way, I was agreeing with Ketsbaia's post in general, didn't think it was directed at you.

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All joking aside I'd much prefer to see the cunt in handcuffs but he was a danger to the public and the police so I'm happy he's not roaming the streets anymore despite the fact it ended in relatively tragic circumstances.


He's done us (as taxpayers) a favour by blowing his brains out. At least we don't have to pay for a show trial and then keep him locked up for the rest of his natural life. It would have been interesting to hear some of the background and his motives etc if it had gone to trial mind.

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All joking aside I'd much prefer to see the cunt in handcuffs but he was a danger to the public and the police so I'm happy he's not roaming the streets anymore despite the fact it ended in relatively tragic circumstances.


Lets not forget he brought this entire situation on himself by being a complete fucking nutter. He's not some salt of the earth John Rambo, he's a really fucking shit Harry Roberts. Anyone seriously glorifying him needs their head shaking.



I agree too, the last thing I was doing was glorifying him. The only fact I stated was rightly or wrongly if she hadn't have told the lie, it's likely this situation would never have unravelled like it did.


Harry Roberts hid in Epping Forest for 3 months.


The lie is hardly the crime of the century. I think her new boyfriend would've found himself seriously injured or dead regardless of whether he thought he was a copper or not.

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Just a shame they didn't get Gazza in there earlier. The story could have had a peaceful and hilarious denouement

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Just a shame they didn't get Gazza in there earlier. The story could have had a peaceful and hilarious denouement


On the plus side some exec from Five will be feverishly pitching a new TV show called Gazza Solves... where he's dropped into a relatively tense situation and asked to do his best to sort it all out.


I fully expect the pilot to be based in the Middle East. Can't wait to see him wandering round Ramallah with a six pack of Tuborg, his fishing rod and a Jackie Mason LP shouting "Here, them Jews aren't so bad. Fancy gannin' fly fishin'?"

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All joking aside I'd much prefer to see the cunt in handcuffs but he was a danger to the public and the police so I'm happy he's not roaming the streets anymore despite the fact it ended in relatively tragic circumstances.


Lets not forget he brought this entire situation on himself by being a complete fucking nutter. He's not some salt of the earth John Rambo, he's a really fucking shit Harry Roberts. Anyone seriously glorifying him needs their head shaking.


I'm sick of the fucking public. We need more shootings and more regulation about what you put in what colour bin. The public are on the whole lazy fuckwits who have whatever is coming to them.

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