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An open letter to Ronald McDonald;


Dear Clown-Faced Twat,

Today you have a momentous opportunity to assist the youth of Derry, to prove to the world your equal opportunity policy really doesn't treat mental retardation as a barrier to employment.

Show Derry that Care in the Community can succeed, that there's more to nutrition than Taytos and cheap cider.

Giving a jab to today's applicants means so much more than 20 hours flipping burgers and getting an even greasier complexion- it's 20 hours away from the predatory attentions of Da.

Think not what Kevin can do for McDonalds, think what McDonalds can do for Kevin.

Do the right thing Scary Clown.

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An open letter to Ronald McDonald;


Dear Clown-Faced Twat,

Today you have a momentous opportunity to assist the youth of Derry, to prove to the world your equal opportunity policy really doesn't treat mental retardation as a barrier to employment.

Show Derry that Care in the Community can succeed, that there's more to nutrition than Taytos and cheap cider.

Giving a jab to today's applicants means so much more than 20 hours flipping burgers and getting an even greasier complexion- it's 20 hours away from the predatory attentions of Da.

Think not what Kevin can do for McDonalds, think what McDonalds can do for Kevin.

Do the right thing Scary Clown.

:lol :lol:


and thank you everyone :D

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Kevin, it's 4.53am and you haven't said whether you've gone to bed yet. I'm on tenterhooks here man!


Happy Birthday :(



Thank you catmag :D

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