Park Life 71 Posted June 26, 2010 Author Share Posted June 26, 2010 The omens have changed, I've found me Ajax away top. Quite and indepeth interview with the German management team this morning, noticed Lowe was heavy on the platitudes and that team manager (former striker) had distinctly iffy body language, kept rubbing his neck as he spoke. They all laughed when they talked about the "elve meter" as Germans refer to penalties in their frenzied search for order. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cid_MCDP 0 Posted June 26, 2010 Share Posted June 26, 2010 We need a ref from a country where they don't hate England. So lets hope for a yank ref then eh? What kind of fucked up bizzaro world did I wake up in today? Stevie asking for a Yank ref? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45148 Posted June 26, 2010 Share Posted June 26, 2010 We need a ref from a country where they don't hate England. So lets hope for a yank ref then eh? What kind of fucked up bizzaro world did I wake up in today? Stevie asking for a Yank ref? Thank god he put ref at the end, eh? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cid_MCDP 0 Posted June 26, 2010 Share Posted June 26, 2010 We need a ref from a country where they don't hate England. So lets hope for a yank ref then eh? What kind of fucked up bizzaro world did I wake up in today? Stevie asking for a Yank ref? Thank god he put ref at the end, eh? Lols! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Kenneth Noisewater 0 Posted June 26, 2010 Share Posted June 26, 2010 I can remember Venables commenting on that: "I don't know about defending like Panzer's there, they were defending like pansies!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49967 Posted June 26, 2010 Share Posted June 26, 2010 Haha I remember that too. And they pissed themselves in the studio too iirc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest The Three Lions Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Has anyone else woke up bleary eyed but totally relaxed about this today. If we lose, we lose, but I don't think we will, would I rather have their team than ours? No. Look at this mug, what sort of tool calls their son "Gunter" by the way, or "Horst" even. By GUNTER NetzerBILD am SONNTAG Um es gleich vorwegzunehmen: Ich habe ein gutes Gefühl, dass Deutschland heute gegen England gewinnt und das Viertelfinale erreicht! To put it straight to the point: I have a good feeling that Germany today against England wins and reached the quarter finals! Warum das so ist? Why is this so? Unsere junge Mannschaft muss nicht in Ehrfurcht erstarren, denn die Engländer haben bei dieser WM bislang allenfalls durchschnittliche Leistungen gezeigt. Our young men must not freeze in awe, because the English have at this World Cup so far confirmed at best average performance. Deutschland-England Germany-England Between heaven and hell are eleven meters Entscheiden sie heute? If they choose today? Alles über About Elfmeter Penalty So packen wir England So we grab England 11 Gebote 11 Bids für den Sieg for victory Crazy Briten Crazy Brits Capello lässt Capello leaves Handball trainieren Handball training Deutschland-England Germany-England PICTURE-am-Sonntag expert Günter Netzer: The truth about our World Cup team Analyse nach der Pleite Analysis by the bankruptcy Netzer: Die Wahrheit Netzer: The Truth über unsere WM-Elf on our World Cup team Japan - Kamerun 1:0 Japan - Cameroon 1-0 Netzer stöhnt: Netzer groans: „Einfach grausam!“ "Just cruel!" National team - Lukas Podolski All die Vorschusslorbeeren, die die Engländer vor der WM auch von mir bekommen haben, sind nicht gerechtfertigt. All the early praise by the British before the World Cup I have received from well, are not justified. Was sie abliefern, ist normaler englischer Fußball, der in erster Linie auf starker Physis und Kampfgeist beruht. What they deliver is normal English soccer, which is based primarily on strong physique and fighting spirit. Spieler wie Lampard, Gerrard, Rooney oder auch Terry spielen in der Nationalmannschaft nicht diese dominanten Rollen wie in ihren Klubs. Players like Lampard, Gerrard, Rooney or Terry in the national team is not dominant roles like this in their clubs. Deshalb bin ich von meinem Urteil abgewichen, dass England zum Favoritenkreis auf den Titel zählt. So I'm my opinion departed from that England favorites for the title belongs to the circle. Was nicht heißt, dass wir es leicht haben. What is not to say that we have it easy. Unsere Strategie muss es heute sein, kämpferisch dagegenzuhalten und gleichzeitig den besseren, kultivierteren Fußball zu spielen. Our strategy must now be dagegenzuhalten aggressive while playing the better, cultivated, football. Ich sehe es wie Joachim Löw , dass es der Vorteil dieser deutschen Mannschaft ist, dass ein Team auf dem Platz steht, das Geschlossenheit ausstrahlt. I see it as Joachim Loew that it is the advantage of the German team that a team is on the square, which radiates unity. Aber es darf nicht sein, dass die Teamleistung durch die größeren Ausfälle einzelner gefährdet wird. But it may not be that team performance is compromised by the larger failures of individuals. Per Mertesacker hat bislang eine schwache WM gespielt. Per Mertesacker has played so far been a poor World Cup. Das muss er schleunigst revidieren. The revision, he must hurry. Er trifft heute auf englische Stürmer wie Rooney und Defoe, wo er sich beweisen muss. He arrives today on how England striker Rooney and Defoe, where he has to prove himself. Ähnliches gilt für Lukas Podolski . The same goes for Lukas Podolski . Nach einem guten Spiel gegen Australien hat er wieder nachgelassen in seinen Leistungen. After a good game against Australia, he has eased into his performance. Es wird höchste Zeit, dass er wieder Zeichen setzt, damit Löw dessen Aufstellung mit ruhigem Gewissen vertreten kann. It is high time that it sets standards again, that Löw with a clear conscience can represent the list. Beim Sieg gegen Ghana habe ich im Angriff die Durchschlagskraft vermisst. In the victory against Ghana, I missed the punch in attack. Gegen England muss man jede Möglichkeit nutzen, um schnell und mit kultiviertem Spielaufbau nach vorne zu spielen – immer mit der Unterstützung von hinten. Against England you have to use every opportunity to play quickly and with a cultivated playmaking forwards - always with the support of the back. Wird Jerome Boateng nicht fit für das Spiel, würde ich auf der linken Verteidigerposition zu Holger Badstuber tendieren, einem seriösen Verteidiger. If Jerome Boateng not fit for the game, I'd left defender position to Holger Badstuber tend to, a serious defender. Ich kann den Fitness-Zustand von Marcell Jansen nicht beurteilen. I can not judge the fitness level of Marcell Jansen. Aber grundsätzlich ist es ein Risiko, einen Spieler nach drei Monaten Pause in einem Spiel gegen England von Beginn an zu bringen. But basically it's a risk a player after three month break in a game against England from the beginning to get to. Es sei denn, Löw hat aus den Trainings-Einheiten andere Erkenntnisse. Unless Löw has made the training sessions other findings. Dass die Jugendlichkeit der deutschen Mannschaft ein Nachteil gegenüber den erfahrenen Engländern ist, glaube ich nicht. That is the youthfulness of the German team a disadvantage against the experienced British, I think not. Wir haben Spieler, die in jungen Jahren schon sehr viel erlebt haben, speziell die Spieler vom FC Bayern. We have players who have experienced at a young age very much, especially the players of FC Bayern. Das ist kein Handicap. This is not a handicap. Der jugendliche Elan ist manchmal mehr wert als eine Mannschaft mit routinierten Spielern, die nur noch Erfahrung vorweisen kann. The youthful enthusiasm is sometimes more valuable than a team with experienced players that only experience can show yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Park Life 71 Posted June 27, 2010 Author Share Posted June 27, 2010 His after match analysis is spot on normally. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49967 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Apparently the ref for today has sent someone off in 70% of the international games he's officiated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barney 0 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Some of the refereeing has been shite so far. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sima 0 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 John Terry tbh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49967 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 8-1 on Terry to cry on screen, which is effectively 8-1 on a Germany win. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Kenneth Noisewater 0 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Apparently the ref for today has sent someone off in 70% of the international games he's officiated. Which country is he from? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Unchanged starting 11 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49967 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Apparently the ref for today has sent someone off in 70% of the international games he's officiated. Which country is he from? Not sure. Latin sounding name. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peasepud 59 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Apparently the ref for today has sent someone off in 70% of the international games he's officiated. Which country is he from? Not sure. Latin sounding name. Jorge Larrionda (Uruguay) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49967 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 I wish they'd fuck off with this talk about penalties. I've been full of confidence about this game all week, and it's completely evaporated watching the first 40 minutes of the BBC coverage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49967 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Mongs booing at the start of their anthem. Some alright birds following the Germans! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49967 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Didn't realize they'd switched the yellow card reset til after the quarters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49967 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Fucking hell man. Podolski in fucking acres. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kevin 1 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Yeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kevin 1 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Learn your heritage ant. You couldn't make this shit up could you What a game! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kevin 1 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TicTacWoe 0 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Learn your heritage ant. You couldn't make this shit up could you What a game! learn to fuck up till its over you little bollocks incase they win what a load of pathetic petty shit, almost hope they win just to shut you two up with your German flags, get a life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fish 11322 Posted June 27, 2010 Share Posted June 27, 2010 Learn your heritage ant. You couldn't make this shit up could you What a game! learn to fuck up till its over you little bollocks incase they win what a load of pathetic petty shit, almost hope they win just to shut you two up with your German flags, get a life. QFT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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