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England v Germany

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:lol: Stevie in this thread. It's like reading the memoirs of Ron Atkinson.


Good entertainment though. And between you and me, he's getting me more excited for the match with all his tub-thumping war chat. :icon_lol:

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Stevie should show that lass from his work this thread btw. She could quite easily see his disdain of the Germans cancels out any off the cuff remarks about Jewish people.

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:lol: "See? I hate all foreign cunts equally"


I've just got in a load of Paulaner and Erdinger for the weekend. It only seems right to be necking THEIR beer as we dish out a hiding to them.

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:lol: "See? I hate all foreign cunts equally"


I've just got in a load of Paulaner and Erdinger for the weekend. It only seems right to be necking THEIR beer as we dish out a hiding to them.

I love Erdinger, absolutely cracking beer.


I'm ecstatic the match is on Sunday btw, I'm at a wedding tomorrow - but at least I can now avoid any awkwardness by fucking off to watch the match.

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Whilst we're on all things culturally great about Germany, i used to love Herman Hesse when i was younger. Obviously that was in my psychedelic period.

Not read loads of his stuff but 'Steppenwolf' and 'Siddhartha' are quality. The former's hard work like.

Got an unread copy of The Glass Bead Game at home, read 'Demian' most recently which i remember being easier to read than most of his work. Steppenwolf is class too. Never read Siddharta.

It's an easy read, you should give it a go.



I recommend you read that unread copy of Magister Ludi it's a really good story.......never heard of Demian

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Whilst we're on all things culturally great about Germany, i used to love Herman Hesse when i was younger. Obviously that was in my psychedelic period.

Not read loads of his stuff but 'Steppenwolf' and 'Siddhartha' are quality. The former's hard work like.

Got an unread copy of The Glass Bead Game at home, read 'Demian' most recently which i remember being easier to read than most of his work. Steppenwolf is class too. Never read Siddharta.


Glass Bead Game is unreadable, tried twice.

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In no way I said or wanted to suggest that there isn't any rivalry. Of course England is seen as a rival - how could it not looking at the history of the teams and those classic matches? Of course there is a fair share of idiots thinking of English people as "Inselaffen" but then I think the predominant feeling of the gereral public towards England rather is one of respect. And as much as our only tabloid (Bild Zeitung) is probably trying to stir things up a bit themselves, people are not getting as agitated about the match as English people do. It's a match at the knock-out stage of the World Cup, it's a match against a good team and an old rival. But in the end that's it. It's totally different to the climate a match against the Dutch would create, which would indeed bring out the awfully worst from the German majority. You can also argue that a match against Italy - another rival - would bring out more venom from the common "kleine Deutschländer".

Nowt wrong with monkeys you Hinterbackenliebhaber. :lol:

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:lol: "See? I hate all foreign cunts equally"


I've just got in a load of Paulaner and Erdinger for the weekend. It only seems right to be necking THEIR beer as we dish out a hiding to them.

I love Erdinger, absolutely cracking beer.

I'm ecstatic the match is on Sunday btw, I'm at a wedding tomorrow - but at least I can now avoid any awkwardness by fucking off to watch the match.

Me, not so much I helped a guy out by switching onto Sunday for him.


and he's going Dragon Boat-ing :icon_lol:

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:lol: "See? I hate all foreign cunts equally"


I've just got in a load of Paulaner and Erdinger for the weekend. It only seems right to be necking THEIR beer as we dish out a hiding to them.

I love Erdinger, absolutely cracking beer.

I'm ecstatic the match is on Sunday btw, I'm at a wedding tomorrow - but at least I can now avoid any awkwardness by fucking off to watch the match.

Me, not so much I helped a guy out by switching onto Sunday for him.


and he's going Dragon Boat-ing :icon_lol:


Get it sorted;


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Stevie Bader. :icon_lol:

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: Is that with reference to that bloke who flew in the BOB, with one arm and one leg who shot 22 of them down?

Aye, I started calling Danny B it for a while. I.e. hasn't got a leg to stand on. :icon_lol: He lost both legs in a plane crash I think and then was later allowed to fly again for the RAF. Also, was he the one with the dog called 'Nigger'? :lol:


You are getting your WW2 stories woefully mixed up Alex. Nigger was the dog out of the Dambusters. I remember seeing the film one Sundayafternoon when i was about 16/17, It was when the NF was horribly popular and I was a young, politically energised punk rocker, a regular on the Anti Nazi League marches. Bizarre as it seems today the fight against the NF/BNp in those days was much more an actual physical battle than some safe intellectual debate. I had been to a RockAgainstRacism concert on the Saturday, which had been organised in the face of NF march through Liverpool(where I lived at the time) which had ended in a full scale riot/pitch battle. There I was feeling proud I was a footsoldier against the evil of the far right watching this



with my parents the next afternoon. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, Canny film tho but.


As I am showing my age, and embarressingly Douglas Bader related, I went to see Airplane when it first came out at the cinema, In those days there was no previews, viral marketing, clip shows - anything. You heard something was BIG IN AMERICA and REALLY FUNNY but you went in cold with no idea what it was actually about, Airplane was a huge film, massive build up, it arrived and i went to see it in a state of much excitement. there were about six of us in a packed out cinema - the film started in faux black and white= an obvious piss take of all the war films we had been brought up on, This bloke then waddled hilariously over to a Spitfire, took of his false legs and clambered into the cockpit to huge howls of laughter from me and my friends who understood the postmodern-satire we were witnessing, only for he lights in the cinema to go up and the collection for the Douglas Bader memorilal fund to take place, with every other member of the cinema audience looking at us like the scum we were.


Even now the horror of that split second as I/we realised that wasn't the film, that was an appeal for the war heroes who had genuinely given everything, brings me out in a cold horrified sweat.

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