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Is the BoS HQ run out of Gresham Street too? Otherwise it seems a strange choice for venue, I'd have thought most Lloyds folk need no reminding that their adopted brother is in a bit of a mess.


I think they're a bit optimistic on the power of protest though-



"Great news if they are aware that people are cancelling bank accounts they will soon change their ground sale negotiations."


"Demand they take note of your call and your intentions remind them that if thousands of Crystal Palace fans change their bank accounts tomorrow it could result in a run on the bank"

Edited by Matt
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Is the BoS HQ run out of Gresham Street too? Otherwise it seems a strange choice for venue, I'd have thought most Lloyds folk need no reminding that their adopted brother is in a bit of a mess.


I think they're a bit optimistic on the power of protest though-



"Great news if they are aware that people are cancelling bank accounts they will soon change their ground sale negotiations."


"Demand they take note of your call and your intentions remind them that if thousands of Crystal Palace fans change their bank accounts tomorrow it could result in a run on the bank"


BoS HQ is in Edinburgh and I think they've taken the view that seeing as LBG owns BoS they'll do the protest here.


"run on the bank" class. There is only 200 of them protesting (max) and they're now mainly standing about in the rain with the odd chant going up. Just went outside for a smoke and was approched by a bunch of younguns and was thinking here we go but got "sxuse me mate do you know where ther's a shop around ere".

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100's of them protesting outside my office - can't get in the main entrance and loads of plod about.

why what have you done?? :lol:



OMG you are Simon Jordon!!!!!


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100's of them protesting outside my office - can't get in the main entrance and loads of plod about.

why what have you done?? :lol:



OMG you are Simon Jordon!!!!!


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