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What mood are you in and why?


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Guest CabayeAye

Stuck in a MAHOOSSIVE jam on the A1 heading back from Leeds.




M40 was dogshit too. Was closed S bound, but got stuck for ages N bound. Cause of the jam? Cunting rubberneckers.

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Had a cracking 1st date. So much so I broke with convention and already sorted a 2nd.


to answer the tedious questions, no I didn't fuck her, no she isn't blind, deaf or dumb. No she's not doing for a bet or any kind of financial recompense. It wasn't a pity date and no she doesn't have a mental deficiency. She is a Ginger though...


My first actual factual blind date. Knew nothing about her other than her name and where we were meeting. Was shitting bricks that she would be dull as fuck or have a face like a stuntman's knee. I can happily report; she's none of the above :good:


I know I will get pelters for this, but I'm drunk enough not to really care, so crack on lads, crack on.


(Also spent a fuckload on cigars today for a mates wedding on the weekend, the two blokes in the tobacconist were straight out of a hackneyed sitcom. The vendor was light on the loafers and two gin slings away from being one of the "Suit you Sir" fellas, the customer was like a 40yr old Brian Cox; a little bombastic, a little threatening, but with a wee glimmer of mischief in his eye.)

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Had a cracking 1st date. So much so I broke with convention and already sorted a 2nd.


to answer the tedious questions, no I didn't fuck her, no she isn't blind, deaf or dumb. No she's not doing for a bet or any kind of financial recompense. It wasn't a pity date and no she doesn't have a mental deficiency. She is a Ginger though...


My first actual factual blind date. Knew nothing about her other than her name and where we were meeting. Was shitting bricks that she would be dull as fuck or have a face like a stuntman's knee. I can happily report; she's none of the above :good:


I know I will get pelters for this, but I'm drunk enough not to really care, so crack on lads, crack on.


(Also spent a fuckload on cigars today for a mates wedding on the weekend, the two blokes in the tobacconist were straight out of a hackneyed sitcom. The vendor was light on the loafers and two gin slings away from being one of the "Suit you Sir" fellas, the customer was like a 40yr old Brian Cox; a little bombastic, a little threatening, but withwee glimmer of mischief in his eye.)


Is this going to be like Bridget Jones Diary Fish?

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The Fish, on 28 September 2012 - 01:40 AM, said:

I could have danced all night!

I could have danced all night!

And still have begged for more.

I could have spread my wings

And done a thousand things

I've never done before



Nice one Dave, glad you enjoyed yourself.


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Fucked off.


Coming down the road, about 300m from work and some taxi driver cathword does an illegal u-turn in the road without looking, almost knocked me into on coming traffic.


Contacted the police and Leeds City Council and his taxi firm, I have 3 witness's too. I hope the fucker gets shot the peice of shit.

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Fucked off.


Coming down the road, about 300m from work and some taxi driver cathword does an illegal u-turn in the road without looking, almost knocked me into on coming traffic.


Contacted the police and Leeds City Council and his taxi firm, I have 3 witness's too. I hope the fucker gets shot the peice of shit.


If you had a near miss in the car due to someone else being a tool would you report them?


I nearly hit two cyclists riding side by side who were coming the wrong way up a one way street last night at about 10pm. Difficult to take their details though ;)

Edited by PaddockLad
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You're pretty much guaranteed to come off worse when you're on a bike mind you.


You know I hear they do people for "attempted" murder these days, whatever that means

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If you had a near miss in the car due to someone else being a tool would you report them?


I nearly hit two cyclists riding side by side who were coming the wrong way up a one way street last night at about 10pm. Difficult to take their details though ;)


Another car was forced to slam all on to avoid hitting me. This fucker is a taxi driver, he is under license from the council to safely carry passengers.


To answer your question no if it was a bloke in a car. If its a bloke / women in a van representing a company, then yes, I have called them up before.

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You're pretty much guaranteed to come off worse when you're on a bike mind you.


You know I hear they do people for "attempted" murder these days, whatever that means


It means that the intended victim of a murder attempt survived, i.e. they didnt die :)


hope this helps


Are you suggesting that taxi drivers who nearly hit cyclists have been up for attempted murder???!!

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You're pretty much guaranteed to come off worse when you're on a bike mind you.


You know I hear they do people for "attempted" murder these days, whatever that means


A bloke not so long back rammed a cyclist with his car.


He got a £350 fine.....

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Another car was forced to slam all on to avoid hitting me. This fucker is a taxi driver, he is under license from the council to safely carry passengers.


To answer your question no if it was a bloke in a car. If its a bloke / women in a van representing a company, then yes, I have called them up before.


Fair enough, but nobody likes a grass :P

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girl in work got clipped at some lights other day in here, guy ran a red and knocked her onto the bonnet and back onto the pavement


wasn't badly hurt, he stopped said "you alright" then buggered off, while wittnesses etc stayed make sure she was


she had his name number, cops said "not sure if we can get much from this" so she went and looked up where he worked herself and went and got the cctv footage for the cops from nearby office building.

what happened? nothing, cop actually said "sure he stopped to make sure you were alright" :lol:


And what kind of sympathy did she get at work? ;)

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girl in work got clipped at some lights other day in here, guy ran a red and knocked her onto the bonnet and back onto the pavement


wasn't badly hurt, he stopped said "you alright" then buggered off, while wittnesses etc stayed make sure she was


she had his name number, cops said "not sure if we can get much from this" so she went and looked up where he worked herself and went and got the cctv footage for the cops from nearby office building.

what happened? nothing, cop actually said "sure he stopped to make sure you were alright" :lol:


A guy in a car Ran a red light?

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Pissed off!


I've had a hole in the felt on my garage roof for a while now and it's been leaking in near my bike. It's right on the join between the 2 garages (its in a block) but the lass next door has never mentioned it so I arranged for a bloke to come out and patch the hole for £60. He turned up this morning, a right doddery old bloke who seemed happy for the business as he said work is slow at the minute. I jumped up on the roof this morning and the silly bint next door has already had it covered last week!


I didn't have the heart to tell him so he's covering the now non-existent hole and I've just come back from the cashpoint with £60 for a job that doesn't need doing!

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