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What mood are you in and why?


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It shows like ;)


Seriously though, I agree with the principle of it but at 20 with hardly any cash he should be staying put and enjoying himself imo.

He's got nowt to lose on a 6 month lease though. If he finds he's skint and appreciates home life all the more it's a life lesson there anyway. If he has a great time and gets a bar job where he meets some new faces etc., even better.


Moving back home after being out on his own will be a bit of a come down for him. Personally, I think CT is right. If he has no major problems with living at home then he should enjoy the next few years of his life without having to worry about paying the bills every month.

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Fair enough. But remember after 6 months the apron strings have been cut and your parents have returned to having wild sex with no little Idioteque stopping their fun. More money is in their pocket, less time running around after little Iddy and overall more freedom.


Then you go back and take it all away :lol:

You've got all that to look forward to. In about 25 years. ;)

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Moving back home after being out on his own will be a bit of a come down for him. Personally, I think CT is right. If he has no major problems with living at home then he should enjoy the next few years of his life without having to worry about paying the bills every month.

You're the Colonel Interesting to CT's Captain Kerayzee though tbf.

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Whose going to do all that washing? No more ironed jim jams waiting at bed time.


Mountains of unwashed mouldy dishes.


Can you cook cos you sure as fuck will have to pack the kebabs in.


Your favourite pub being your local. Thats really going to fuck over any chance whatsoever of spare change in your pocket.


Loads of my mates have moved out and been fine, I'm not sure where all this is coming from. It's hardly a mammoth task to iron clothes, wash dishes and do the hoovering. At 20, you're probably doing some of those things around the house anyway. I know making a pan of pasta was a revelation to you at 40 but my mate used to make enough for him and his housemate to last 2 days then again with chilli etc. Don't want to sound cheeky or owt but you're probably not well equipped to talk about it, especially as you still use the word jim-jams.


The independence you get from moving out is a good thing as well IMO. Idioteque wouldn't be considering this if he hadn't thought out food and bills etc. My mate's on about 1k a month as well and has just moved into a new flat by himself and has been managing fine since he budgets himself. He likes hoying the pints back like because he's a borderline alcoholic but he still has plenty of spending money.


Go for it, mate

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Disappointed that I'm too nice - just had some nice old woman knock on my door to see how I felt about a street party for the jubilee - she gave me a "any strong objections" option but I just said I wasn't interested in taking part.


I suppose an "I abhor the institution and think anyone who respects or supports it any way, shape way or form has absolutely no sense of self-pride or dignity" wouldn't have went down well.


I suppoose I still have the option of going mental on the day but I've booked a week off anyway and will probably get the fuck out of the country.

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Verbally abusing old ladies isn't big or clever, whatever your opinions mate. How about a hammer and sickle flag left fluttering from your house before you go away on June though? ;)


Had some sad news at the weekend, we heard that our 80 year old mate has passed on. He went to watch Newcastle home and away all his life and was doing so right up to early January this year when he was admitted to hospital, sadly he never really came out, save for the odd weekend with his daughter. He attended 5 FA cup finals, actually saw us win 3! RIP Frank Couzens, Newcastle United fan.


I came home from work early today feeling dog rough and shitting through the eye of a needle, promptly and violently emptied the contents of my digestive tract all over the bathroom. Am still passing rusty piss through my postern exit. As an experianced self-diagnoser, I reckon the prawn roll at 9 30 this morning may well be the culprit :(

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Disappointed that I'm too nice - just had some nice old woman knock on my door to see how I felt about a street party for the jubilee - she gave me a "any strong objections" option but I just said I wasn't interested in taking part.


I suppose an "I abhor the institution and think anyone who respects or supports it any way, shape way or form has absolutely no sense of self-pride or dignity" wouldn't have went down well.


I suppoose I still have the option of going mental on the day but I've booked a week off anyway and will probably get the fuck out of the country.


Why didn't you just say, "yes, I do not support any monarchy, it is against my principles/beliefs/whatever."


Don't have to be nasty about it.

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Slightly stressed at the minute. Looking for a house (to buy), constantly got viewings on our current flat (rented), my mam's partner is in hospital after emergency surgery on a blocked bowel yesterday, work is a total nightmare as I'm doing unfamiliar things with little input from others. Each time I get on top of one thing, something else goes tits up. Just trying to soldier on though - looking forward to a quiet night tonight to get my head together.

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Feeling wary


Got the opportunity to move to city centre in a nice apartment with me mate, something is telling me to go for it but I'd be paying double what I'm paying me mum keep at the moment without food and bills (£350 a month I'd be paying) and I'm only earning about 1k a month atm, I'm only 20 and want my own independence but at the same time I don't want to be skint all the time but my local would be my favourite boozer in town


going to sleep on it and I'm off the rest of the week after tomorrow so I'll be spending it thinking and job hunting for better paid jobs in town


wish I 'only' had £650 a month spare tbh!

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Very excited.


Friday is my equivalent of your Monday. Start of a busy weekend of very long shifts.


And then our lass comes in and says no work for you tomorrow, taking you away for a night off from parenthood at a place called the Maften Hall hotel. (I dont want to hear any bad stories :) )


So midday tomorrow the pinny will come off and the I will be whisked away for some much needed r and r.


Its only one night but god Im looking forward to it. And then back on Saturday just in time to head off for the game. (Might even get dropped off in the town on the way back).


Happy Days. :banana:

Edited by Christmas Tree
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After two previous tests I now have an interview followed by another paper exercise/test for a job I've been after. Its a right fuck on but it's the only show in town atm. Fingers crossed from the nice people please, cloven hooves crossed from the rest. ;)

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You slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag MF!


First time I've cycled in two weeks after a chest infection and moving house. Dont feel 100% but its a start. Knocked my training back a good month :(




Its nearly the weekend and got a few nice jobs planned for the new house :)

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After two previous tests I now have an interview followed by another paper exercise/test for a job I've been after. Its a right fuck on but it's the only show in town atm. Fingers crossed from the nice people please, cloven hooves crossed from the rest. ;)


Good luck man!

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