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What mood are you in and why?


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hope the cat's all right mate.


Having Xmas dinner tonight, was supposed to be yesterday but one of the Drs got called in. We're also exchanging gifts tonight. Hoping for that blowjob now...

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Falling over yourselves with sympathy for Gem's asthmatic pussy, WHO HAS NEVER CONTRIBUTED ONE WORD TO THIS COMMUNITY, yet not one of you gives a fuck about my personal plight, broken Christmas and shattered dreams.

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Bit shit, firefighting a problem a bit in work, going be another 2hrs or so

(whoever says civil servants don't work is a liar)


edit > also having my team/scone from this morning for dinner since i haven't had time


Aye but the difference is that you can come in three hours late tomorrow if you feel like it.

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sadly not, i'll be in at 8 hoping that the 95million rows i've spent clearing out haven't appeared again

(yes 35million records in a database turned into 95m overnight...)


tbh i'm here now in an attempt to make sure no one has to go near anything tomorrow so they can have their fry/quiz etc before buggering off home.


Its ok, youll get paid for it no doubt?

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Oh dear God, what a fucking donkey! :lol:


Spent the day in bed recovering, told Mrs. F. the full crack , to which she roared with laughter, called me tit and said you don't go to titty bars to look at wallpaper.

She was more pissed off that I was out of action all day.


Catmag very kindly offered to erase the post and it's traces, but no need. Let it stand as a beacon of idiocy.



Although, reading it back, I have to say that after 12 hours on the lash, the spelling and grammar is top notch.



And cheers for not tearing me a new one chaps… yet :lol:


can't believe I missed this :lol: first Stevie admits to putting on fake tan, then you cry yourself to sleep cos you went to a strip club and then today grown men are listing the holiday and love actually as their favourite Christmas films. CT isn't the only one with a receding cock!

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Shucks, thanks Gem, Tom and my favourite Hat.


And Gem, all the best with your kitty. The rumours about you can't be all true if you've managed to get a pussy wheezing like a broken bagpipe.

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Got a new camera. Says to set the time I need to create a time.txt notepad doc on the mini sd and hoy in the text....


2011.12.22 09.22.00 Y 50


Tried that and nothing doing. Any of the nerds got any ideas?

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