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"Did you bang it?"




You were just pissed, man! Mrs Fist will know that and know how cut up and worried you were. You two seem pretty tight and good together by your posts. I doubt you'll want that headache again! :D

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I ended up in one of these establishments the night Ricky Hatton got twatted by Maywether.....there was a lass in there and I'm not sure if I've ever seen a better looking bird with my own eyes...like a minature version of Kelly Brook, she was fuckin stunnning....its a "snatch out" establsihment so I overcame my natural shyness and disaappeared with her for my 5 minute look at her goods, very nice too....anyway there was 4 of us and I was the only single one at the time. One of the other lads clapped eyes on her and "occupied" her for the rest of the night, he spent £200+ and he even missed the boxing that the rest of us had gone to the bar next door to watch.


We went back to get him about half 5-6ish where we found him mortal sat in the reception area. We said "come on then you dirty bastard, lets get a cab". He then informed us that he'd paid the "management" for this lass to finish her shift and that he was going to pay her even more for what she'd promised to do to him once theyd got back to the flat he'd shared with his own bird for the previous 3 years, who was out of town for the night but due back on the Sunday morning, and that we were to disappear sharpish as his new friend would be down in a minute. One of the other lads was the fellah of his birds sister and told him in no uncertain terms that he was a fuckin idiot and he was getting in a cab NOW!...needless to say, he was promptly told to fuck off and mind his own business.


After some more harsh words from the rest of us it was clear that he was so pissed he really didnt give a fuck what we said so we left him to it. So he waited, and waited and waited....every time he asked a bouncer where she was he was told "yeah mate just sit tight there, she'll be down in a minute".....he was there another hour, before he was promptly told to "fuck off mate, she aint comin out" when the bar shut. We subsequently found out from another doorman of our aquaintance that theyd been scamming punters for years like this. To me these places are in general dodgy as fuck, where the naiive are encouraged to aim for something in normal circumstances completely unobtainable. Still funny as fuck when we remind him of it when his missus is in earshot mind :icon_lol:

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  On 19/12/2011 at 17:01, PaddockLad said:

I ended up in one of these establishments the night Ricky Hatton got twatted by Maywether.....there was a lass in there and I'm not sure if I've ever seen a better looking bird with my own eyes...like a minature version of Kelly Brook, she was fuckin stunnning....its a "snatch out" establsihment so I overcame my natural shyness and disaappeared with her for my 5 minute look at her goods, very nice too....anyway there was 4 of us and I was the only single one at the time. One of the other lads clapped eyes on her and "occupied" her for the rest of the night, he spent £200+ and he even missed the boxing that the rest of us had gone to the bar next door to watch.


We went back to get him about half 5-6ish where we found him mortal sat in the reception area. We said "come on then you dirty bastard, lets get a cab". He then informed us that he'd paid the "management" for this lass to finish her shift and that he was going to pay her even more for what she'd promised to do to him once theyd got back to the flat he'd shared with his own bird for the previous 3 years, who was out of town for the night but due back on the Sunday morning, and that we were to disappear sharpish as his new friend would be down in a minute. One of the other lads was the fellah of his birds sister and told him in no uncertain terms that he was a fuckin idiot and he was getting in a cab NOW!...needless to say, he was promptly told to fuck off and mind his own business.


After some more harsh words from the rest of us it was clear that he was so pissed he really didnt give a fuck what we said so we left him to it. So he waited, and waited and waited....every time he asked a bouncer where she was he was told "yeah mate just sit tight there, she'll be down in a minute".....he was there another hour, before he was promptly told to "fuck off mate, she aint comin out" when the bar shut. We subsequently found out from another doorman of our aquaintance that theyd been scamming punters for years like this. To me these places are in general dodgy as fuck, where the naiive are encouraged to aim for something in normal circumstances completely unobtainable. Still funny as fuck when we remind him of it when his missus is in earshot mind :icon_lol:


What a fucking MUG /stevie

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My son saw our postie wearing a Christmas hat this morning and now thinks he has seen Santa collecting Christmas lists from the boys and girls in the estate opposite. :icon_lol::wub:

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  On 20/12/2011 at 21:23, catmag said:

My son saw our postie wearing a Christmas hat this morning and now thinks he has seen Santa collecting Christmas lists from the boys and girls in the estate opposite. :icon_lol::wub:


Haha, thats cute, bless him :)


Im feeling kind of euphoric if thats the correct word? Sort of relaxed. I made my mind up last night I need to get out of this place if I want to continue progressing my career. This place has a small element of people of un-professional people.


Sounds drastic, but when there are only 15 people or so in the business, 3 people who are un-professional in their approach makes a big difference especially when two are working on my job.


So, I know, ill be the one laughing in the end and this place will be fucked :)

Edited by wykikitoon
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Relieved. Had to take one of the cats to the animal hospital last night, after I was woken up by him having serious problems breathing.


I know cats aren't that popular on here, but there's something uniquely heartbreaking about a sick animal.


Anyway, they admitted him, put him in an oxygen cage (no shit), and have ran a load of tests today. Looks like he's asthmatic, which means daily inhalers, but he should be ok.


Bringing him home tonight! Glad he's insured, cos this is gonna cost about 1200 quid for last night, and god knows how much for ongoing medication.

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  On 22/12/2011 at 15:57, Gemmill said:

Relieved. Had to take one of the cats to the animal hospital last night, after I was woken up by him having serious problems breathing.


I know cats aren't that popular on here, but there's something uniquely heartbreaking about a sick animal.


Anyway, they admitted him, put him in an oxygen cage (no shit), and have ran a load of tests today. Looks like he's asthmatic, which means daily inhalers, but he should be ok.


Bringing him home tonight! Glad he's insured, cos this is gonna cost about 1200 quid for last night, and god knows how much for ongoing medication.


Glad hes ok Gem mate.


How the hell do you give a cat a ventolin?

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