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What mood are you in and why?


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  On 29/05/2013 at 21:14, trophyshy said:

Get him telt MT. You might as well start looking for something else Andrew.


When do you start?


I was just saying. Even emphasised the word 'might'. I enjoyed it myself but now do something i feel happier doing.


it's a good job, good foot on the ladder (as Andrew knows), but not without its stresses, which is why I was sort of explaining why I left. Not something I would want to do for years and years.

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Paying the price for a sneaky afternoon nap yesterday. Been up since 4.55am on the one day I could've had a lie-in. Might go and do some huffy shopping...

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  On 29/05/2013 at 23:29, Monroe Transfer said:

I was just saying. Even emphasised the word 'might'. I enjoyed it myself but now do something i feel happier doing.


it's a good job, good foot on the ladder (as Andrew knows), but not without its stresses, which is why I was sort of explaining why I left. Not something I would want to do for years and years.



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i'm a fucking shit mood. technology is the bane of my life yet again. after my previous ipad conking out three times - the final time after its warranty expired - my new one now looks in trouble too.


I tried syncing my itunes library to it last night on a mission to get going with this djay app. firstly, my music library all loaded to the itunes on my ipad fine, but then the app fails to recognise every tune in my collection other than acrylic afternoons by pulp, a random tune and not really one to build a set around, or to play on repeat for an hour.


so i try syncing it again after clearing some excess stuff off. then my laptop tells me it isn't recognising my ipad at all and i need to restore to factory settings. having googled the problem it seems it means i might have to lose everything and start again because my device isn't jailbroken (whatever that means), ok, annoying but i can live with that. but then the fucking thing won't even allow me to restore to factory settings. so it seems i'm stuck with an ipad that can't be updated and a new djay app that doesn't work.


i'm pretty clueless when it comes to IT but this is utterly typical of my luck with electronic devices.

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Make sure it is (OS 6.1.3).


Not being jailbroken should make no difference as to whether you can restore factory settings.


If you use itunes match then the apps wont be able to access the music. Which app did you go with? Use their support on their forums.

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  On 30/05/2013 at 12:01, Gemmill said:

How come you can't restore to factory settings?


fuck knows. it gets half way through then conks out. can't remember the error message it gave me as it was late last night and i was spitting feathers. i'll have another go later and post up the error message it gives me

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  On 30/05/2013 at 11:51, ChezGiven said:

Make sure it is (OS 6.1.3).


Not being jailbroken should make no difference as to whether you can restore factory settings.


If you use itunes match then the apps wont be able to access the music. Which app did you go with? Use their support on their forums.


the app's called djay


it's the highest rated of the ipad dj apps i could see but a bunch of people on their forums were complaining of the exact same problem as me.


haven't used itunes match as far as i'm aware - that's the cloud-based subscription service, right?

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I got djay on the macbook (its got a cool iphone remote app too - cant wait to get it on Apple TV).


Not used it for ages but i do remember some tunes not showing up for some reason. Its obviously not match (the Apple cloud thing, aye). Best bet is their forums but check everything it up to date too.

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My God, it's amazing how much happier I am when it's sunny. Went out first thing this morning and bought a couple of sun loungers, spent the rest of the day gardening and am now sat out on said sun lounger while the bairn is crashed out on the settee.


Maybe I shouldn't have made him mow both lawns...,,

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Feeling good, sunburnt by midday! I never realised when I bought our house that the garden was South facing but its lush on sunny days just sitting in a sun trap til about 5pm

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Bit strange...finish backshift in a bit, then up early for a job interview 11am. May be moving to a company with a rolling 12hour continental shift system, 7 till 7, 365 days a year. Someone has to be there on fuckin Christmas Day :lol:


Dont really want to do it, but the money's huge and the qulaifications I could get out of it are very good too.

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  On 05/06/2013 at 23:51, PaddockLad said:

Bit strange...finish backshift in a bit, then up early for a job interview 11am. May be moving to a company with a rolling 12hour continental shift system, 7 till 7, 365 days a year. Someone has to be there on fuckin Christmas Day :lol:


Dont really want to do it, but the money's huge and the qulaifications I could get out of it are very good too.

You need to have a serious think about this. I don't think your lifestyle will allow for continental shifts and at your age why make sacrifices to happiness for the sake of a job? It's fucked with my life for nearly 20 years.


I'm looking at doing something different as well but with a more positive outcome to my social and family life as a consequence, hopefully.


Good luck whatever you do!



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  On 06/06/2013 at 06:11, Howmanheyman said:

You need to have a serious think about this. I don't think your lifestyle will allow for continental shifts and at your age why make sacrifices to happiness for the sake of a job? It's fucked with my life for nearly 20 years.


I'm looking at doing something different as well but with a more positive outcome to my social and family life as a consequence, hopefully.


Good luck whatever you do!



You're spot on mate, but reading between the lines theyre going to offer it it someone internally. The big boss said "you come across very well, if we weren't to offer you it we'll keep your CV on file blah blah..." There are some lads about to retire in the next 12 months so I don't think its complete bullshit. Its a great job in lots of ways, but they own you basically. The client for who the contractor works for is one of the worlds leading financial organisations, American corporate "master of the universe"; when they say "jump!" they wont put up with "well am wanting to go to Ipswich for the cup replay on Tuesday" :lol:
  On 06/06/2013 at 08:39, TheRollingStones said:

I work ever second Xmas ffs :lol:

When I posted that I did think of medical folk who probably have every festive season ruined in some way or other. Never had to myself, but as they said "the market never sleeps" ;)

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  On 06/06/2013 at 08:39, TheRollingStones said:

I work ever second Xmas ffs :lol:

I'm presuming you're happy with your career and walked into it fully accepting the odd Christmas shift? I'm sure professional footballers are quite happy to put up with a training session on Christmas day and a game on Boxing day as well.


Since March last year I've been stuck working every single Sunday and every other Saturday and to say I'm sick of it is an understatement especially as they turned into permanent nightshifts last September. Then again, I'm not arsed in the slightest about my job and also have two little things that call me Daddy who'd like to see a bit more of me and like to see me looking awake and not being Mr Grumpy. Horses for courses I suppose.

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  On 03/06/2013 at 15:34, catmag said:

My God, it's amazing how much happier I am when it's sunny. Went out first thing this morning and bought a couple of sun loungers, spent the rest of the day gardening and am now sat out on said sun lounger while the bairn is crashed out on the settee.


Maybe I shouldn't have made him mow both lawns...,,


Vit D.

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Off work for over a week now, the sun is shining, listening to a bit of Blue States and I've got the new Boards of Canada album ready and waiting for me to listen to tonight after I've popped out to get some weed to end my three month sabbatical from my beloved Mary Jane.


So mint basically.

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Very productive day! House cleaned from top to bottom, lovely meal out with the bairn and his daddy and only 5 shifts to go til a week in the sun which has been 5 years in the making.

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