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What mood are you in and why?


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Oh. <_< Well, good for you anyway. :lol:


Indeed tech was as shit as everyone assumes, if you need to learn its not the place for you, thankfully none of us needed to be taught our subjects tbh so out of the group who went we have two lawyers, two programmers, and an accountant who works for coke.

Not bad


Cant all be high flyers like you fishy <_<


addictions are a terrible thing, maybe you should have an intervention for your accountant friend

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Oh. :( Well, good for you anyway. :lol:


Indeed tech was as shit as everyone assumes, if you need to learn its not the place for you, thankfully none of us needed to be taught our subjects tbh so out of the group who went we have two lawyers, two programmers, and an accountant who works for coke.

Not bad


Cant all be high flyers like you fishy <_<

No, no we can't, can we? <_<





I'm off to work in a bit, expecting a shitstorm thanks to Duggan's funeral today. :huh: :huh:

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Won't even be going out til then bud. Heading to the bar now at 7 30, then friends house, then out out. boom


its friday night!!


Exactly, where you socialise, not sit in watching horse racing.

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Except we're not all teenagers for whom the highlight of the week is going to local grimy club to get wasted off a couple of WKDs, before passing out on the sofa (at the ungodly hour of 1am at best), only to be woken hours later by your dog jumping you.


Uh oh, here comes the person who has no friends, theres always one :lol:


The friday feelings hereeeeeeeeeeeeee <_<

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Loading shopping indeed... we'd only just fucking well pulled up! :lol:


Three injured in double car-jacking in Bushey and Watford


Three people were left injured and badly shaken after two dramatic car-jackings in Watford and Bushey yesterday (Thursday).


A 41-year-old woman loading shopping into her car, in the Asda car park, in St Albans Road, was pulled away from the vehicle and assaulted by two men who then stole her blue Volkswagen Golf.


The woman’s 34-year-old boyfriend was also attacked during the robbery, at about 8pm, and the couple sustained cuts and bruises.


The audacious robbers then drove out of the car park, into Colne Way (A41), in the direction of Bushey.


After passing through Otterspool Way, the car turned into Radlett Road where it collided with a silver Ford Ka outside the Toby Carvery restaurant.


The pair managed to drive away from the crash in the damaged Golf, before coming to a stop in Hartspring Lane, at 8.20pm.


A woman in her fifties, driving a blue Mercedes estate car, was forced to come to a stop in Hartspring Lane as the Golf pulled up in front of her.


The two men got out of the car, approached the Mercedes and forcibly removed the woman, causing her bruises, before taking the car and driving off towards Bushey High Street.


The first offender was described as a white man, about 6ft tall, with pale skin, dark brown, shoulder length unkempt hair, unshaven, in his early to mid-twenties and of average build.


He was reported to be wearing a red base ball cap with a logo on the front, a black zip up jacket and had an English accent.


The second offender was described as a white man of tall, stocky build, with short dark hair and a tanned complexion.


Investigating officer, Detective Sergeant Nev Hanks, said: “Although the victims were shaken after their ordeals, they were not seriously injured.


“I am appealing for anyone who saw any part of these incidents to please get in contact with police as soon as possible. Perhaps you saw the men drive away from Hartspring Lane or you recognise them from the descriptions given?


“Any information you provide, no matter how small could help us to find the people responsible for this crime.”


Contact DS Hanks on the non-emergency telephone number 101 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 with information.


Source: http://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/9243...le_car_jacking/

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The can't be arsed kind of mood - going for food in a bit with her indoors and her best mate and her fella.


They're canny enough like, but I hate having to make small talk, as they don't really like the same kind of things that I do. (That includes her indoors as well)


Just fancy having a night in, getting wrecked and that.

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Gutted. Looks like my Creative Zen Vision M (had it for 4 years but the product itself is from 2005) is finally about to die. Keeps rebuilding the library every time I turn it on. To last this long after how it's been treated at times is nothing short of a miracle. Best piece of electronic equipment I ever bought.





Goodnight, sweet prince.

Edited by Tecato
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On the bright side, it's just as well you never got a bet on, eh Stevie?

Well in any betting event there's always a shock outsider result occurs sometimes.


Anyway Craig, take care wor kid, I know what this type of thing feels like and there's a sense of injustice flowing through your veins that this has happened to you. You should sew them for emotional damages too.


Aye, stitch them up.

I thought he was just doing a Mackem impersonation. :lol:

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I was gutted when my Creative Zen something or other eventually packed in as it had been totally battered up until then.


Looking forward to a quiet day/night today. Gym in a bit when it opens then I'll relax for the rest of the day.

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The bairn stayed at my mams last night and I had 8hrs straight sleep for the first time in ages. Can't remember the last time I woke up at 10am of my own accord without a little voice asking me for Toy Story at 6.30am and climbing into bed with me.


Plus we went to a mackem wedding yesterday. I honestly couldn't understand half of what some people said last night, but then we were in Blackhall :D

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Canny mood actually. Other half's sister is a hairdresser so just been to be cut and coloured and feel much better for it. Got a family wedding tomorrow (his side) so it made me laugh as I was leaving when my sis-in-law said she was waiting for her mam to come round to have her tash waxed :D


Plus, the blonde me has all gone. It's dark. It's as dark as it's ever been. It's still going to be a shock in the morning when I see it in the bathroom mirror but I think I like it.


I went very dark last year after being blonde for many years, but although I loved the colour it didnt suit me, made me look too pale. So now I'm back to a sort of blondey/bronze which I like.

But yeah, you'll keep getting shocks every time you see yourself for a little while yet!

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Sorry to read your shocking news Craig :(:) Thank goodness you are both (physically) ok anyway. But you're right in thinking this may affect you both mentally for some time.

Hubby and I were attacked many years ago (I was 16, he was 20) Got off our bike in town, took our helmets off and were immediately grabbed by 3 biker types, one with a sharpened claw instead of his left hand :up: (well known nutter down here) Apparently he had some gripe with a friend of ours and saw us and decided to 'rough us up a bit' On seeing hubby being knocked to the ground I bashed one of them several times hard on his head with my helmet until he fell to the floor....mind when he got up and grabbed me and pushed me against a shop window I wasnt being so cocky :D This was the middle of the afternoon and people were just walking past staring. Luckily at that point a police car pulled up and they were hauled off. My hubby was well known to the police as his Dad was a local Bobby of a nearby area :D

Later that weekend though whilst our bike was parked outside our friends house we heard a noise and saw the claw handed nutter hop onto his bike and chase off at speed. He had dented the petrol tank in on our bike with his claw :angry: Our bike was a stunning lowrider that hubby had built with artwork on the tank so we were gutted.

Anyway though we had no further incidents we were both very jumpy for a long while. Hubby wouldnt let me go anywhere alone and tbh for ages I didnt want to.

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