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I wish you could get a bet on at the bookies as to what they look like.


I'm going for a bit like Renton (trainspotting) but in the usual chav get up of baseball cap, shitty lacoste garb and some trackbottoms

I'm going for one kid that looks like Sanchez Watt, and another who looks like a chubbier Danny Simpson.

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Can't sleep at all. Neither can the missus....


Found out that when the crashed they carjacked again. This time an older woman who they've put in hospital. Her car is still unaccounted for.


Horrible cunts.

Little mugs. They'll be dead soon don't worry, I think you've dealt with this courageously Craig, it's only natural you'd think you could've done more, but well done I say you put up a fight and not knowing what weapons they had is showing courage in itself. They're shit human beings don't deserve to live as far as I'm concerned. Were they black or scrawny little North London Vinny Jones type mugs?

This mate, two against one, well done.

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I wish you could get a bet on at the bookies as to what they look like.


I'm going for a bit like Renton (trainspotting) but in the usual chav get up of baseball cap, shitty lacoste garb and some trackbottoms

I'm going for one kid that looks like Sanchez Watt, and another who looks like a chubbier Danny Simpson.


What a surprise. :lol:

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I wish you could get a bet on at the bookies as to what they look like.


I'm going for a bit like Renton (trainspotting) but in the usual chav get up of baseball cap, shitty lacoste garb and some trackbottoms

I'm going for one kid that looks like Sanchez Watt, and another who looks like a chubbier Danny Simpson.


What a surprise. :lol:

Wait and see what he says <_<

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Can't sleep at all. Neither can the missus....


Found out that when the crashed they carjacked again. This time an older woman who they've put in hospital. Her car is still unaccounted for.


Horrible cunts.

Little mugs. They'll be dead soon don't worry, I think you've dealt with this courageously Craig, it's only natural you'd think you could've done more, but well done I say you put up a fight and not knowing what weapons they had is showing courage in itself. They're shit human beings don't deserve to live as far as I'm concerned. Were they black or scrawny little North London Vinny Jones type mugs?


The latter.


Got a couple of grazes on my face and a lump the size of a melon on the back of my bonce. The missus is bruised to f*ck and has motability issues in her left arm. Taking her down the hospital.


Everything's f*cking impounded as evidence - even the clothes off my back.


Woke up this morning with the realisation it could all have been different. If these c*nts had a knife (they wouldn't as they were yellow-bellied scum targetting lone women) they'd most likely have put it through me several times.


C*nts, w*nkers, ars*holes... grrrrr!!!!!


(apologies for the *'s - we've got a profanity filter at work now :lol: )

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I wish you could get a bet on at the bookies as to what they look like.


I f*cking know what he looks like. And if this does get to court, I'll stare the f*cker in the face making him abundantly aware I do. :lol:

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On the bright side, it's just as well you never got a bet on, eh Stevie?

Well in any betting event there's always a shock outsider result occurs sometimes.


Anyway Craig, take care wor kid, I know what this type of thing feels like and there's a sense of injustice flowing through your veins that this has happened to you. You should sew them for emotional damages too.

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On the bright side, it's just as well you never got a bet on, eh Stevie?

Well in any betting event there's always a shock outsider result occurs sometimes.


Anyway Craig, take care wor kid, I know what this type of thing feels like and there's a sense of injustice flowing through your veins that this has happened to you. You should sew them for emotional damages too.


Aye, stitch them up.

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On the bright side, it's just as well you never got a bet on, eh Stevie?

Well in any betting event there's always a shock outsider result occurs sometimes.


Anyway Craig, take care wor kid, I know what this type of thing feels like and there's a sense of injustice flowing through your veins that this has happened to you. You should sew them for emotional damages too.


Aye, stitch them up.


They've clearly embroidered themselves a rich tapestry of crimes.

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I hope they do some serious time.


That's the thing though, I bet you they don't.

Have they been lifted?


Not that I'm aware of yet. But the old bill reckon that given the crime they've committed they're convinced they'll be known offenders and marry that with the DNA they've pulled together, they should be able to make a link.

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I hope they do some serious time.


That's the thing though, I bet you they don't.



My legal knowledge is very limited but given they went on to do a further hijack (and maybe another after that!), and no doubt have some previous, I imagine they won't get off lightly. At least you'd like to think that.

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I hope they do some serious time.


That's the thing though, I bet you they don't.

Have they been lifted?


Not that I'm aware of yet. But the old bill reckon that given the crime they've committed they're convinced they'll be known offenders and marry that with the DNA they've pulled together, they should be able to make a link.

Good stuff.

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Sounds ace tbh


I'm not doing much ether


going to sit and watch the racing today, then meant to be helping a mate out tonight + make a few quid, selling keyrings at private partys


meet my villa fan mate for a few pints and then the match tomorrow, home for the utd game + x factor ( :lol: )


watch footy all day sunday + a few bets and then a day off monday - probably play snooker or something

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Do you not socialise?

"some of my friends are away to amsterdam for the weekend leaving the other half of them babysitting and the like so slim chance of heading out anywhere."


The girls out of our group are away to Amsterdam, leaving the likes of my mates literally left "holding the babies", other than that we're all spread out because we met at tech, so when we meet up in town or whatever it costs £40-50 for some of them to get taxis back home, not really worth it for just a few quiet ones if theres only a couple of ppl able to head out, not so bad if someones around to give em a lift or they can share a taxi.


Not to fussed tbh, was out last weekend and i've a "night at the races" coming up at drumbo so could do with keeping my cash for that.

Oh. <_< Well, good for you anyway. :lol:

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