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What mood are you in and why?


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Self-inflicted suffering - I made a couple of sandwiches for bait for yesterday with some barbecue chicken pieces from Asda then remembered I was being taken out for lunch by a recruitment agent.


Took the sandwiches today and because the buns were a bit crusty I stuck them in the microwave - 5 hours later I had to do a mad dash off the train to get home before almost destroying my bog with the force of the explosion.


Had a couple more and now almost calm seas though off to bed as I still a bit queasy.

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I should be in a great mood despite the fact I took a beasting at work off my boss. Sent a text to wor lass to inform her of my ridiculous day and sent it by mistake to the bloke who I'd just got off the phone with who was basically offering me a job after 12 interviews (twelve). The content of the text was criminally embarrassing. I am an utter idiot as this text even discussed an agency interview in the morning.


The morning interview was great and I am being put forward for the job and then this other company were ringing to see if I wanted to change my mind about moving to Switzerland before he finalised the offer with HR. The beasting from the boss was basically 30 minutes of being shouted at which culminated in her saying I had done nothing wrong.


Not sure what to make of it all. As I said to me mam earlier, I think the main conclusion from the day is that I'm a dick. Had to obviously follow the text up with another one saying sorry that was meant for my wife etc which just further rubber stamped my status as full blown wanker.

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I should be in a great mood despite the fact I took a beasting at work off my boss. Sent a text to wor lass to inform her of my ridiculous day and sent it by mistake to the bloke who I'd just got off the phone with who was basically offering me a job after 12 interviews (twelve). The content of the text was criminally embarrassing. I am an utter idiot as this text even discussed an agency interview in the morning.


The morning interview was great and I am being put forward for the job and then this other company were ringing to see if I wanted to change my mind about moving to Switzerland before he finalised the offer with HR. The beasting from the boss was basically 30 minutes of being shouted at which culminated in her saying I had done nothing wrong.


Not sure what to make of it all. As I said to me mam earlier, I think the main conclusion from the day is that I'm a dick. Had to obviously follow the text up with another one saying sorry that was meant for my wife etc which just further rubber stamped my status as full blown wanker.


What language did you get the bollocking in? Are you a polyglot?


Speaking of misplaced texts, when I was banging that Filipino/Chinaman crossbreed, I accidentally sent a sexy-text to my dad with a load of Tagalog in it as well. He was in the Lake District or somewhere, knew nout about my antics. Whoops.


Don't see why you're a dick for that anyway, it's an easy mistake to make; at least you have a shit-hot job on the go.

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I should be in a great mood despite the fact I took a beasting at work off my boss. Sent a text to wor lass to inform her of my ridiculous day and sent it by mistake to the bloke who I'd just got off the phone with who was basically offering me a job after 12 interviews (twelve). The content of the text was criminally embarrassing. I am an utter idiot as this text even discussed an agency interview in the morning.


The morning interview was great and I am being put forward for the job and then this other company were ringing to see if I wanted to change my mind about moving to Switzerland before he finalised the offer with HR. The beasting from the boss was basically 30 minutes of being shouted at which culminated in her saying I had done nothing wrong.


Not sure what to make of it all. As I said to me mam earlier, I think the main conclusion from the day is that I'm a dick. Had to obviously follow the text up with another one saying sorry that was meant for my wife etc which just further rubber stamped my status as full blown wanker.

Better start preparing to work alongside the likes of Kevin then.

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I should be in a great mood despite the fact I took a beasting at work off my boss. Sent a text to wor lass to inform her of my ridiculous day and sent it by mistake to the bloke who I'd just got off the phone with who was basically offering me a job after 12 interviews (twelve). The content of the text was criminally embarrassing. I am an utter idiot as this text even discussed an agency interview in the morning.


The morning interview was great and I am being put forward for the job and then this other company were ringing to see if I wanted to change my mind about moving to Switzerland before he finalised the offer with HR. The beasting from the boss was basically 30 minutes of being shouted at which culminated in her saying I had done nothing wrong.


Not sure what to make of it all. As I said to me mam earlier, I think the main conclusion from the day is that I'm a dick. Had to obviously follow the text up with another one saying sorry that was meant for my wife etc which just further rubber stamped my status as full blown wanker.


What language did you get the bollocking in? Are you a polyglot?


Speaking of misplaced texts, when I was banging that Filipino/Chinaman crossbreed, I accidentally sent a sexy-text to my dad with a load of Tagalog in it as well. He was in the Lake District or somewhere, knew nout about my antics. Whoops.


Don't see why you're a dick for that anyway, it's an easy mistake to make; at least you have a shit-hot job on the go.

In English on a conference call in front of a colleague from another part of the US. My boss is from Pakistan but qualified in Medicine in the US. She speaks exactly like you'd expect her to but when she shouts she loses her grammar. I like to wind her up a bit but today was over the top.


In 10 years time i'm going to think of that text and involuntarily start humming to cover the internal cringe. I'm a Polyarsehole, could have been such a different day. It is an easy mistake and the carry on with my boss obviously had me a bit rattled but thats no excuse really. I do appreciate you sharing your sexy text sessions with your dad, has made me feel a bit better :rolleyes:

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Speaking of misplaced texts, when I was banging that Filipino/Chinaman crossbreed, I accidentally sent a sexy-text to my dad with a load of Tagalog in it as well. He was in the Lake District or somewhere, knew nout about my antics. Whoops.


:rolleyes: Did your dad ask you about that helicopter thing she did? I miss your Filipino tales, funniest thing I'd read in years :D

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I should be in a great mood despite the fact I took a beasting at work off my boss. Sent a text to wor lass to inform her of my ridiculous day and sent it by mistake to the bloke who I'd just got off the phone with who was basically offering me a job after 12 interviews (twelve). The content of the text was criminally embarrassing. I am an utter idiot as this text even discussed an agency interview in the morning.


The morning interview was great and I am being put forward for the job and then this other company were ringing to see if I wanted to change my mind about moving to Switzerland before he finalised the offer with HR. The beasting from the boss was basically 30 minutes of being shouted at which culminated in her saying I had done nothing wrong.


Not sure what to make of it all. As I said to me mam earlier, I think the main conclusion from the day is that I'm a dick. Had to obviously follow the text up with another one saying sorry that was meant for my wife etc which just further rubber stamped my status as full blown wanker.


:rolleyes: Fucking hell. Such an easy mistake to make though. The number of times I've come out of a meeting or whatever and been emailing another lad in the team to say what a helmet our boss is, only to realise it's the boss that I've put in the "To:" box.


Once I was sneaking off early and meant to email the admin assistant to ask if the boss had gone to a meeting yet (which was the cue for me to leave). Anyway, I sent that one to the boss instead.

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I should be in a great mood despite the fact I took a beasting at work off my boss. Sent a text to wor lass to inform her of my ridiculous day and sent it by mistake to the bloke who I'd just got off the phone with who was basically offering me a job after 12 interviews (twelve). The content of the text was criminally embarrassing. I am an utter idiot as this text even discussed an agency interview in the morning.


The morning interview was great and I am being put forward for the job and then this other company were ringing to see if I wanted to change my mind about moving to Switzerland before he finalised the offer with HR. The beasting from the boss was basically 30 minutes of being shouted at which culminated in her saying I had done nothing wrong.


Not sure what to make of it all. As I said to me mam earlier, I think the main conclusion from the day is that I'm a dick. Had to obviously follow the text up with another one saying sorry that was meant for my wife etc which just further rubber stamped my status as full blown wanker.




Nasty! Happens quite a bit on the Iphone because messages automatically open on the last person you sent a text to. Once had a big row with our lass and sent a snivelling grovelling apology covering the whole argument to my best mates lass. :rolleyes:

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Please do, that would be really really awesome!

Have a pint outside front of The Free Trade Inn (equivalent to going to NYC and going to top Empire State. Kind of !)

Its a dump but check the view

overlooking all the Bridges then walk along river upstream to have another outside Lloyds next to the Copthorne Hotel .

Edited by LoveTheBobby
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You have to get yourself to Durham to see the castle and cathedral



It's arguably one of the best ten buildings in the UK, but they talk like mackems, so don't be fooled in to thinking they're geordie.

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Get along to the coast , walk along Longsands - preferably at low tide,

It's the coast with the most .


Two minutes from there go to Tynemouth Priory, Priory after which walk along the North Pier .

At end take in view back to land.

Walk back into Tynemouth Village Tynemouth and have fish & chips at Marshalls .


This is all 30 mins from city centre.


We hope you enjoy your stay .


*awaits the south shields tourist board massive*

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