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What mood are you in and why?


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I know a Filipino at work who I'm good friends with and he's taught me a fair bit of conversational Tagalog, mostly filth. I got invited to this do via him. The majority of the Filipino immigrants I met find it very funny when an english person says something insulting in Tagalog, but the ones who are poorly educated and don't learn any english can get offended, as I found out to my detriment :D I can say Maganda ka and Mahal ki ta which would be chat up lines, but I prefer to stick with insults. I toned it down a bit and didn't go for pooki mabaho (cunt smells) and stuff like that. I tried to keep it funny and succeeded.


Like fuck I'm going to post a number for you lot to send abuse to :icon_lol: I think I may be able to pull this round actually and say I was just using english humour. Tagalog is a very easy language btw manc-mag, it's all phonetic as well.

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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An even better mood than the last time :icon_lol:


Sligo on saturday to my friends gaff for a sesh then we're crashing another schools formal 2 weeks later :D gooden.


life's good kids, very good.

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Pissed off with another shit recruitment agent (sorry Stevie)


Applied for a job on Jobserve - bloke rings within 5 minutes and says how suitable I am and we have a good chat about why I want a new job, what I want and how much I want. Says he'll have a chat with colleagues and get back to me. He then rings when I'm me on the train as follows:


Him: I've got the perfect role for you - primarily first line support...

Me: Stop there - I have no interest in first line support jobs.

Him: Well its not just first line support, you own the issue and either fix it or possibly contact the vendor...

Me: That's the best definition of first line support I've heard.

Him: well its other stuff as well - I'll send you the spec.


Gets the spec - Job title: Senior Support analyst, primary function: first line support.


Just sent him an email with about 5 reasons why its not for me including the salary being crap but still had to end with "but if you have anything else....".


Really wanted to add "LIKE THE FUCKING JOB I APPLIED FOR YOU CUNT" but resisted.

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Im in a bad mood today. Miserable headache that wont go and my cooker has blown up, so Im online looking for a new one and having to search and read loads of boring reviews because I can't just order any old one :lol: Oh no, I have to feel I'm getting the most value for my money :lol:

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Guest LeazesLad

Really, really, really hungover, very, very late night indeed. On a school night too. Feel really excited about the next few weeks though, it's nice when you see things in your life and your career actually going somewhere instead of standing still and it's all systems go. When you're in a rut fucking get out of it and you put the smile back on your face.

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im in a ok mood today. Just feling relaxed. been watching the cricket this morning. Just out to go for my daily walk


Get a hand job!

I agree

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Bored - anyone recommend any decent pubs in Leeds city centre for something to eat and the football?




But that probably won't help you now. :lol: Sorry.




I'm here for three weeks so feel free to share.

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